Saturday, October 31, 2020


rrittn's is mostly a way to decompress my thoughts...

I decided last minute to go back to Bear Island since it was closed for hunting when I went on was a beautiful day tho a little windy, due to the remnants of Zeta.  I had expected a hug fallout of Warblers but that was not the case I saw NONE...however that's not what I went to see I wanted shorebirds and waterfowl...did see some of that but in much decreased numbers than previous years. 

On the way home I tried to get back before dark thirty because my headlights go out sometimes...pretty scary.  I think it's a short but who knows I replaced the headlamps with a lower amp thinking the ones I had in were creating more heat than the wiring could handle...but when I had to dim my lights it went off for a second but came back on so I think short.  Have  you ever inspected that bundle of wire?? It would take an electrical genius to find the short...however my Uncle said replace the dimmer switch.  Remember when it used to be on the floor? I sure do a big metal button you find with the ball of your foot on the left floor board area.  When you had to use one foot on the clutch and one on the brake, and then try to figure  out how to dim your lights things got a little out of hand.  

So they Blue Moon on the way home was Amazing!! It rose about 6:30 PM I saw it hanging over the cotton fields which are in the middle of being picked...Everytime I pass a huge field of cotton I can't help but wonder how many slaves used to work that land, and pick that cotton.  If you have never picked cotton, let me tell you how painful that was.  The first problem is the cotton bowl or bloom, when it flowers then dries the pod opens it peels back like a banana but the ends of the peels dont curl down they stick out..and on the end of each of those peels is a sharp spiney tip.  So reach in and It stabs you had to take your time unless you want blood on your cotton. 

Then you had a bag to carry to put the cotton in, the cotton had seeds inside it so eventually it got heavy..and the heat of an open field and the bugs and snakes and the master on a horse with a rifle pointed your way...I can only imagine the hate I would have for that man..
Yet now here on the brink of an election where we Democrats need the black vote so much we beg "Please help us." I'm pretty sure even tho we are on the same side they ask "why should we?"

We now depend on an the ancestors of people our ancestors enslaved to help us preserve the very democracy that allowed people to become you know the rest of the story.

I didn't get a post ready for early posting so this is a short post but I hope it was thought all the gears of destiny work eventually are revealed.  Do I believe in destiny? Not exactly and yes.  So there. 
Speaking of gears turn your clock back one hour tonight if you Must..I have to wonder how down the road the destiny of this will become fact in my life it already has...
The car wreck in 1997 would never  had happened if the clock had been left where it should of been. 

                                    The Halloween Blue Moon over a Cotton Field

Friday, October 30, 2020

What 's next...


So McConnell sent the Senate home after he rammed Barrett into place.  The most horrific demonstration of Corrupt Politics I've ever witnessed...McConnell is the reason for much of the crap that is going on this country...all because he does what the Koch brothers tell him to do.  IF she, Barrett does not recuse herself from ALL decisions concerning voting rights, election results, and any thing ALREADY currently on the court docket then we know she is just a PLANT to do McConnells bid and to try and keep Trump in office. She does NOT have the credentials to have the job they just gave her...IM certain there were many more qualified people to become justices than the 2 they put in! 

With all the Republican attempts to cheat we still have hope.  They have done everything they could in broad daylight, to stop, delay, and manipulate voters.  This makes me wonder what they did under the cover of darkness?? Trump's unhinged rants at his rallies are beyond belief...I accept there are aliens among  us before I would accept anything he says as truth...and I must add to the NE rally attendees who got left out in the cold....this is how he has been treating you all your eyes! He has done nothing for this country.
I have to wonder if these same people go to Vegas to watch Elvis impersonators perform also...I believe that's a possibility.  Go all that way to watch a FAKE personality perform...crazy ---I hope that three mile walk on freezing temps woke some of them up from the deep space sleep going on inside their minds...honestly. 

RADICAL...Critical thinking is the only way out of this mess we are in.  Doing what does not work any longer is not the solution...we keep dumping money into a pit but let's put it to real work for us.   Now Let's Get Radical!! The only way out of this virus mess is a radical change. 
They can put children in cages so why not put covid patients in one?  OH Wait a minute...

So I have this idea of a solution.  Yes its' extremely radical BUT...
After reading many reports from around the world on how different countries, and zones have dealt with the virus, the answer is not shut down local economies but close down the borders of each COUNTY. 
IF we restrict the movement of people we stop the movement of the virus...say 90 days of Strick Enforcement...BUT people remain at work...I have detailed thoughts but didn't think readers would want to scroll thru that, you can pretty much come up with your own ideas of this type close down would can be done with  pulling and working together and a lot of proper planning and funding.  
NOT one truck even gets thru...if we PREP beforehand all the supplies we need can be in place prior to shut down...Warehouses can be filled to max, and zones created to supply states and counties from these supply zones....yes we may not get fresh apples for a while but really?? Which is worse..the constant threat or doing without a few things for a while. 

I think a bulls eye approach, move inflicted to a Hospital we designate just for CV-19 patients, In each county, district or State.  Provide different levels of care depending on the degree of illness...Even the walking ill should be moved to CV Hospital.  This way the virus stops dead.  

We should not have normal sick people and covid sick people in the same facility...keep the afflicted in the center of the state and closing down movement to only within the counties for as long as it takes...once a vaccine is successful vaccinations start on the outer edges of the circle and works it's way in after the hospitalized are given first priority. And quite honestly care givers such as in nursing  homes, will live on grounds till the 90 day period is over. ITs not families bringing in the virus is the workers!

THIS approach would take detail oriented planning, but it could be done with MORE cooperation and with LESS conflict. 
Initially for 90 days then see how we progress.
TESTING must be done at either a daily or weekly rate to separate the sick asap. What about asymptomatic carriers? How do we deal with them? A Carriers zone till a REAL vaccine can be found? I don't know about this one...but if a person has it and doesn't know it they are bad for everyone to be around. 
THIS is one way to really and truly end the virus...
Capture it, Corral it, and Kill it. It MOVES with us as we move, so if we STOP moving we stop the virus. 
No country to country open borders for 12 months!! If you think this is harsh to me it's like ripping the bandaid off or just keep tugging at it little by little making the sore fester longer!! Lets rip it OFF...not only would this plan eradicate the virus it will bring people back together again as community living means working together for one common goal. 

Anyways agree or not it's better than no plan at all...otherwise we will be fighting this for  years, and it just travels around following us to each new victim.  Trumps plan of ignore and keep going is NOT working...millions will die, Biden's plan of opening safely will not eradicate the virus it will slow it down and drag it out..Sondra's plan...stops it
Maybe in 4 yrs htc I will run for Potus. 

