Saturday, October 31, 2020


rrittn's is mostly a way to decompress my thoughts...

I decided last minute to go back to Bear Island since it was closed for hunting when I went on was a beautiful day tho a little windy, due to the remnants of Zeta.  I had expected a hug fallout of Warblers but that was not the case I saw NONE...however that's not what I went to see I wanted shorebirds and waterfowl...did see some of that but in much decreased numbers than previous years. 

On the way home I tried to get back before dark thirty because my headlights go out sometimes...pretty scary.  I think it's a short but who knows I replaced the headlamps with a lower amp thinking the ones I had in were creating more heat than the wiring could handle...but when I had to dim my lights it went off for a second but came back on so I think short.  Have  you ever inspected that bundle of wire?? It would take an electrical genius to find the short...however my Uncle said replace the dimmer switch.  Remember when it used to be on the floor? I sure do a big metal button you find with the ball of your foot on the left floor board area.  When you had to use one foot on the clutch and one on the brake, and then try to figure  out how to dim your lights things got a little out of hand.  

So they Blue Moon on the way home was Amazing!! It rose about 6:30 PM I saw it hanging over the cotton fields which are in the middle of being picked...Everytime I pass a huge field of cotton I can't help but wonder how many slaves used to work that land, and pick that cotton.  If you have never picked cotton, let me tell you how painful that was.  The first problem is the cotton bowl or bloom, when it flowers then dries the pod opens it peels back like a banana but the ends of the peels dont curl down they stick out..and on the end of each of those peels is a sharp spiney tip.  So reach in and It stabs you had to take your time unless you want blood on your cotton. 

Then you had a bag to carry to put the cotton in, the cotton had seeds inside it so eventually it got heavy..and the heat of an open field and the bugs and snakes and the master on a horse with a rifle pointed your way...I can only imagine the hate I would have for that man..
Yet now here on the brink of an election where we Democrats need the black vote so much we beg "Please help us." I'm pretty sure even tho we are on the same side they ask "why should we?"

We now depend on an the ancestors of people our ancestors enslaved to help us preserve the very democracy that allowed people to become you know the rest of the story.

I didn't get a post ready for early posting so this is a short post but I hope it was thought all the gears of destiny work eventually are revealed.  Do I believe in destiny? Not exactly and yes.  So there. 
Speaking of gears turn your clock back one hour tonight if you Must..I have to wonder how down the road the destiny of this will become fact in my life it already has...
The car wreck in 1997 would never  had happened if the clock had been left where it should of been. 

                                    The Halloween Blue Moon over a Cotton Field

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