Saturday, October 3, 2020

Mind Hacks


So the Trumps have covid? Or is he just stalling cause he can't continue  his rigorous rally schedule?   I noticed he was leaning against the podium on the news bit from Wednesday when he was in Minnesota spewing his lies and his SPIT!! 
Nah I think they do have of h s staff, was it Hicks, was flying with them on US ONE and she got sick tested positive on Thursday and they were tested after that happened and bingo.  My fear is will Joe get it??? Better not.  I wonder t his he is the nominee, if and God Forbid Im not saying this will happen, but it flashed across my mind, if he should get so sick he passes will Harris become the nominee? I have no clue how that works I think she would then she would nominate a running mate?

I watched the final episode of Hacking Your Mind on PBS this morning in the wee hours when I awoke lay in bed and watched...and it was very interesting...mainly it spoke about how ideas are contagious.  I certainly believe that I mean look at Fake news.
In China they have this number system much like our "credit score" which in a way put an end to a fair financial market in my opinion.   Did you know your car insurance premiums are based more on your credit score than your driving record??  How fair is that BS?? I plan to write to Joe and Jamie Harrison once he is elected to bring attention to this and the idea of NO fault Insurance across the Country.  Why should an INDUSTRY that is MANDATED that we all have not be the same across the board.  People have car insurance and no health insurance!!! 

The China score is about being a good Communist.  Like if you make any bad remarks on social media against the government your score goes down...if people in your friends list has a low score it affects your score so you unfriend them and your score goes up...Can you  believe this?   So an experiment was done where in a US neighborhood the electric company shows you how you stack up against your neighbors on energy usage.  It actually has a bar graph showing usage among neighbors, this is a friendly little way of teaching people to be more conscious of their usage and hopefully reduce it! 

So your mind can be hacked and I think we all have been hacked in some way.  Take me for instance..
This morning Annie followed me right into the bathroom and she doesn't normally do that was my first hint....but I told her to wait outside the door she did but then she came BACK...I thought what is she up to?  When I got out to make coffee she went running toward the back door another odd thing as she always gets her breakfast right after I make the coffee...SO I looked, I had forgotten to take out the doggie door cover, I had put in last night the phone was beeping and they were about to run out  of the house SO I  put the door in...LOL Poor babies didn't get to go pee all night...see Annie communicates with me by sign language, but it's up to me to figure out what she is trying to tell me.  

Dogs are so smart...I saw this experiment on Hacking Your Mind last week.
They put a treat in a box and then had a dog watch.  The box was clear plastic, all you had to do to open it is lift the lid it was hinged...but they taped this fake handle to the box and then they showed the dog the treat, they wiggled the handle a couple of times then she lifted the top opened the box and put the treat inside.  The dog went over and nudged open the box and got the treat he did not imitate the wiggling of the handle...a chimp was next she did the same thing she just walked over opened the box and got the treat out. 
Next they used a human child...and she added an extra step of sliding a long slender stick across a slot in the box, then wiggled the handle, then lifted the top to put the toy inside.  
The child imitated exactly what she had done slide the stick wiggled the handle and then opened the proves ANIMALS are smarter than people. They saw that the handle did nothing in that it had no moving parts...Highly intelligent they are. 

FRIDAY Again?? And now it's life is whizzing past at the speed of about yours? I have to shampoo the rug in my bedroom the dogs sleep in there with me, they have their own beds but sometimes they get out of their beds and sleep on the rug so it's dirty.  After breakfast I will shampoo it and then it can be dry by bedtime I hope...
AND then I may take a drive somewhere I want to get away today and enjoy this gorgeous weather clouds will roll in on Sunday and probably more rain so I gotta enjoy it while it's here. 
My baby sis had a birthday yesterday...she is 64 omg we are all so old now!!  We used to call her Smuttes when she was a kid I have no idea where that came from.  My nick name is Sondie...and most of my family call me Sondie...
Have a pleasant day,

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