So Im watching on PBS the series COBRA..
Wow, very exciting.  If you missed it some episodes are still viewable on  1-2 are no longer available, but  3 and 4 are up for a while, and 5 airs this Sunday and 6 next Sunday..Its also on other venues like Amazon Prime, PBS Prime, on DVD for $40..I saw some trailers of episode 1 and 2 cause I didn't find it till 3 came out...and I missed 4 so I caught that today..
Zeta is keeping me in with brisk winds that are dying down a little now and HUMIDITY...that will be here another day at least. So binge watched episode 3 and 4.  
It is a highly believable plot of how a 2 party society breaks apart and how the scandals and politics of the leadership create the environment for just such a thing to take place. 
After a solar flare puts half of Britain in the dark, and political enemies do all they can to sabotage the PM's efforts to get the power back on, a power struggle creates a splinter group of rebels who now are taking control of the Red Zone.  
Trucks with fuel are hijacked, and talks with the Lorries Union break down, and the new Sub Station Transformer a Huge bit of equipment needed is coming from Germany and will be transported by truck to the North and it is held up by a radical wing of the rebels and the Army is sent in and all hell breaks loose.  The rebels who I think are being used as political pawns by a conservative power grab have a labor party leader.  Its all very intertwined like a vine.  AND along with all this is the scandals of drugs and romantic affairs of the rich and powerful. 

The next few days in this country are going to be very trying, probably worse than the plot of COBRA......we have Trump basically trying to scare his followers to death, saying the world as they know it will end 30 days after Biden takes office (huger LIE)...and Biden is making a lot of promises it will take the Senate and House to agree upon and that has not happened in 12 yrs so we have so much work to do but first we have to KICK Trump as far away as possible.  There is major healing going to have to take place...I think that is the main job Joe Biden can do for this nation, his compassion and empathy is what is needed to heal the wounds of 4 years of Abusiveness we have been put thru...

The good news is courts in NC and PA as of now say yes votes will be counted up to 3 days post election day, the GOP sued to try and stop the count, and also many states are doing all the can to get ballots that have issues fixed by the voter, like if some info is missing, or I don't know the ballot has ketsup on it, whatever...they are contacting the voter to let them know so they can come and fix their ballot.  SO that is good news since many will be tossed out for some anal reason. 

AND some people are actually stocking up their pantry in case of riots..
Hope none of that happens.  

And a side note Adventures with Purpose found another car underwater with remains inside, after 7 yrs this missing case is now solved.   This is from a news page AWP don't have their video up yet as it takes time to put it together and get it up...they did a live steam  talking about it and answering viewer questions...but they had been searching and left to continue their trip when they found then someone alerted them that the pond closest to where his phone last  pinged is not the one they searched so they returned and using sonar found the car, dove on it and confirmed it was his car.  Then called the Sheriff's office. 
The car was removed and the autopsy said he died of fresh water drowning, and had alcohol and marijuana in his toxicology report I don't know how they did that after 7 yrs maybe via bone marrow? Anyways he was only 17 yrs old.  So very sad, and I know his family is devastated and relieved to learn the truth of what happened to their loved one Ethan Kazmerzak  I hope the team gets the reward, it will mean they have more resources to find more missing people and bring closure to lots of mysteries. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Master of your Universe


My true feeling is when you can say NO to anyone, anyone at matter how important they are or how little they mean to your life...that is when you have mastered your own universe.  No is the hardest word I've had to use or not use.  Sometimes I've used it then had to back peddle, and then I have rolled over and regretted it for eons.   

SO I guess what I am saying is WHEN  you learn HOW and WHEN to say NO, it will work it's magic.  One thing that I heard recently is take away all that you are NOT and what you're left with is who you are.  So via the process of  elimination you can come the closest to your truth as you will ever get.  You need to do this while you can still recall your birthday and your Mother's name. >:o) Don't wait till you got one foot in the grave. 

I want to give an example...recently I read a post online,,,the story was like this...
A guy who owns a van and pulls a trailer was trying to go up a steep incline...due to locking differential he began to either slide or lose traction not sure which but he began to deflect blame from:
  •  his decisions of speed,
  •  whether he really needed to GO up that  hill,
  •  trying to use a van as an off road vehicle,
  •  and as a towing machine, 
to something completely without merit.  Vans are none of the above.  So if I had to make a choice of "what's a good off road vehicle that also has good towing capacity," a van would never even come into my mind!  Who said it, "you can put lipstick on a pig...but it's still a pig?"

S wrong tool for the job is the number one problem in this example...but it was his deflection of cause and effect that got me to question some of the things he said.
He said the van came with, "MOMMIE tires" that he had neglected to change.  So now suddenly a female is at fault here...not poopoo daddy tires, or low tread grandpa tires...not even foo foo tires, but "Mommie tires".  So I had to say NO...because tires don't have gender!  I don't even know if he published my comment, I didn't go back to see and really don't care...he read it and that is all I had in mind. 

I read the post a couple times to be sure I was getting the right message...
  • he chose the wrong machine to do the job he requires,
  • he had made no upgrades to make it handle better,
  • he pushed the envelope
and when things didn't go as HIS thinking  it should, suddenly the derogatories come out and they are labeled female. "It's the fault of some female, somewhere, that I can't get this van up this damn hill." That is how I read it, because that is how he wrote it. 

His own lack of ability to create safe passage for himself he now lays blame on some female out there who should have "these" tires NOT him, Mr. Macho who would never be so stupid as have "mommie tires" on his "soccer mom" van...that he sees as some kind of tank, but in reality its just a van. 

Yeah I had to say no to that one...because why should this man who made this choice  not be told....NO it's you who created this not some UNseen female energy.   I got so angry...if a real woman had been involved sure..."My wife put these tires on this van, I would have chosen better.".....but he just gave a set of tires gender to make himself feel more manly than the guy who bought the van and didn't change the tires, HIM...
He is  trying to pretend he is in a 4 x 4 monster machine...when in reality it's just an old guy in a van pushing it to be more than it is.  You can project all you want but a reality check is sometimes necessary. 

When I was a child I used to ride my mom's ironing board, it was not an  ironing board it was the Black Stallion, and eventually it broke...and I got a spanking! Reality smarts sometimes. 

I guess I am not being fair to this man... because I don't know the guy but I can say some of the other things he has written gave me the creeps.   No is not an easy word to take, or to say, but it has power.   Possibly the power to create change, the power to make one think about the message they put out there...but they don't really put it out there they just sort of passively aggressively put out there and hope no one who really cares sees it. 

I call some Trump supporters beer bellies..that is how I see them but some are not.  I was being mean and demeaning by suggesting an image to make them seem stupid and of little character. I own my behavior, I was trying to make Trump look bad because I dislike him very much...and honestly no one can make him look worse than he has done himself.... I think we all have done this...and especially people of passion of which I am one. That does not make it my best behavior...I did it with intention and put lots of thought into it.  I was 

I'm just a baby boomer now over the hump and gliding to the end of the line.
I'm trying to find my way through life....I can walk away from any fight or I can jump in.  Now I realize some fights are so small they are not worth it..but in this year when the "Me TOO" movement shed so  much  light on just how many women of all classes, all races, all age groups have been taking it for years and years from men who want to make them less than who they are,  this is why, because no one stood up and said NO,
That's not okay with me.  We have to stick together and call it out when we see it.  Im sure someone is saying right now..OMG this woman is a nut, and possibly so...but Im not going to blame a man for it. :o)

Black Lives Matter is the same thing...police are not using the best tool for the job...the tool of reason.  If a guy has a knife and you have a gun that is not a fair fight...if  he comes at you blade in the air you may have to shoot but do you have to shoot to kill...shoot to stop not to kill.  This is the training that cops need to go thru to change the outcomes of these incidents.  Not only to stop the killing but to protect their own career.  This is why people are saying NO.  The looting is a result of pent up angst toward the over bearing actions of police who don't respect the life of the citizens they police. 
One size does not fit all.
Only in this case it's huge groups of people who are tired of not getting justice and they are saying no and they are showing they can take  other actions if no one wants to come to the table and get this on the top of the Agenda Line.  

