Thursday, October 8, 2020



Go to Facebook...I really dislike Facebook...especially since I heard they are doing little to squash hate groups and posts bent toward hate...I do believe Twitter n Facebook have done irreparable damage to this country. I fell right in line with all the others on  a Nancy Pelosi post...all those trolls there telling her that her Stimulus bill is full of bloat for Poorly run Blue States, right out of Trumps I challenged one person and said you sound exactly like Trump no one ever used those terms till he started using it you fell right into his pit...
So he says Pelosi is the one who is holding back the stimulus, so he cuts off all negotiations USING Twitter...or what ever it's called...and then says give the Americans' $1200 stand alone, and in a future bill we will give the Airlines 25 million!!   Nancy's entire bill was 2.2 trillion now he wants to give 25 million to Airline payrolls and another 35 million to small business... and $1200 to every American I think that may be more than 2.2 trillion, So he is doing the same thing just to a different group of people...

How does that help? Sure I would love to get $1200 but do we need to bail out an industry that we really don't need right now?  Put that money into AN unemployment package for ALL who lost their jobs! NOT just one sector...he is trying to say he bailed out the Air Industry like Joe Bailed out the Auto Industry...either way it doesn't put food on the table for many Americans who won't get any of that.  
I reminded them Trump didn't pay taxes for years...and paid $750 for the last 2 at that point they come back to that I guess.  

Nancy's bill includes money for employers of Aliens who have a tax ID number, so HATE is at the bottom of this...they hate illegals so much they would starve them to death if need be...just to support Trump...I just don't get it but Im SO glad I don't!   :o) 

Last night I watched on You Tube the debate between Jamie Harrison and Lindsey Graham...BOY Jamie danced rings around Graham.  I knew Graham was a Trump Puppet but didnt realize just how bad he was this is the first time Ive heard him speak on his own behalf and man he Stunk!! It was like night and day the ideas they have. 

Tonight is the VP debate I will watch...I akin Pence to  one of those Roman Priests back in the day when they used to sacrifice virgins!! He is so totally creepy. I had never heard of the guy till Trump pulled him out from under some rock...I hope Kamala holds it together and doesn't come off as an angry black woman which sometimes she has a tendency to do...she has to appeal to the mainstream....I like her and I think she will do a fine job as VP.

So my deck is painted....its not a big deck it's 8 x 12..and one set of steps going down...the rails are the hard part, the dark red I did not have to was some GOOD paint I had left over from when I painted Mom's front door...WISH I still had some of that paint. 

I hope this paint holds up better than the other one did...I had used Thompson's Deck Stain the last time.  I also painted my metal chair again that  paint did not hold up  only one year? This time I went chartreuse on the color of it.  We've had so much rain this year I'd like to know in inches just  how much we had but I can't seem to find that data! This paint  is Cabot Deck Correct not Restore...I got that wrong, I wanted to get Restore but it was too expensive this one was $35 a gallon at Lowes I used about 1/2 the gallon...Mom's front porch needs a painting it's only the floor so I think this may be enough to do that. 

Today I am  not feeling well again!! I started sneezing  on Sunday after I waded in the field of wild flowers...I figured it's hay fever from rag fennel I don't normally get hay I have been taking Benadryl and yet it kept getting worse  this morning I had slight fever! 97.9      2 points up for ME and my throat is sore and I feel really fatigued.   IS it possible Covid is back for round 2?  I know some people have had it twice and most say they have continuing symptoms.  Damn. If I disappear you'll know why!!

We had fog this morning but its lifted now finally near noon.  I got worried it would rain but they say rain on the weekend...I want the deck to cure as long as possible before it rains!  I want to sit outside maybe later when it warms up a little bit more.  
SO the chores I've accomplished lately:

Deck painted ✅
Fence Repaired  
Van Spruce Up 
Bedroom Rug 
Mom's Flowers Replaced  
Rye Seeded Yard 

And countless other less than one hour projects.  I love having plenty to keep me moss grows on me.  I was an industrious child as well...when I was only a young girl  of about 13, I made curtains for my sister and my shared bedroom.  NO one helped me or suggested it, Someone gave my sister a bolt of cloth and she did nothing with it. SO I asked her if I could have it and she gave it to me...I made curtains and matching bed spreads for our twin beds! It was a scratchy linen of blue n green typical 70's pattern...pretty hideous but it worked and served the purpose...Im the kind that will try to improve a cardboard box if need be.  No surprise I started my own business at age 22 and kept it going 26 yrs! I did re-upholstery...everything from fine antiques to lazy boys recliners to boat, rv, and airplane seats...the only thing I refused was to cover deer stands!! NO you want sit out and kill deer you won't do it with my help.  

I hope after lunch I will feel better, but honestly that may not happen.  :o((
My sisters are off to Meeker today to photo some headstones on a project sis is working on.
I recall  going there many times when I was out's a sweet little town...wish I was joining them today.  

Another big project I plan to do soon is more cosmetic work on my just looked tired and run down so any little thing I could do would be an improvement.  So I painted the bumper covers that had been so faded, and the running boards that the paint had chipped off of and had cracked...and I scrubbed up the rims so they shine again.  It has a fiberglass top and when they painted it they put a clean coat on it big mistake, it's flaking off and looks horrible.  I tried to touch it up but honestly that made it worse.  SO I plan to sand it down as best I can and repaint the top I think a paint like that bed liner stuff that has some texture will do a good job and the imperfections won't show up as much?? 

I have to work on a ladder so I must be feeling 100% to do that. 

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