Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Wheel...


It was not a very interesting day for me today...I went to Lowes for deck paint.  My deck broils in the Sun day after day so the paint on it needs to be redone, I built the deck in 2017.  And painted it shortly after.  I got some paint called Deck Restore.  So If the weather is good I will be sanding and painting tomorrow...just needs a light sanding...the rails more than anything. 

I placed my metal chair on the deck so I can enjoy it out there this is the time of year I enjoy being out there since its cool, but I can sit in a puddle of warm sun.  Annie usually joins me...

While I was in the parking lot of Lowes, I saw one of those small planes flying by with a sign behind it.  You know that kind like we used to see when we sat on the beach....There is a tight race for SC Senator, Lindsey Graham the scum bag who has denied so much progress in our Nation, is up against Jamie Harrison a decent man with ideas for a better future for us all...So he has been running this ad on tv where Graham is saying the Covid Unemployement Package will be renewed Over their Dead Bodies! Meaning over the Senate's dead bodies...

So on this flying add it's Graham saying "they used my own words against me," and then below it says HYPOCRITE LoL...I agreed so I put my thumbs up and hollered YEAH! 
So then others looked and they laughed at it...Lindsey when Trump was elected said he was a "xenophobic, stupid bigot." He said he would not deal with Trump that he was "unfit" for office...then all he did was lick Trump's boots since that day...then Jamie ran an ad with Graham saying that on a tv talk show...

So yes they did use his own words against him.  So what comes around goes around...I guess.  Now I see Trump is going back to the white house at 6 pm...I could care less why CAN'T he just be sick and give us a break from his daily nonsense?  This country could use a break...It's going to be awesome to NOT worry about what's coming out of DC.   If we can get rid of Graham, that will be a double blessing...and if McConnell should go that would be the cherry on top...

I was not able to cheer up today I wanted to but it just didn't happen...even the beautiful sunshine did'nt help.  The Cemetery called me, they put a cover over that open crypt...it's been missing for one solid year.   I saw it when I was there yesterday so I knew that it was up there...And I began complaining about it back in July....this is the job they did..

its the odd ball on the upper left 
It does not even match, AND it looks like it's OLD like they got it from somewhere else??? It has old stains on it...see down the right side...that is not newly made, how shabby...so Disappointed with the condition of that mausoleum...it's so poorly built, and it's obvious they are not going to keep it up.  
And she said they are getting a contractor to look at the cracked ones to figure out why they are cracked...Well that's easy Im not a contractor but I can see it's cheap and poorly made! TaDah that is the problem...people shell out like $5000 to be buried in this thing..PER SLOT it's two sided...so 120 crypts in each building multiply that by 5G and now tell me why is this so poorly made??? I have an old barn made of cement block its been there since 1989 and it's in better shape that this building. 

I am considering a lawsuit...because it's perpetual care.  How can this structure stand the test of time? It's only about 6 yrs old...and already big trouble with it.  It's obvious to me they have NO money to keep it up. 

I had my dinner already so now I feel sleepy...I slept better last night because I took a Benadryl my sinus got completely stopped up after I spent the afternoon walking around at Sandhills in the  fields of goldenrod and dog fennel, which causes hay fever...It's cleared up mostly but some still hanging around a little.  I may need to take it again tonight to dry up the sinus.  

As I said not much going in my mind today.  in fact I pretty much drew a blank.  When I went to take my propane tank in for filling at ACE hardware, they asked me some questions, "what is your last name?'  For a minute my mind just stopped working!! I kinda of looked off to one side, then at first my married name popped into my head, but when I was divorced in 2012 I took back my maiden name...Scary stuff...the woman was poised over the keyboard waiting....and waiting and finally I came out with it...then she went and asked me my address...DUH!
Later I stopped at the Food Lion...my cashier was a young girl and she asked me if I had a Loyalty Card.  I just stood there thinking, what in the heck is a loyalty card...OH then it hit me, YES I have one, I showed it to her, then a moment later I asked her did I show it to you...OMG....so then I told her I couldn't remember my last name earlier that day, and said I guess they want my name in case I am planning to build a bomb with my propane...like I really look like a mad bomber, I can't even remember my name let alone build a bomb, so she says..."well I would like one there's a few people who been pissing me off today." WOW and she seemed serious..
Life is stressful these days A retired woman and a young cashier we should be stress free...but looks like it's coming around to our turn now! 

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