Saturday, October 17, 2020

Breezy Friday

ENT Ahead and VOTED!

Since they said it's ANY reason this year and anyone can vote absentee in person I did it today I happened to drive past the location and there was no big line, in fact only one guy was in front of me.  SO It's done for me,,,,,I can stop watching the ads and stops listening to the town halls, etc.  NOT like I would vote for any Rep.  In fact one Rep was unchallenged on our ballot for county council and so I just did not vote in that race.  Wish I'd known I'd run against him!!  I wonder how much they pay.

I didn't win anything in the door prize I won't be packing my bags for Hawaii just yet.  I have to check my sky miles, you can exchange 5,000 miles for $50 off a ticket...
With air travel not being a fave right now I may get a deal...must check that out.  What I want to do is this fly in and rent an SUV or a minvan..and camp in the minivan...I don't want to have to return to home base every day.  I wanted to visit seems to have the most bird life and the most reserves for wildlife...and Parks without the Disney atmosphere. 

I have done a little research but nothing finale on that decision...I know I can't afford a flight to another island, but maybe a boat trip? A Pelagic..I will have to take a lot of Dramamine..

While I was out I got the rest of the paint I did return that faulty can to Walmart they gave me  a gift card for the $5.39 sooo I got 2 more can's of primer.  However it's too late now to start that so tomorrow that is tops on my list, finish the primer.  I don't know if the color is going to come out to be uniform overall as the primer did not dry I feel that is a hint as to what's to come.  I have a paint sprayer, or I should say a paint splatter'er and as for rolling they have nothing suitable for fiberglass in a roll on.  I decided to NOT go with the bedliner stuff it only comes in a shiny finish and I didn't want shiny.  

So It's Friday today this posts on Saturday...It started out cloudy and looked like the bottom may fall out we had rain overnight but now it's clear as a bell and there is a 5 or 6 mph breeze blowing...My son is supposed to come over for dinner and a movie tonight if he doesn't cancel on me, which is  often the case if he comes we will watch the movie called Cell.  The trailer is HERE  based on A Stephen King book by the same name...if my son is a no show I plan to go ahead and watch it alone, its free on TUBI with an HDMI cord I hook my laptop right to the tv so we get the full 26" I don't have a BIG tv.  and It's a hand me down perfect for me, as I sleep thru about as much as I watch. I  do enjoy certain things and I always want to see the news and weather...
The only issue with the free movies on You Tube is you have to hit the skip button on the ads or they play on and Tubi the ads are quick and sometimes there is only one or 2 ads...Sometimes tho the movies are in a black box format I do not like that. 

Svengoolie tomorrow is the Devil Doll...I may have seen this one if so I have other movies in my Que to watch on Tubi or You Tube, if I watch youtube I normally just lay down and put my laptop  on my knees and watch full screen so I can hit the skip ad button...
Im on my way to the mailbox to see what's in there.

That's it for me today TTFN. 

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