Master your Universe with the word NO, but be ready to defend the outcome of that. 
..and for 2 days my diet went up in smoke...I forgot to say no to myself...

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Better Luck Next time...


You're never too old to learn...take nothing for granted....
Drove the nearly 3 hrs to the WMA only to find it closed due to HUNTING  thru to Thursday I won't be driving back for Thursday and Friday there is no hunting...and by the weekend it's another hunt and that's basically they closed it a week early! It's just too far to go there and back in one day and I say it every single time I

Fortunately the other section called Donnelley was open but there is never the numbers of waterfowl due to Alligators...they are all over Donnelley. So I saw some good birds but not the ones I wanted to shorebirds, hardly any ducks, and no gulls or terns or the White Pelicans that were reported being Bear Island. 

So I was disappointed but it's my own fault for not checking the website they have the Special Hunts dates posted. Lesson learned!!  So annoying...I thought later I should have gone in and signed up to hunt! And shot with my camera...but Im sure it's not free I'd probably have to pay for a tag of some such..And I have no hunting so I spent the day birding but the long drive was no fun..I returned an hour earlier than I had planned.  

Had a shower , then ate my left over picnic grub for dinner and now Im settled down.  Just finished watching Vancity Vanlife with Chrome and Cruz the bulldog on You Tube while my photos download outta the camera....they are just getting back to Vancouver been in Ontario most of the fall and they had a lot of snow on the drive.  My sister got a foot of snow in CO.  And the Utah trip sister got snow too...It's so good to be in SC where only a Hurricane, Zeta is on the way but it's only supposed to be lots of rain and hopefully no wind since it's coming in the same path they have all taken this year. 

Check out some of these gators!! 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Last Week of Oct

here the birds are...

Nov 1st is closing day at Bear Island Wildlife Management Area so if Im going to see any wintering ducks I best go I've got a couple sandwiches made and ready to toss in the cooler along with some fizzy waters and a couple other food items and plan to leave bright and early in the morning.  No later than 7.  

It's about a 3 hr drive each way...I will take I-95 but there is a lot of secondary roads to drive on each end of that...about an hr on my end and another hour on the other's beyond Charleston in a little dip called Green Pond..and it's really not even in Green Pond it's beyond it. If I didn't have the dogs to come home to feed, I'd stay.  There is a primitive campground at Santee Coastal another great birding spot about 12 miles north.. I would take the dogs but there's a couple problems with that..they would have to be in the van all day except when I could walk them on leash and at Coastal it's a park and walk so they would have to stay in the car alone and that will not work.  

Both of these places have BIG dogs not going.  I've often tried to think of a way to do auto feeding for one the one in Back to the Future?  I know there are some on the market but expensive and I have 2 dogs and they don't share!! 

Today I did very little.  It was cloudy as heck when I got up now it's gorgeous.  I went to town and got a few items I needed, stopped to visit the cemetery, and then back home I did a little wood sawing, pitched a few fallen limbs into the yard from the woods and cut those up some I've had my eye on.  

The NY Times today in this last week before the election showed this graph on economic/job growth...Trump is running on his "strong" economy..but is it Strong? The fact is he is below every President since 1993. 


Now with many states in a decline due to the virus this slight recovery you see here is in jeopardy...He is doing NOTHING to grow the's bouncing on it's own accord.  He had given no incentives, he just keeps saying we have to open back up...but he did not pass the stimulus to help businesses open Safely as Joe Biden keeps saying...Trump keeps saying Biden will shut the country down..but Biden says safely...
2 different ball games folks, Biden wants to help businesses, put safe practices in place, help them buy disinfectants, help them provide masks, and PPE, help them hire more workers so they can add second shifts to make social distancing easier to hire workers for external delivery options.   Trump is not helping the businesses...the one stimulus was created in the House, passed by Senate and Signed by him.  

He can barely take credit for the early growth as Obama had a very good economy going on...Trump bashed the steel market and the Ag Market to the ground! He had to pass out a hand out to farmers just so they will vote for him.  40% of the AG income came out of our pockets.  So that hardly counts as growth that us taking a loss...
We took a loss on steel, on corn and soybean, on job growth, on lives...etc etc etc...
All those coal jobs? Well we all know coal is OUT...and soon OIL will be too...maybe not in our life time but this century for sure.  They will NOT be running on Oil in 2100.  80 yrs from now..

Tomorrow night I want to get back early enough to watch This Is Us the show returns with a 2 hrs special premiere.   It begins at 9 pm.  I've been watching it for the past couple seasons so I hope it keeps my attention, it's going to be a long dark winter I predict in my case.  I don't enjoy doing puzzles, or reading books, I do enjoy a good movie or TV show cause I can nap through it if I chose to.  Of course I will be feeding the fireplace so I will hardly get to sit still for 5 mins let alone get interested in something...
I used to read fiction like crazy.  Then when I had to get bifocal lenses it made that hobby not very enjoyable.  I have to hold the book just at the right angle or I can't see it, and my arms get tired so I finally gave up on reading as an evening activity.  

So I hope to see lots of birds, Bear Island is good for ducks, wading birds, shore birds  and passerines wish me luck may not get an early post out depends on  how tired I am when I get back.  
So many things are wrapping up this week...the end of a week, the end of a Month, the end of Day Lights Savings, Halloween,  the end of an Election Year, and the end of the Summer Birding. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

1-5 scale

hat score would you give this year?

For me it's been a Negative -1 
I think at the end of this year I will do a What Went Wrong Highlight..because I honestly can't find a damn thing UP to now that was good...hopefully on NOV 4th I will have one good thing to add to this year.  But if it goes the other way just go ahead and FLUSH, cause its circling the drain as we breath. 

So I kinda off and on watched Joe Young my son was texting me for the first hour and I missed some bits of it, he didn't come over he said he was cleaning...I would never try to deter him from cleaning!! I know what you are saying...why the importance of the movie watching, well it's about the only common ground I can find...

Anyways it was actually well done for the year it was made...and a pioneer in Stop Animation for a feature film...I'd give it a 3+ on the 5 scale.  The premise was this young girl went to Africa and saves  a giant baby gorilla from poachers...and she brings  him back to the US with her and of course he is exploited and eventually becomes a danger to society and you know the GUNS are drawn...then the young girl started to try and hide him and escape the police, and in the meanwhile the orphanage caught fire and Joe Young saved many children and they lived happily ever after..
There was a 1998 remake of the film I have seen that one also...anyways it was okay for 1949, and it worked  for me in 2020!

I find myself in a grumpy mood today...first off the calorie counting is going good but still it's annoying...second of all its raining and I feel like a caged animal. I actually went outside in the yard when it stopped for an hour but it's humid.  I did saw up one log I had brought up from the field last week...and filled up the bird feeders checked their water, and brushed Flossie and Annie's Im bored again.  

