Saturday, October 10, 2020

A sign of the time?


Now the type thing we are used to hearing about in Russia where people outspoken against Putin die mysteriously or nearly die and are saved only by quick action of by standers, is happening right here in the USA.  Trump basically inspired a hit on the Governor of Michigan.  She is a never Trumper and he has had it in for her since she was elected in 2019. As reported on CNN online this is a statement the governor made:

"We have a choice between a leader who is going to have his minions attack people when they are being targeted by domestic terror groups, and we have a leader who calls to see how you're doing, to check in and to see what they can do to be supportive," Whitmer said. "It tells you everything you need to know about the character of the two people on this ballot that we have to choose from in a few weeks."

So if Trump wins it will seal our fate for many  years....I can almost see it  now that next his even more vile SONs will put their names on a Ballot somewhere...and want to continue to push the perverted ideas of the GOP even farther into the future.  So 13 white supremacists were arrested in a plot to kidnap and kill the Governor.  Armed Militia's must be stopped...the constitution has to be amended...if this trend continues soon the violence is going to spill right out into suburbia.   

Violence in Politics has always been accepted in other it's here in the USA...soon the next level of violence will be as Trump called Militia to Stand BY at polls...this is a direct threat to the American Voting Public...yet was he warned BY any official to knock it OFF?? NO So I hope the CIA and the FBI has put his name on one of their Watch Lists!  He is inciting violence, voter suppression, and domestic terrorism.  He is a dictator masquerading as a Democratic President. Evil Person so very Evil.  He is not fit to be a county councilman let alone a President. 

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I woke up at 5 am NOT feeling well have a temperature of 98.1 that's high for me.  It's been steady climbing every day...I got Covid tested yesterday so with a weekend now coming I doubt I will know anything till the end of next week.  I hope Im feeling fit as a fiddle by then.  (Im cured, Im Immune, I havent felt this good in 20 yrs NOT) How many other people who had covid came out saying that??ONLY one that I know of!!

So none of my "to do" list is going to move forward this weekend, the way Im currently feeling.  A weekend of rain is predicted for my area due to Delta the 5th storm to hit the gulf coast this year...the areas just got their electric grid back on line from the last storm.  After Hugo gave us a direct hit in 1989 we had no power for 11 days we were cooking on the grill in the yard...the debris piles were still on the curbs of the people in town at Halloween when we took our son around to trick or treat.  Of course we had 5 big trees we cut up and burned here on our place...but it took months for that to happen as we had to cut it up then wait for it to dry out enough to burn...and we did it over a period of time. 

It took a long time to get things put back to "normal".   The town was over run with sham contractors who would roof your house in 2 days then GONE to the next county over to do the'd never get a chance to see if it leaked....a lot of people got taken advantage of.  We had to have a roof...and now that roof is leaking again...dang. But how many years old is it...lets see its 31 years well some of it is...  I plan to apply for a USDA Rural Development Grant...I have the application and have had it since I first got sick....I pretty much forgot about it....but I plan to print it out and get moving on that.  

I just heard some geese fly over.  Have  you ever stood beneath a flock of large birds flying...the sound of their beating wings is an amazing thing.  I hope to get some of these deferred chores caught up so I can spend my time out birding again...the summer was so hot I got nothing done.  NOW If I can  feel well again I can knock most of those todo's out of the ball park.  So Today is Friday as I type tomorrow is Saturday and time for classic thrillers...I heard it's going to be  Tarantula!! Of course I get the creeps just seeing a daddy long legs so this should be interesting...Remember Arachnophobia.    OH MY I was screaming all thru that one.  

Last  night I sort of watched a movie Bruce Willis a retired CIA Black Ops guy dragged back into the fray and the whole thing was about the Vice President of the US was using the CIA as his own personal "hit squad" and now I can see that is not a far fetched idea at all.  We all know the USA has murdered world leaders they hid the path back to  them so well...but we all know they did it...ones I suspect the CIA was involved in , Dr King, JFK, and RFK, just to name a few. All Democrats, all Liberal all murdered....that is NOT a co-incidence..

Simple things to get excited about is where I am in life right now.  Any little thing to look forward to gives me hope.  When I saw those families on Adventures With Purpose getting the news of their loved one being found deceased it really brought home to me how much I have to be thankful for...I have suffered great loss over the past 2 yrs but at least it was swift I can't imagine not knowing if my loved one is alive or dead for months and months...And in the case of Nicholas Allen his mom read his journal and she pretty much figured out he went to the river bank because that was his go to spot when he was down and out.  She pleaded with the law enforcement to check that river, they never did!  This is what gets under my skin...society touts law enforcement as Heroes...but are they ??  They sure did nothing to help that family and then flew in and took credit for the find, after AWP had done all the work finding the car in the water!! That's not heroic in my's down right pathetic.  AWP does not charge a fee for dragging these abandoned cars out of the rivers, they do it to clean up the environment and to help ordinary and sometimes desperate people get answers. 

I will give a wrap up of the movie on my next post...have a super weekend what ever you end up doing! 

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