Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Time Erased...


Tuesday oct 6th. 
It means the sun is this morning I was up before the roosters began to crow.  It also means another day is put to history!  Forever enchained....I don't know if that's a word, I just typed it.  Gregg Braden thinks that we live in cycles.  And within this cycle is when "time" is right for certain things to happen.  He actually wrote an algorithm that can predict when the time is right for certain events to occur.  We are now on a path of repeating the past! In 2012 a huge cycle of 26,000 years renewed,  according to the Mayan calendar, which is the best record we have of past cycles.  We don't have history references to show us what happened except some geological past we have dug we have no clue what is coming!! 

Yes I hear roosters every day my neighbor has a few...they moved here about 10 yrs ago from Virginia...I don't even know their names they did introduce themselves to Mom when they moved here but she  couldn't recall their name and I never bothered as I don't believe getting chummy with neighbors is a good idea.  I learned that the hard way. 

So they had one child she was in 4-H and as her project they decided to get a flock of chickens and in the process they got 2 roosters...Cock a doodle do...then they got a horse and a donkey...or burro.  I thought he had passed away because I hadn't seen him in a long time but I think what happened is they moved the horse and the burro for the summer, now they are back and he brayed loudly the other day...goats tho make the most annoying of all barnyard sounds  and they will jump on anything, like the hood of your car...and peacocks...Don't ever get a peacock unless you want your neighbors to wish death to you several times a day.

As far as pigs go they smell bad, and cows do too...long ago...when an old house stood about a mile from here I saw a sight that I won't soon forget....this was in the early 80's.  I live on a dirt road it was cut into this wooded lot and  sections were sold off in 3, 4, 5 acre homestead plots we bought one, then the adjoining one later on and we had about 9.5 acres. 

One day my dogs started to really go crazy...back then it was Sam the German Shepherd and Fred the I went to see what was the ruckus about...the trees were smaller then so I could clearly see the road...and there came an elderly Black lady leading a milk cow that pulled a small cart of some sort with her belonging's on it, and a youngster following behind. 

 They went down the road, at a slow pace...and later we learned she had become homeless and she moved herself and her grandson who had been left with her, probably at birth, into the abandoned house down the road.  That house was nearly falling  down but they moved into it...there was a small barbed wire fenced area in back where someone had at one time had a few barnyard critters so she put her cow in there and they stayed there...maybe one year? 
No water no electric...we used to see the boy stand outside waiting for the school bus.  I know they got help from a small church that is nearby even the church has been abandoned since then.  We heard she got sick and was taken to a nursing home and I have no idea what happened to the boy.  Sad story.

That house was later the object of an arsonists it was burned to the ground...along with several others in the county; they never solved those crimes.  I went in the house and took photos of it, and did a blog post about it in 2008.   I liked that old house it was quite a landmark for us who lived near it...


Even this chimney and fireplace is gone now someone pushed it down!  They burned the old barn building where the cow had lived too.  So nothing  remains of the old house the rubble is over grown by trees now it's been 10 yrs since it burned...but I remember it so well each time I round that curve I think of the old house. 

 I wonder if my old house will eventually no longer exist?  Will it become abandoned?  I do wonder about those things...but today I will paint the deck and hope I can spend many more years sitting on that deck looking out over the field and remembering how it was when I had horses in there...and all the dogs we've had over the years who are all buried here, along with my horse Sundance.   I sit on the deck I can see the stone marking his burial place and I remember how it was back when he was alive.   I remember watching my son play in the yard and my mother next door planting flowers in her garden, and I miss those times.  

Today (Oct 6) marks the 2 yr anniversary of the death of my husband of 36 yrs....I still miss him and I still see his handiwork here and there around this old homestead.  We moved here in 1977, that was 43 years much time has passed, so much has changed and yet it seems like yesterday!   The last time he was here he did  not remember me, this place, or anything of our history here together.  That made me very sad, but I was powerless to change that. 

I plan to start the preparations for painting as soon as I eat breakfast.  John Wayne used to say "daylights a burning" so I better get at it.  

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