Thursday, October 15, 2020

Things to do...

HAT TO EAT, what to plan, what to think...

Since the dentist severed my lingual nerve only very spicy food has a taste.  And then spicy food upsets my stomach so eating just is not fun anymore!  So I find myself buying the same thing over and over in the store.  I want something good but it will have no taste very frustrating...

It was the perfect day today sunny blue sky low humidity, birds singing, bees buzzing, great fall day!  I ended up attaching the bagger to the mower and it worked perfectly...the new blades did the trick on that.  So I cut and raked the leaves at the same time and got good mulch for the compost pile and to put around the shrubs.   

That was a project Mom and I had been trying to accomplish, so I felt that she was celebrating with me when it worked.  We bought the new mower and I was pretty certain the old bagger setup we had would work with the new mower but when I put it on it did not work...I had to purchase the part that connects to the discharge chute...but the rest was our old set up.  It was the Blades all along!! When  you want to use a bagger you need bagger blades!
after that...

I worked on scraping off the blistering clear coat form the hightop on the van.  That stuff not only failed on my van but most vans I see around.  It just does not work well on fiberglass.  So I can't scrap it all off but I'm sanding it and scraping what I can off...then I plan to prime it and repaint.  I will be spending only a few bucks on paint.  I also want to replace the carpet in the van in the front part the back part is fine.  I will cut it in front of the bench seat in back and redo the front part, the rest is under and behind that seat so  it can't be seen from the front or inside the cabin, I know I can't match the old color so I think I'll go with a completely different color. 

 Im just thinking out loud on that have not made any move toward getting any carpet...and I wonder where I will find needs to be pliable I can probably order it online.   I want to get some of these chores done while the weather is good...I also want to redo the inside ceiling of my van it's old and its creaks, squeaks, and sags and it is too low...I want it to be higher so I can stand up in the van.  And the front section same story, it's too low it used to have a dinosaur size TV and video player in that part but I took that out because it was old and outdated.   I use a small DVD player that has it's own screen when I want to see a movie at night when I'm camping.  So I turned that top section into extra storage. 

So these are just some fixes I want to do...both are hard work. First step is to take out the old...see how I can accomplish what I want to and then get busy.  I hope to reuse some of the components just mount it higher and better so it doesn't squeak, creak, and sag!  I thought of using Luan and make some  pouches along the upper sides...and that will hold the top headliner part UP higher.   Currently it's made out of molded plastic.  I could use headliner material to cover the luan and make the pouches from it too.  I can buy that at Hobby Lobby or order online...

I have been avoiding the news on purpose, I need a break from the politics, and the stress of living in America these days!  I just realized on one of my french doors there's some little nose smears down on the lowest pane, little Casey left his mark there...broke my heart and I just felt like curling up into a ball and never uncurling,  I can't express how much I miss him. 

Not much from me today...hope you had a good day!

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