Friday, October 2, 2020

The Good, Bad, & Ugly.


the good....
I got my fence repair it turned out I didn't need to buy any cattle panels, I forgot I had the wire I had removed from my garden I was able to make that work, use what you have is my mantra....that corner looks better now...I want to plant more evergreens in that corner for privacy.  The cedar trees are growing in good now..3 died and I have to find replacements for those empty spots...

It was so nice working out with the birds singing and the dogs milling around laying in the sun...Finally the outdoors is wonderful again! Sure makes me feel good.   

I have a new hummingbird in my yard..she just arrived today so I put out some fresh sugar water for her...she has been steady at the cute to watch.  I hadn't seen one in a week since all the ones who spent the summer here left when the rain was going on.

For dinner tonight I had vegan refried bean burrito with a crisp tossed salad with salsa and I made a shaker full of NON alcoholic Margarita!! I sat on my front deck and watched the crows coming into the field and do their nightly pick around and I can see the autumn change on the tall Tulip Popular Trees that stand near the back of the field. It was so nice.  For a few hours my bubble was a happy spot to be. 

the Bad:
I got a few cuts and bruises but the cuts are not as bad as it could have been If I hadn't been taking my collagen.  Barbed WIRE can really make a mess out of you.  Im not putting up any barbed wire I was taking some down.  One barb got me pretty good in the hand right thru my work gloves...but it's not hurting as much today,  that happened yesterday.

NOW the Ugly:
Trump on the TV evening news said, "I don't even know who the Proud Boys are" Acting as if he misspoke...BUT the damage is done, if he didn't know them how did he come up with their name?? The group is known to be White Supremacists and a hate group! I don't think he is fooling anyone with his backpeddling, too little too late!  AND now he is attacking immigrants too...Biden will turn Minnesota into a refugee state???  OK the Somali immigration began there in 1999 and continued to 2000 ....and reached a peak in 2006.  BUSH was in charge during that why is he blaming Biden for that?  AND I have seen no trouble from them in the news so what's the problem??  Anyone who supports him I have no USE for period. 
DONALD is LYING on all points.  
Texas Governor just had some ballot drop boxes removed! He wants only one per county...WHY??? So the vote can me suppressed! 
Airlines are laying people off...tens of body is flyin; honestly good for the air, but I hope those people can find new jobs...
Mail in Ballots are being tossed or being returned due to missing witness, or information..
My state is allowing vote by mail and no witness necessary as of NONE.  But that could change as it keeps being challenged in court???WHY for goodness sake.  Each ballot has  a bar is specific to that person, then the signature is verified against the signature on the Voters Registration Card. 

AND THE Q, QANON,  it stands for a this conspiracy theory that top Democrats are involved in this secret club of pedophiles. Same Lie as the Pizza-gate...the person who started it is a Pig Farmer in the Philippines who has a porn site and adult sex website!! There is a membership and hundreds of people belong to this Q thing....and they all support Trump! I just heard that on NBC news they investigated and I trust NBC.  Does Donald have 3 six's on his head or something? 

 NOW I hear they may take my advice on the next debates turn off their Mics..they should place them in a sound proof booth and only the live mic will let us  hear them. And little Donnie says he won't accept any rule changes...Well then cancel it I won't watch period anyways. Well no show means automatic win for the other side..I WOULD tell him either he accepts the changes or don't come.  Too bad for him. Im so tired of no one with the brass to cross this guy.  HE IS A HUGE BLUFF.  
I doubt intelligent people will be watching after we saw what he plans to do!!

And that's how it goes today...

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