I watched a couple youtubes and I may go ahead and just watch the movie I been wanting to see Son has to work tonight and so I think I'll just watch it.  One of the Youtubes I watch is called Justice Matters and the vlogger is an x-DOJ prosecutor.  He sometimes  is an expert advisor on TV News and he is on top of Decisions being passed down and today his vlog was about a decision passed down by a judge  in DC saying Post Master Gen  DeJoy is to replace the sorting machines he removed from the postal service!! My sister is a retired post master so this kinda hits home with me...she worked in a very small office up in the Rocky Mtns, so she had no sorting machines but she depended on larger offices to make sure her mail was delivered on time.  It's a not so well oiled machine, there is a lot of bureaucracy  in the Postal Service, but it can not be fixed by removing machines!! ADDING more yes! OMG didn't even try to hide what he was really up to..
So a federal judge says NO and you better be here on Friday to tell me what you're doing in answer to my ruling.  These are the type judges we need....and people it's very apparent that we need a system overhaul of our 3 branches of the govt..there are many loop holes that people LIKE Trump can make use of and will now that he has shown how much he can and has gotten away with. 

Since I know how it feels to be poor, I can not fathom how men such as Trump who say they have it "ALL" want more...and would take from the ones who have nothing to give more to themselves?  I don't understand that kind of greed.  It goes way beyond my "justice" meter to just plain "off with their heads" my scale of justice is pretty severe.  I do believe in getting even when someone has unjustly done someone wrong or tried to get more of the pie than they are entitled to or deserve.  That grey area is where the most people should be not off in "out of whackville." 

 My sister and her husband are vacationing in Utah...she said no wonder they have covid spiking all over the state no one is wearing a mask!! I think I would have thought twice about going there...but I think they had already rescheduled from earlier in the summer. 
I think the reason the cases are spiking in the mid west and Mountain time zone now is due to lack of the virus traveled to where it's more welcomed! Howdy do...thanks for rolling out the welcome mat. 

I had some left over pasta sauce it has to be used so Im going to make some spaghetti for my dinner. I added some frozen broccoli to the sauce to spice it up.   I will make only enough for one serving so I can't go beyond my 1700 is Sunday when you read this it will be Monday and I hope Im in a brighter more inquisitive mood tomorrow. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Coming Clean


My screen porch looks like I repainted...the grime was thick! Summer brings pollen, dust, rain and humidity makes it into a layer of nasty! So I wiped down the uprights, the ceiling, the trim the 2 walls on the inside, and even took the wicker chairs out and gave them a good spray off...and Now it looks really clean and nice.  Except the floor which needs to be repainted...I would like to mop it but that would ruin my mop.  So I may try to splash water on it them scrub with the broom, then vacuum up the water with the rug shampooer? Think it may work?

Glad it's done for another year.  I need to sew some new covers for the chair I will go through my fabrics and see what I have...that will be a good rainy day project.  Last night the movie watching didn't happen, my son was too tired and had to go into work early and I was already napping at 7 its on the back burner.  I don't think it's gonna happen tonight either, so Svengoolie may be the main attraction
Lets see what he has on...Mighty Joe Young...1949, early attempts at Stop Motion Animation.  Could be korny.  Anyways we shall see. 

You know I don't think Trump had the virus...I really think the whole thing was staged!  He still does not wear a mask?  It was another way to downplay the virus....his own personal "play" or to cover up some other medical issue....and I don't think his wife had it either.  ONLY ONE doctor came forward and said anything, AND no doctor spoke for her??  Trumps Dr honestly did not seem honest and forthright.  AND no Dr in his right mind would tell him he is now immune to it, that is another reason I think it's all a hoax.  And since when is the POTUS Dr, not a older very experienced Dr?  In fact he is not an MD.  He is a DO...this means Osteopathic..a holistic healer, he is 40 yrs son is gonna be 40.  He got out of college in 2003, and he went only 6 yrs..sooooo you do the math. 

Because I had the virus and I know how it knocked me down, Trump is obese, he does not exercise swinging a club is not exercise, he eats garbage, McDonalds meals.   He probably has high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and very high cholesterol, so honestly I doubt that he had the virus.  He may have had chest pains, he may have had symptoms of a stroke, and he may have had something else happen...I just don't believe it.  Why? because it does not add up.  

And now the laptop gossip....the whole story is BUNK...ok NY POST is a rag tag anyone who lives in NY will tell you it's a great paper to find a Room mate, a room to rent, a man seeking man, woman seeking discreet woman, this is what the NY POST is not top of line media...even the writer of the story did not put his name to the article.  The so called Biden Laptop is a big pile of horse manure....this DNI guy Ratcliffe, is a Trump puppet who also said the "Proud Boys emails sent to voters was done to hurt Trumps chances to win."  ITS so strange how NOTHING of this sort has happened in past elections...And it's so strange that Ratcliffe happens to be involved in both these "plots" trust me it's all fabricated...Trump thinks he can hack his way into keeping the Oval office.

In the debate he was questioning Joe Biden as if Biden was the President and he was the contender?  Did anyone notice that?  He kept saying you had 8 yrs, first off Joe was VP, and the jobs he was given to do he did successfully...he was asked to  oversee  the $840 Billion bail out of the economy in 2008...and he  got the support needed for the Dodd Frank to hold banks accountable and to secure our financial future, he shored up the Auto Industry, and he chaired the Middle Class Taskforce to help shore up middle class families livelihoodsHe represented tyhe USA in 150 countries where he met with world leaders and helped to put the message of American resolve forward....where has Pence been on that??? Nationalism, is not foreign policy. 
 ...I only wish Joe had asked Trump..  "why hasn't Pence fixed all these problems that you seem to think I could have fixed when I was VP?  Trump has done nothing for this country except tear down some of the good things we had going  on the environment, on health care, on human rights, on equal rights, on voters rights, on the matters of world stability, he has wrecked it all!!  Our image in the world is forever tarnished...

Now you tell me...Hunter Biden walks into a shabby computer store where the ship owner says he is "blind"  can't really say for sure it was "THE" Hunter Biden...give me a break that's ridiculous...for a couple of reasons.  Nobody brings in a laptop to get the data copied off "important damaging data" then abandon's it...LOL...that is completely insane.  
"Oh this information could be top secret, and could destroy mine and my father's integrity, but wth, I'll just leave it there."  LOL...the chances of that happening are about as rare as us seeing Trumps Tax Returns. 
As for the phasing out of the Oil Industry that is the objective of the entire world not just the USA!! 

I do believe all these lies will come out and we will know the truth of it all once Trump is put back into the Pandora's box he jumped out of, and I think he will take some long term Politicians like Graham and McConnell down with him...

That's it for this installation of Writtin's! 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Friday on Saturday.


It was a gorgeous day a little warm but not bad at all...So I spent the day out hiking and doing a little birding, and just enjoyed being out there.  I went to Chesterfield county to the wildlife refuge.  Saw almost no one else...had the place to myself.  Very nice.  Saw some good birds too...

I took my lunch with me, and had a wonderful solo picnic...I was remembering the many times my Mom and I sat at that same table and enjoyed a picnic while looking at the lake, and listening to the birds sing...Great memories.  

So it's Friday again as you noticed! It comes around so fast anymore...and another month is nearly over and the anniversary of my Mom's passing is swiftly approaching.  I can't believe a whole year and a pretty sucky one at that...
Im thinking of another movie night, celebrate Friday...just because.
I have chosen a Nicholas Cage flic called Kick's a Superhero, Action Comedy...not my usual genre.   My son may or may not join me, he is invited..

