Thursday, October 1, 2020



Im guessing you know what Im talking about...that debate OMG. 
What a fiasco that was. Chris Wallace did not have command of the room not once in the entire night Trump shouted  out both Biden and Wallace! What a thug he is and so ugly OMG I felt sick to my stomach a couple of times when his ugly face moved..shudder. 
Biden tried to answer the questions put forth but Trump made sure he could not do that by shouting and constantly speaking most mumbling incoherently. 

Then when Biden had enough he shouted back calling Trump a liar, a clown, and some other choice words...And then Trump had the nerve to basically tell White Supremacists to be standing by the polls so now someone is probably going to be shot down at the polls you wait and see!  I felt that was a threat to Every American Citizen! A def threat to Democracy and he accused the "extreme left" as he put it of the violence in the cities where protests became riots,..HIS WHITE RIGHT caused that violence and 2 men were gunned by down by that Proud Boys militia in cold blood! ANTIFA is not an organized group.  Trump is making all that up.  Even the FBI and the Secret Service say there is no evidence of an organization.  

Russia is watching this and they are playing it up making sure that people think if Biden wins he will cause a war one Russian official said "they are the only country that could turn the USA into nuclear dust" is how he put it, so in other words now Russia is threatening us with annihilation if Biden wins?? They did the same thing about Clinton if  you recall...all the rumors that she would start a war with Russia, all that so called news came from RUSSIA it was all made up BS...Same Russian Official tried to throw us off their real trail by saying Trump had put more sanctions on them than any other President in US History...ANK I really don't think so!! THEY want him for 4 more years as they try to infiltrate our Government...why else would they be doing this?  Trump owes them billions they are holding many of this loans via the Deutsche Bank.  His loans were underwritten by the Russian owned VTB Bank

AND 45% of Trump voters polled said he did good in the debate...OMG what planet are those people from?  I did not want Biden to get rattled but would  you have been able to be in that situation and not get rattled...I kept hoping they would turn off Trumps mic when it was not his turn to speak!  Wallace was horrible!! I could have done better, I would have told Trump, "Look here mister, either  you shut when it's not your turn or I'm turning your mic off." period! 

I didn't sleep hardly a wink after that...and if anyone who saw that did sleep I'd like to shake that person's hand...
Meanwhile Corona Virus is on the rise world wide.  Trump does not care...he kept saying Biden wants to shut down the country...and Biden reminded the world that watched TRUMP is the one who closed it down...TOO late, he keeps bragging about how he stopped flights from China in March....but the info has already been leaked he knew about how deadly and quick it spread in February so why didn't he close it then??? All the travelers coming back into the country should not have been allowed to return in the fashion that they did...without quarantine. 

I see no reason to watch any more debates!! I saw all I need to know...he put his cards on the table, he plans to disrupt the election with lies about fraud, by contesting the outcome using the courts to investigate ballot "fraud", by encouraging White Supremacists to threaten people, "Stand back and stand by", and he doesn't care if Russia interferes.  

A German official on PBS said "if Trump wins it's going to be very bad for the entire world as he will have no reason to hold back," since the threat of not being re-elected won't be an issue...a French Official said "Trump is putting up his middle finger to the world." 

As for his taxes he lied on National TV...we will never see those tax returns ...the New York Times has a copy of it, they are protecting their source.....So they didn't just pull this rabbit out of a hat!! 

Well I think today since it's cool outside Im going to load up my fence posts in my lawn trailer along with my hole diggers and sledge hammer and get my 8 poles in the  ground and see what I can do with that fence!

I hope Scarlet was right..."After all tomorrow is another day". 

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