Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Monday Wonderings...

ONDERFUL NEWS...negative test result. 

I was so happy to get my test result email this morning Negative...SO I don't have to worry about going about my life  and passing around a virus....I will  continue to follow guidelines.  Whew....I did not want to be in quarantine  again...This illness did not feel like the other one, but during these times ANY symptom leaves you guessing...so I am happy I got tested...Our state is still bringing in 11% of the people tested as positive, over 150,000 so far! 

I still feel off tho, stuffy head, mentally not sharp blah if you will, some headache, and a little cough...so I guess upper respiratory due to the pollen and dust..now we have some rain so add mold n mildew...I don't know ---->who knows...It is becoming cold and flu season. 

So today the Hearings on the replacement Sup Court  Judge begin not looking forward to that but guess what? our Democratic Challenger to Lindsey Graham, Jamie Harrison an African American,  raised more money in this quarter than any other Democrat...People really Want Lindsey OUT...and some super pacs have been running ads against Graham too...I will be so glad when its all over with, the ads are back to back on Internet, TV, and YouTube all places I spend my free time..

So in my life not much since yesterday I had calls from both my sisters and I enjoyed that, it  rained off and on, I watched a Youtube Movie in the afternoon, called Cardboard Boxer, a brutal movie not my normal thing to watch...what started it was my sister had gotten a copy of it at the library and she sent me a link to the "trailer" on Youtube...and when I went to see the trailer it was about a homeless man...SO I thought wow I was just recalling Leon...and bam a movie about homeless ness...so Youtube had the movie Free to watch with Ads...so I added it to my watch later and did..

It was tough to watch in parts violence, adult material, I lead a rather sheltered life in that regard, it's just me, so I pick and chose accordingly...it was however Im sure right on for the reality of living ones life on the street due to in this guys case,  mental problems, addictions, alcohol, veterans with no place to go, and just plain lost and alone.  Very sad situation...

IF I was homeless I would move to a small town find an abandoned building and set up homesteading, or squatter's rights...IF you move onto a piece of property and make improvements to it over a period of 7 yrs you have squatters rights!! Meaning legally you can stay there!!  ANYWAYS I would rather forage and live off the land than beg for money from strangers.  I think I would do better, one man who was homeless in NYC had a can and bottle business...he spent h is entire day getting aluminum cans and bottles out of garbage cans on the street corners...And he had a huge Pile in his shopping cart it was 8 ft high!! I don't know how he did it, but he had a tarp around his cart and  he tossed his cans in the top and it looked like a hot air balloon.  
In NYC when I lived there, they had in place these "vending machines" and in those you put plastic, glass, and aluminum  and it would grind the plastic, break the glass, and crush the cans!! You fed them in one by one...and you got a ticket with an amount on it go into the store and get cash for your items!! 
This man used to go around yelling "who says you can't live on $20 a day?"  and he seemed quite content with his lifestyle. 

So enough on homelessness. lets talk about moving to Canada.   So the border is closed how we gonna move to Canada if DT wins the election?? I don't think he will he is a full 10 points below Biden at this point...I heard the Trump people made up a clip that made Dr Fauci angry put together out of various clips and taken completely out of context to make it appear he is saying Trump is cured and OK..Fauci never said that...
Trump now says he is Immune from getting or spreading the virus...but he sure is spreading LIES and Dishonesty!  The big winner of the VP debate was the fly I think...

Okay so I got things to do, not feeling up to the couch end today that can wait till I fell much better I think I over did it on Saturday and that is why I felt so bad yesterday I barely strayed from my perch on the couch...it's gloomy and Columbus day.   Always a debate over that the guy who was lost when he arrived here....he thought he was in India so I don't really think we need a federal holiday for him...but what do I know. 

I still have hummingbirds the 2 that showed up are  hanging around maybe they are waiting on the storm to clear the gulf before resuming their trip to South America...Funny, these tiny birds know how to fly to South America without the help of any instruments...we need a National Hummingbird Day, at least they know WHERE they are going and HOW to get there!!

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