I watched some of the debate last night Trump told more lies than I've ever heard he makes stuff up or what?  Biden seemed annoyed with the whole thing and Im just glad that's over I dropped my son's ballot off at the Post Office on my way to the refuge since I had to go right past took it out of the mailbox.  The lady said she will take good care of it. 

Covid is raging now...some people are dying within one week of catching it.   It can get you no matter how hard you try to not get sick...I have put myself on a diet.  Since the illness and the hot summer where I was so inactive I gained weight! So I'm tracking my calories.   Wish me luck!! And I am  increasing my activity. I am putting a cap of calorie to 1700 per day to start and then drop it to 1600.  Im not going to do some drastic plan that I can't stick to...Like I had my 3 meals today and I still have 275 left for a snack later...cause I enjoy having a snack or I get hungry in the middle of the night...

I want to chance my dogs diets also.  I stopped giving them canned dog food now I think I want to do away with the kibble too...I want them to get more vitamins and minerals that they need,  So I am going to look into What I can do.  I was giving them chicken tenders and Floss got to where she didn't like it, so I changed to meat balls the kibble...but I read kibble is not giving them all the vitamins n minerals they need.  

So another slow day here and I like that kind of day! 
Hope your Friday was good...

Friday, October 23, 2020

Mirror Mirror on the wall...

ent for a ride today 

In the neighboring county.  And enjoyed a short hike in the State Park summer we sometimes go for a swim in the pond they have there.  At first  I had it all to myself then a couple with some children and a dog showed up...I had fun checking out the birds in the big trees that occupy the picnic area.  Had about 15 species of bird for my list today.  I really enjoy birding and It's one of my favorite hobbies. I started keeping a list in 1993. 

Some skeeters were around, we are back into the low 80's this week, next week back to the 70's I prefer.  At first I had planned to clean up the screen porch get it ready for winter...I normally wipe down all  the painted surface to remove the grime that summer makes with all the rain and the dust...but I think doing that when it's 70 makes more sense than when it's 82.  

Last night I watched 2 Movies on Youtube.  Wild Witch an English dubbed version of the Danish, Vildheks..,very good, I really enjoyed the set, the theme, and the critters,  A whimsey story of a coming of age witch that speaks to the wild world and protects it from the forces of darkness...I guess I fancy myself a wild witch of sorts.  Then I watched Epoch a Sci-fi adventure also quite good...enjoyed both then called it a done day..

Im actually resting now as I bought some fast food and sat in the picnic area of the park and ate it, now my stomach is not happy...should have know better...but with Pizza last evening and toast with greasy margarine this morning,,,just what I needed was another oily meal...NOT!! Like I said I like spicy it doesn't like me...

Will I watch the last debate, I see no reason will only make my indigestion worse...I will catch the recap on the news.  I just hope Joe holds his temper if he can.  He does not walk away from a fair fight...we need someone with real emotions in the white house...Trump's only emotion is Vanity.  

My son had to vote Absentee by mail since the DMV did not change his address as we had hoped nothing is that simple eh?  So we received the ballot and he filed it out then it had to go inside a ballot envelope and then inside a prepaid envelope that I had to witness him placing his ballot in and now it will be mailed tomorrow...It has a bar code so we can track it...But I think I will take it to the Post Office and drop it there because our carrier is a rural route carrier, her car is a disaster I don't know how she ever keeps things dry and organized.

And Last week the Bishopville post office burned to the ground for the second time in 3 yrs.  It took more than a year for the new post office to be built...and it's only been open less than a year.  SO they discovered the same man set if on fire AGAIN...and he tired to set the Court House on fire also.  They have video evidence...So when you damage a post office thats a federal crime!

I have to wonder why he did this??? Now he will probably spend the rest of his life in jail...he looks to be an older man...I don't understand that one...
And my phone got some kind of it's having all kinds of issues.  The last time that happened I tried to reset it to factory settings and ended up having to get a new Phone! I don't know WHY we can't be protected from this type thing?? 
It's crazy..I installed Malwarebytes and it found 2 trojans in my phone but they are in system apps so I can't like uninstall so I did uninstall last updates...but it still is acting funny...Any day I expect it to crash and I can't get another phone until12 months passes from the date they sent this one...I can purchase ONE....but I'd rather not have to!! 
Then Malware bytes was killing the battery it runs in the background all the I uninstalled it.  Just can't win.
That's my day in a nutshell...

Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Big Mouth of Small Govt?


So the GOP say they want less govt interference in our lives...yet DAILY there is some new BS they are up to!  They Micro Manage ever faucet of our life!! From the Post Office to now Google!

I personally think it's because Google is full of BAD Press on Trump because he is Bad Press....he is just plain bad.  Google is a news outlet basically...and even some support is coming from both parties, too many cooks spoil the broth. 

The headlines this morning on the NY Times Barr is suing Google?  I like Google, can't stand Explorer or Bing,  when they broke up Ma Bell it was never the same...I CHOSE GOOGLE.  When this laptop arrived as a Christmas Present I had to jump through all sorts of locked Microsoft gates to get Google Chrome on it.  First off it would not Allow me to do it.  So I kept Googling up till I found the solution...and thank goodness.  I hate explorer it shoves ads right into your mouth if it's open, if I had to go back to using explorer I'd give up seriously.  AND viruses, I think they create them so they can create the solution for them..

More news....
there was something about a secret Chinese Bank Account for Trump?? I didn't read that story cause Im about to wipe Trump out of my memory banks for good!! I suggest you do the same.  He is about to get his walking Papers...and hopefully a couple more along with him...McConnell only wants that  Justice confirmation for the Koch Brothers who control him like the puppet he is...OMG if the conservatives had their way all the women in this country would be barefoot and pregnant and all the men would be what??? Why is it always some other group they try to control...where is the laws, the bills, the threat to control the lives of white men?? 

Trump orders investigations into the Biden Family WHY??? His own family is the most crooked in the USA...he has shown us that over and over with his shady deals, his lying taxes, and his skipping out on debts owed, by  scamming people and with outright emulsions up the wazoo.  

Did you know that Trump had the Census ended early?  Another attempt to defraud the election, to take from the PEOPLE and the States, and to take away MORE of the help we the people have!  This will affect the next 10 yrs of our lives! He has pulled every rug he could pull.  He is a complete crook!! 

The courts he padded with the help of McConnell have already begun to side with him...concerning his tax returns and his financial matters.   Those tax records must be extremely revealing of his improper deals, frauds, and tax evasion! The subpoena's issued by NY and one by he is back again saying the subpoena was issued in bad faith and now he wants the Supreme Court to look at it again... Judge Neomi Rao, appointed by TRUMP and pushed in via McConnell to the DC court of appeals was hearing the case again concerning the House of Rep subpoena.  She said about Trump's case that the House of Rep. is only half a Branch of Govt...  in a mocking way, I guess she is implying that the GOP controlled Senate is the other half and has a different opinion on this matter?...she is NOT being impartial...and this is the type judge he has put in place.  She is a crooked judge!  She does not think the House should have any authority of oversight concerning the Executive Branch! 

This is why Biden may HAVE to add more judges, to over ride these unqualified judges now in place. 

