Sunday, October 11, 2020

Creepy things...

ET, Rainy, Quiet Saturday...

My couch is a sectional it's old from the 90's and it was made by Lazy Boy.  It has recliners on each end where there is an arm and of course I have tables on each side...
These seats get the most use so the foam cushioning has deteriorated on these 2 sections..
With my background in upholstery I know what I need to do to make it comfortable I did that today on one took most of the day and it made a huge difference in the way it sits...I thought of making a DIY for my You Tube channel but honestly I don't think most laymen or DIY'r would want to tackle this as it's dangerous and a little tricky with the zig zag springs and all the mechanisms of the recliner that can easily trap your arms or hands and chop off your fingers!! I wish this had reversible loose cushions but it's a tight seat on a frame so I had to unbolt the seat take it out and remove the cover and put new padding in the seat then replace the cover, bolt it back in and put all back together.

I may tackle the other end tomorrow if it's another rainy day and I think it will be.  I hope the second piece will be easy to just open up the seat and slide the new padding in....if there is no damage to the springs....the piece I did today some of the springs had slipped so I had to do extra work.  

My arms are feeling stiff  because this sofa is very big and heavy I had to flip it over on its' front, And then I had to lift it back over and a lot of tugging took place so my back and arms are now feeling the effects of that effort.  

I spent the last hour watching the Great British Bake Off...a very fine hour spent and I learn so much from them.  Not so much about baking but about how to be supportive of your competitors, such a civilized thing.  

My son begins his first day at his new job tomorrow...he is trying out some retail right now.  I don't think he is going to like it but it's not up to me...I did 7 months retail myself when I first moved back to SC from NY.  I hated it.  I think he is going to be actually working in the stock room so not dealing with the public but inventory and we'll see! 

It's Saturday Night and Svengoolie begins in 5 mins...If I make it to the end without falling asleep I will let you know how it was....Tonight it's Tarantula, I have low tolerance for this area we have 2 dangerous spiders we have to beware of...
The Black Widow and the Brown Recluse.  BOTH hideous to look at 'shivers' and both harmful in a different way the Black Widow is identified by the red hour glass on the abdomen. The female kills her mate after mating. They are the most venomous spider in North America but not usually deadly to humans but they can cause some paralysis of the diaphragm! You should seek medical attention if bitten.  

The Brown Recluse is a large brown Hairy spider...he has shape like a Fiddle on his back...very creepy.  They bite and cause necrosis of the should seek medical attention.  

The Tarantula is present in the desert South West here in the USA and Mexico...they also can cause problems if you are bitten...from short term pain to long term spasms.  SO the key is to NOT get bitten by spiders!!

1955 Directed and Written by Jack Arnold 
Starring Leo G Carroll from The Man from Uncle fame.  And he played the butler in Topper, Clint Eastwood has a cameo role...
 So the movie has begun, and they have found the first dead person out in the desert...they are trying to solve the problem of world hunger, by injecting  an atomic isotope growth hormones  into animals...they have guinea pigs as big as regular pigs! And one of the lab victims is a SPIDER and it's big sooooo I can see what's going to happen!  Here is one sentence I copied from the website's description of the movie:

Deemer assumes that his dead assistant had injected himself with the serum as a test, though it was not yet fully perfected ( a cautionary lesson for all, with what’s going on in the world). 

Even Svengoolie has gotten political...Trumps Warp Speed Virus Vaccine for this isotope when injected in humans creates a disfigurement similar to acromegaly like  Andre the Giant had...So then the spider got out....utoh..and the afflicted assistant has injected the Professor with the serum.  But the assistant was killed and the professor buried him out back 😨 And then he lied when asked about his assistant he said "oh he is not working here anymore."  So they will end up bringing out the airforce to  destroy the Giant Arachnid from the air!! Im sure they will try GUNS first...LOL As usual...if it's a threat SHOOT IT, American mentality.  

So time to curl up on the couch cover up with my favorite fleece blanket and Watch TARANTULA as he terrorizes the Arizona town!! 

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