Monday, October 26, 2020

1-5 scale

hat score would you give this year?

For me it's been a Negative -1 
I think at the end of this year I will do a What Went Wrong Highlight..because I honestly can't find a damn thing UP to now that was good...hopefully on NOV 4th I will have one good thing to add to this year.  But if it goes the other way just go ahead and FLUSH, cause its circling the drain as we breath. 

So I kinda off and on watched Joe Young my son was texting me for the first hour and I missed some bits of it, he didn't come over he said he was cleaning...I would never try to deter him from cleaning!! I know what you are saying...why the importance of the movie watching, well it's about the only common ground I can find...

Anyways it was actually well done for the year it was made...and a pioneer in Stop Animation for a feature film...I'd give it a 3+ on the 5 scale.  The premise was this young girl went to Africa and saves  a giant baby gorilla from poachers...and she brings  him back to the US with her and of course he is exploited and eventually becomes a danger to society and you know the GUNS are drawn...then the young girl started to try and hide him and escape the police, and in the meanwhile the orphanage caught fire and Joe Young saved many children and they lived happily ever after..
There was a 1998 remake of the film I have seen that one also...anyways it was okay for 1949, and it worked  for me in 2020!

I find myself in a grumpy mood today...first off the calorie counting is going good but still it's annoying...second of all its raining and I feel like a caged animal. I actually went outside in the yard when it stopped for an hour but it's humid.  I did saw up one log I had brought up from the field last week...and filled up the bird feeders checked their water, and brushed Flossie and Annie's Im bored again.  

I watched a couple youtubes and I may go ahead and just watch the movie I been wanting to see Son has to work tonight and so I think I'll just watch it.  One of the Youtubes I watch is called Justice Matters and the vlogger is an x-DOJ prosecutor.  He sometimes  is an expert advisor on TV News and he is on top of Decisions being passed down and today his vlog was about a decision passed down by a judge  in DC saying Post Master Gen  DeJoy is to replace the sorting machines he removed from the postal service!! My sister is a retired post master so this kinda hits home with me...she worked in a very small office up in the Rocky Mtns, so she had no sorting machines but she depended on larger offices to make sure her mail was delivered on time.  It's a not so well oiled machine, there is a lot of bureaucracy  in the Postal Service, but it can not be fixed by removing machines!! ADDING more yes! OMG didn't even try to hide what he was really up to..
So a federal judge says NO and you better be here on Friday to tell me what you're doing in answer to my ruling.  These are the type judges we need....and people it's very apparent that we need a system overhaul of our 3 branches of the govt..there are many loop holes that people LIKE Trump can make use of and will now that he has shown how much he can and has gotten away with. 

Since I know how it feels to be poor, I can not fathom how men such as Trump who say they have it "ALL" want more...and would take from the ones who have nothing to give more to themselves?  I don't understand that kind of greed.  It goes way beyond my "justice" meter to just plain "off with their heads" my scale of justice is pretty severe.  I do believe in getting even when someone has unjustly done someone wrong or tried to get more of the pie than they are entitled to or deserve.  That grey area is where the most people should be not off in "out of whackville." 

 My sister and her husband are vacationing in Utah...she said no wonder they have covid spiking all over the state no one is wearing a mask!! I think I would have thought twice about going there...but I think they had already rescheduled from earlier in the summer. 
I think the reason the cases are spiking in the mid west and Mountain time zone now is due to lack of the virus traveled to where it's more welcomed! Howdy do...thanks for rolling out the welcome mat. 

I had some left over pasta sauce it has to be used so Im going to make some spaghetti for my dinner. I added some frozen broccoli to the sauce to spice it up.   I will make only enough for one serving so I can't go beyond my 1700 is Sunday when you read this it will be Monday and I hope Im in a brighter more inquisitive mood tomorrow. 

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