This weeks AS I See IT was about the Electoral College.  It's a very confusing system...but I would rather see the voters make this decision...Because the EC is NOT diverse and sometimes the person who holds that electorate vote will not do what they have been sworn to do to side with the it's a very flawed system.  Change needs to happen.  I don't know how many years it would take to end up with more than 2 political parties and that is the problem.  I think the popular vote candidate should get the Office,,,,NOT  how Trump got elected!!

I moved my plants back into their winter holding area except for will go in later.  I have less than I did before, 2 plants died this summer.  I was not in a hurry to save them as those 2 were the ones that made the most mess by shedding leaves, one Boston fern squirrels destroyed it, and one asparagus fern it got attacked by some fungus...will not miss them. And I won't be sweeping the floor every day to keep those leaves up. Other than that I did some cleaning, and laundry and lots of little things unload the dishwasher, swept off the deck had some lunch and  now Im listening to podcasts, and about to call it day!

So a very easy day to get me over the hump.  I have one of those frozen Margarita's in my freezer, I may put in a personal size pizza and have that drink! I have some You Tube movies on my Que so I think an evening of easy living is in my future. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Soul Search...


That's what I do with my pain.  I write it down.  I am still not feeling whole inside, the trauma of yesterday has brought back all kinds of things I try so hard to can a creature of innocence and peace die in such a traumatic way?

I question all my beliefs, and I recall all the bad events roll it all into one bad ball and try to roll it over the hill...
Today I drove to a place of refuge and took a 4.5 mile hike.  I inhaled the Goldenrod, I watched the butterflies and bees, I saw the birds and I tried to reconnect my spirit with my flesh.  I heard the call of the frog, as they croaked back n forth keeping track of their locations, then the Heron flies over looking for the frog....

I write it down....


Does it matter

Yes it matters to me...

Time does not simply makes things fade away...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020



I've been in need of many things in my life...but never had the use for guns.   I actually inherited a 22 rifle, but my son took it so I no longer have it.  Today of all things I was flagging people over on the side of the road begging for anyone..."do you have a gun?"

What a morning I had...and I don't think I will soon forget it, Seems death is surrounding me anymore...I can't escape it.  Every time I think my soul is healing from the grief and tragedy of death then along it comes to fill my life with it's horribleness...

I sat on the side of the road today trying to comfort a young buck he had 2 little buds just forming on his head where proud horn would have sat if he had lived.  I loaded up my trash today in the van to go drop it off then do a little food shopping, and so I left home at 10 am.  At what I guess was 9:50 am 2 dogs brought a young deer down by the side of the road and attempted to kill him pull him apart and that is the scene I happed upon not 5 mins after leaving my home...I saw a bloody white dog and a black dog wrestling something and it was I stopped and grabbed my hiking pole I keep it on the seat next to me. 

I chased off the dogs and there was a helpless deer with a broken hind leg, twisted in some way I couldn't even figure out and they had ripped out the soft place between his hind legs, the poor thing was still alive.  I didn't know what to do...grabbed my phone it was Nearly Dead! I had no idea who to call...

The first car that I flagged down had 2 women they had no gun but they helped me get some numbers to call ,the Police Dept.  I called and they told me they would get an officer as soon as possible...the ladies left...then I recalled I had saved the number of the wildlife rehab when I took the baby I called her she gave me the phone number of the game warden.  I called they would send someone..

10 mins, 15 mins, and I sat by the deer gently patting his head and speaking to him..  "don't be afraid I won't leave you so help me GOD I won't," and I wouldn't.   I flagged another car no gun, and another NO GUN...20 mins, 30 mins, 35 mins and I was bawling, I had blood on my hands,  I had covered up his wounds to keep the bot flies off...and the poor deer struggled to breath I wanted one of 3 things:
 PLEASE GET UP AN BE HEALED A MIRACLE....that didn't happen...
"OH PLEASE DO YOU HAVE A GUN", I begged to the next man I flagged..."YES" 
He got out reached into his back pocket and out came a little pistol...I said "Please put this lovely creature out of this misery"...

And As I hid my face in my hands the crack of the pistol made me jump out of my skin...
And I cried like a baby and went to stroke the deer and say a few words for his life the beautiful life he had and the tragic way he died...I told him he was loved and his life had meaning...I think that is the most important thing to know your life meant something....

Then came the deputy and the game warden at the same time they thanked me, and the guy who shot the deer, and drove away...then the guy drove away and it was just me and the deer...I couldn't breath and I broke to pieces my mind just let go...and I couldn't even drive my van...I just sat there and wailed...I kept asking why why why why ....I got no answer. 

The beauty of the deer was marked by the brutal way his life ended...So I went  home got a shovel and came back and mounded dirt over his body...I did the best I could sandy soil is easy to dig...some large stones  at a  culvert nearby I hope will keep the scavengers away...I could not leave him there on the side of the road like he meant nothing more than the beer can laying nearby.

Today I was glad I found a man with a gun...
And I lost my last bit of faith...

Monday, October 19, 2020

Scales tipped...


Do what I did....I contacted the office of the governor of TX and told him just how I feel about his attempt to suppress voting in his state.   And in an attempt to get others to realize that having a GOP Governor is really a loss of freedom...I plan to post as often as I can about getting rid of  him when he is up for re election.  

Trump padded the Appeals court with HIS Judges and it is helping him.  A federal judge struck down the Gov. ruling saying only ONE drop location of Ballots in each County...but it was upheld in Appeal due to the appointment of new judges put in place by Trump! 

So see this is WHY he got in office to begin you know how many law suits this guy has against him and has had against him??? This is the golden ring he wanted and he was right when he said Obama should have done this when he had the chance...but see Obama is a decent man he doesn't think that way...only an evil mind thinks in a way to USE the system to push your own personal agenda and make it unfair for some while it leans heavy toward the other side.  

I hope Joe Biden does NOT say he won't pad the court I think he needs to keep that option open and that will be his opinion on that key answer.  This morning I woke up feeling angry and put upon by my Country and by the justice system as a whole...Case in's been A SOLID YEAR...since my son and I (cause I have helped him with the legal papers), filed a motion for a hearing in Family Court.  THAT hearing has been continued for a solid year now.  HOW is that fair?? 

My son is not like me, I don't like it when things are not done as it should be,..I get angry I do something about it, he does not see the injustice the way I do...I want to call the court clerk and demand a PRIVATE hearing if they won't hold it as should be done. I think some government departments are using Covid as a means to get out of doing their job!  

IF they can't hold family court them hold private one on one hearings...A person has a right to justice!! Do you have any idea how backed up the court calendar is now???? Almost a year.  They completely mishandled this whole thing...It is not impossible to do business, just make the changes needed to make it safe.  

I feel asleep during the Devil Dolls but the bit I saw was a crazy scientist who was trying to make the population of the Earth small by shrinking people to the size of a doll ended up with using them as thieves!! That's where the devil part comes in.  See how it works just like make something heavy in your favor then use it illegally!! My Libra Scales are way out of whack today.  

Anyways it was made in 1936! Amazing our family didn't own a tv till 1964 so our poverty took us completely out of the loop most American's were in.  Again a lopsided equality.  Capitalism is not something I support as it has created such inequalities that should never exist in this World.  

My day is wide open no clue how I will spend it...Im eager to see how the paint dried it may need a second coat.  HOPE NOT that was hard to do.
I hope you have the kind of day that leaves you feeling good inside.  I hope for the same for myself. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Cozy Peace


I didn't exactly do that but I worked nearly all day on my van.  I'd like to say it looks fabulous or wonderful but that would be a looks better than it did.  I really need some paint that rolls on, because spraying it on is not getting even coverage...SO I may try some enamel roll it on and see how it looks! Can't really hurt and they do make the bedliner in quart I may have to go with that like it or not.  I will decide tomorrow what I want to try. 

Meanwhile my rib cage is sore...from all the stretching to try and reach the middle.  Ouch.  I put the gas heat on this afternoon.  It's that chilly in here.  I should have set a fire in the fireplace but I decided I wanted to rest and not jump up and down every few minutes feeding the fire but tomorrow I probably will do a wood fire. 

I have little black specks of paint all over me, I scrubbed and scrubbed but most is still on me.  I used 4 cans of spray paint and 4 cans of primer.  Not very exciting stuff just life.  I had left overs from the dinner I made for my son and I last evening he did come over and we watched the movie, it was a good thriller, didn't quite understand it so I noticed there is a you tube that explains the ending so I may watch was like Cell Phones put  a Virus in the minds of humans, that changed them into Zombies, and then the Zombies all seemed to be controlled by cell towers they communicated and recruited the unaffected by making this Sound...pretty far out. 

We both like thrillers and sci-fi so yeah we agreed it was about a 3 outta 5 stars...I also have Cloverfield on my Que in looks like an action packed thriller that link will take you to the trailer in case you also like sci-fi thrillers. Tonight  Svengoolie has the Devil Doll...
If it's too corny I may go ahead and watch Cloverfield.

I have nothing planned for tomorrow so I will do whatever comes to mind stay in the NOW if I can.  There's some Youtubers I need to catch up with.  I Like Mike and SUV RV'ing have new releases Im going to watch as soon as I finish up this post for Sunday.  My Mom's sister Jean is in the hospital.  She also lives with her daughter, my first cousin.  I have to pop over to Facebook and see if she has left an update for us...My aunt Jean has a lot of nieces and nephews worrying about her same as My Mom did when she was ill...

Im tucked in a little early for me on a Saturday but it sure got chilly outside, feels really cozy in here now,  the girls are fed, and are sleeping on the rug in front of me, and  it looks like a peaceful quiet evening is on tap for us! 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Breezy Friday

ENT Ahead and VOTED!

Since they said it's ANY reason this year and anyone can vote absentee in person I did it today I happened to drive past the location and there was no big line, in fact only one guy was in front of me.  SO It's done for me,,,,,I can stop watching the ads and stops listening to the town halls, etc.  NOT like I would vote for any Rep.  In fact one Rep was unchallenged on our ballot for county council and so I just did not vote in that race.  Wish I'd known I'd run against him!!  I wonder how much they pay.

I didn't win anything in the door prize I won't be packing my bags for Hawaii just yet.  I have to check my sky miles, you can exchange 5,000 miles for $50 off a ticket...
With air travel not being a fave right now I may get a deal...must check that out.  What I want to do is this fly in and rent an SUV or a minvan..and camp in the minivan...I don't want to have to return to home base every day.  I wanted to visit seems to have the most bird life and the most reserves for wildlife...and Parks without the Disney atmosphere. 

I have done a little research but nothing finale on that decision...I know I can't afford a flight to another island, but maybe a boat trip? A Pelagic..I will have to take a lot of Dramamine..

While I was out I got the rest of the paint I did return that faulty can to Walmart they gave me  a gift card for the $5.39 sooo I got 2 more can's of primer.  However it's too late now to start that so tomorrow that is tops on my list, finish the primer.  I don't know if the color is going to come out to be uniform overall as the primer did not dry I feel that is a hint as to what's to come.  I have a paint sprayer, or I should say a paint splatter'er and as for rolling they have nothing suitable for fiberglass in a roll on.  I decided to NOT go with the bedliner stuff it only comes in a shiny finish and I didn't want shiny.  

So It's Friday today this posts on Saturday...It started out cloudy and looked like the bottom may fall out we had rain overnight but now it's clear as a bell and there is a 5 or 6 mph breeze blowing...My son is supposed to come over for dinner and a movie tonight if he doesn't cancel on me, which is  often the case if he comes we will watch the movie called Cell.  The trailer is HERE  based on A Stephen King book by the same name...if my son is a no show I plan to go ahead and watch it alone, its free on TUBI with an HDMI cord I hook my laptop right to the tv so we get the full 26" I don't have a BIG tv.  and It's a hand me down perfect for me, as I sleep thru about as much as I watch. I  do enjoy certain things and I always want to see the news and weather...
The only issue with the free movies on You Tube is you have to hit the skip button on the ads or they play on and Tubi the ads are quick and sometimes there is only one or 2 ads...Sometimes tho the movies are in a black box format I do not like that. 

Svengoolie tomorrow is the Devil Doll...I may have seen this one if so I have other movies in my Que to watch on Tubi or You Tube, if I watch youtube I normally just lay down and put my laptop  on my knees and watch full screen so I can hit the skip ad button...
Im on my way to the mailbox to see what's in there.

That's it for me today TTFN. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Run Aways


Today is Thursday and I've had it on my calendar for over a month to go to a meeting today!  My electric Co-op has an annual meeting and all are invited.  I never go because it's normally held in Sumter 30 miles away, always well attended and from what I know BORING..except for the door prizes....BUT this time it was completely different...they had it split between 2 days and in 2 different cities and it was a drive thru event! You didn't have to get out of your car.  

In my case the place where we did our drive thru was only 4 miles away, sweet.  Just for showing up I got a 9 inch cast iron fry pan..also sweet!  I use cast iron every day...
Then there was all the door prizes...they did a You Tube of that event where the meeting of all the stuffy board members was held at their own main conference room...they do have nice door prizes, a riding mower with garden trailer, 3 big screen tvs, and several gift cards ranging from $100 to $25...

I didn't win...darn it.  But I had hope for like 15 mins!  My son texted me at 4 when he was on his way home from work a herd of goats was on the There is a Mexican man on the corner of that road who has a large herd...I guess they got thing about goats they don't run away like horses do when they get out.  They just hang close by.  

I had horses in my life for nearly 40 yrs.  So  I know horses...and how they behave.  My horse Sundance used to get out all the time, because John would forget to lock the gate behind him...and Sundance normally went to the same place, over to Mr. Young's.  He also had horses and he lived  about 2 miles from me.  Sundance would go over and jump IN his pasture with his horses.  He had 4 or 5 morning he went out to feed his herd and he had an extra face in the trough! LoL..

He knew Sundance cause we used to ride together quite often...then he got ill and passed away he was an older gentleman.   I missed our rides.  I also used to ride with the daughter of one of our neighbors, they lived about 1 mile as the crow flies...and she had a pony.  They would not let her ride alone, so I called her sometimes to tag along with me.  Sundance always enjoyed when we had company rides.  

At different times my husband had a horse also and he and I rode together almost every Sunday.  But he never kept a horse long he would sell and then buy another.   Then he decided his riding days were over, and not long after that I retired Sundance, and he passed away in 1996.   I had him since 1974...and he was such a joy to be around.  

At one time we had a young stallion, John had planned to green break him and sell him for profit.  I was the only one who ever rode him...he never did grow to full size so he was not the type profit maker John had hoped for...and once when we went on a ski vacation and Mom was enlisted to feed them for us, they both got out!! Sundance of course headed to Mr, Young's and the colt went with him.  

Mom called Mr. Young...and told him the horses were missing he said they were at his place he had put them in his corral and  he had been waiting for me to come get them...but of course she explained we were out of he said no worries, and soon there they came down the road his son was driving the pickup, Mr Young was sitting on the tailgate, leading Sundance and the colt followed behind....LoL..

Sometimes it takes a village!! 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Things to do...

HAT TO EAT, what to plan, what to think...

Since the dentist severed my lingual nerve only very spicy food has a taste.  And then spicy food upsets my stomach so eating just is not fun anymore!  So I find myself buying the same thing over and over in the store.  I want something good but it will have no taste very frustrating...

It was the perfect day today sunny blue sky low humidity, birds singing, bees buzzing, great fall day!  I ended up attaching the bagger to the mower and it worked perfectly...the new blades did the trick on that.  So I cut and raked the leaves at the same time and got good mulch for the compost pile and to put around the shrubs.   

That was a project Mom and I had been trying to accomplish, so I felt that she was celebrating with me when it worked.  We bought the new mower and I was pretty certain the old bagger setup we had would work with the new mower but when I put it on it did not work...I had to purchase the part that connects to the discharge chute...but the rest was our old set up.  It was the Blades all along!! When  you want to use a bagger you need bagger blades!
after that...

I worked on scraping off the blistering clear coat form the hightop on the van.  That stuff not only failed on my van but most vans I see around.  It just does not work well on fiberglass.  So I can't scrap it all off but I'm sanding it and scraping what I can off...then I plan to prime it and repaint.  I will be spending only a few bucks on paint.  I also want to replace the carpet in the van in the front part the back part is fine.  I will cut it in front of the bench seat in back and redo the front part, the rest is under and behind that seat so  it can't be seen from the front or inside the cabin, I know I can't match the old color so I think I'll go with a completely different color. 

 Im just thinking out loud on that have not made any move toward getting any carpet...and I wonder where I will find needs to be pliable I can probably order it online.   I want to get some of these chores done while the weather is good...I also want to redo the inside ceiling of my van it's old and its creaks, squeaks, and sags and it is too low...I want it to be higher so I can stand up in the van.  And the front section same story, it's too low it used to have a dinosaur size TV and video player in that part but I took that out because it was old and outdated.   I use a small DVD player that has it's own screen when I want to see a movie at night when I'm camping.  So I turned that top section into extra storage. 

So these are just some fixes I want to do...both are hard work. First step is to take out the old...see how I can accomplish what I want to and then get busy.  I hope to reuse some of the components just mount it higher and better so it doesn't squeak, creak, and sag!  I thought of using Luan and make some  pouches along the upper sides...and that will hold the top headliner part UP higher.   Currently it's made out of molded plastic.  I could use headliner material to cover the luan and make the pouches from it too.  I can buy that at Hobby Lobby or order online...

I have been avoiding the news on purpose, I need a break from the politics, and the stress of living in America these days!  I just realized on one of my french doors there's some little nose smears down on the lowest pane, little Casey left his mark there...broke my heart and I just felt like curling up into a ball and never uncurling,  I can't express how much I miss him. 

Not much from me today...hope you had a good day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020



I believe this will be the last nearly/somewhat/almost but not quite fair election we will have in this country if you don't want to be living in a military state run by a dictator run for your better leave now!  The Republican party is placing Ballot Boxes around Los Angeles that are not official...they will pick up those ballots and possibly open and destroy any that are not for their party...They prey on the weak and non attentive American.  The DA has ordered them to stop but they say they will continue to do it. I believe the GOP has become a terrorist organization bent on over throwing this country and they should be stopped...each Rep leader should be stripped of power and the entire party should be disbanded and revamped it's filled with vile, crooked, criminals.

Also hear this, right now before the election Trump adm gave huge subsidies to the farmers 40% of all farm income is now in form of a handout from the US Govt. That is buying loyalty...I personally think farm subsidies should be stopped!!  IF it's not a viable business why is it being done...they have crop insurance!! WTH???? I don't want to support a failing sector of the economy with my tax dollars. 

The GOP push their new judge into a seat that she does not deserve to sit in...they lied to the American public when they said they would not sit a justice in the last yr of the term...Lindsey pretty much signed his own pink slip with that one...Jamie Harrison raised more money this quarter than any other Democrat candidate running!! GO JAMIE you got my vote.

It's Tuesday and Jimmy goes to Denver for what I hope is his last check up he is doing really well...a great success story so there is the good in this picture.  My son has a job again that is good.  The fall weather will return tomorrow that is good...Im looking for some good news here...I don't have corona virus that is good.  

IM heading over to the cemetery today to remove mom's birthday balloon, I don't want it to blow away so I will put it away till next year it may or may not stay inflated hope it does..
Soon it will be time to put the Christmas wreath sis bought for her last year on her crypt...that is probably the only decorating I will do.  Im not in the mood for all the Materialism that has become Christmas, and it's all about family it's only me and my son he has little interest but we will probably have a meal or something...
Last yr my sis who was still here put on a small Christmas for us, that is the kind I prefer the little tree stood on a table, it was 12 inches tall...and we each opened up a tiny prezzie..and we had a simple meal with a toast to our missing loved ones...that's all it needs to be about.  
Since I can't bring myself to believe Jesus was the son of a God it has never had religious significance to me. It was always been about getting together with family and having a day of laughs and good food and good moods. 

Last night I dreamed I moved! I was living somewhere else...and it felt nice.  This morning I looked at homesteads in New Mexico...a house with no electric no running water on 8 acres $35,000 It was in the desert how could you live in there with no AC if I go off grid it has to be at least  8,000 ft to be cool in summer.  I'll keep looking.  

I feel oddly out of sorts mentally today.  I can't put my finger on it, but I feel unsettled I think this election has me questioning my own believe system, the rules I was raised to support and believe in are being tromped to makes one question ,"okay if that's all hogwash now then what am I  supposed to think or feel."  Most of my extended family in TN, MI, and IN support the other side...they are trapped in a time machine that quit moving in 1865. 

 I got in mine and blasted myself into the and my 3 sisters..NO wonder my Mom was so Happy to get out of TN and when she left she told my Dad Im not leaving here you go where you want but this is my home now.  I guess she felt free to be away from that oppressiveness, it is a real feeling when you think you're rights are being manipulated by people who are the exact opposite  of  who you are.  Very helpless feeling. 

Im sure if we had a huge anti GOP demonstration Trump would use F-15's to fry  us on the spot...I mean look at the violence the small protests of the summer caused.  We are watching the fall of a democracy.  It makes me feel really sad and very deflated.  
Well I'm just one person who has no power and my life will soon come to an end...I hope there is some connection to the afterworld cause I want to know...

Many indigenous people believe there is a civilization of humans living below ground...maybe that is where the souls go when we put our loved one beneath the soil..