Sunday, June 26, 2022



All the Never Hillary's we can thank you for where we are today...I wanted Bernie, but you don't toss the baby out with the dishwater.  They didn't vote, like little spoiled brats they helped to erase all the hard work MY generation did all the progress we did make. BY turning their backs on us!!  Now not only do WE not have any Progressive Forward movement we are going Thank you to all those Progressives who put us Back 50 yrs by not participating.  Sometimes things come forward in little steps, we must take our first steps, and that is the way life is...we can't jump all the way to the front of the line.  So all those tattooed, nose ringed, binary individuals,  everything goes progressives, YOU SUCK!! You are chicken shit!  Where is your spine??  All those latte soaked
influencers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z.   
Get yourself in gear or just shut UP...So tired of hearing them moan and groan about our generation and how things are tougher for them...and yet they did nothing to help.  If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem. 
You will go down in history as the generation that "Could Have But Didn't!  YOU want to be carried into the future, not walk into your own  future, where are the leaders?  You look to our generation to continue to pave the way for Pete's sake?? We are old, we are the dying generation, so YOU will have to carry the torch like it or not. Stop whining, and get busy.
When it was time to step up they stepped aside, what wusses, spineless...Fire yourself UP...get angry, get things's your future you are gambling away. NOT MINE, I cant have a baby I don't take birth control measures, I got no dog in this fight but I am gonna do what I can to try to stop these Political and Religious Regressionists in their political tracks. Are you just gonna stand there while your rights are whittled away or you gonna get your asses to the polls in Nov and vote these Puritans OUT??


Friday, June 24, 2022

Monkey Court

According to the Supreme Poobah court we have, full of self righteous wing nuts, it's an individual's right to be able to protect ones'self at all times with the use of a GUN, that protection means you can murder anyone who threatens your life.  So it's okay to be ready to murder anyone who intrudes on or into your life OUTSIDE your body, but not from within your body?? 

I am not in favor of murder...but I am a Pro Choice believer. I do not believe a fertilized egg is a human, it is stage one.   Even the dang Bible says, "And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for. thee that one of thy members should perish, and. not that thy whole body should be cast into hell."
I don't follow any religion and I don't follow religious doctrine but the people on the right claim to do so..

HYPOCRITES they are. Thomas seems to be in a hurry to get all this right wing crap into the Judgement before his possible Impeachment or before Biden ads more Justices?

Anyways there is two sides to every coin and trust me I know first hand about some of the opposite side of an unwanted pregnancy...See these Justices are preaching female Morality...they think they can dictate to the women in this nation about their sexual life that they be forced into motherhood.  They can not and will not.
 There is no way of knowing but today alone I can almost bet 1000's of women got pregnant and MANY of them are not married, have no job, and have no means to support a child.  Many will be drug addicted, or hookers, some will be teenagers who are caught up in a moment...and some will be women and men who really should not be raising kids...some will be women who were using protection but it  failed...or they will be women trying to use a pregnancy to hold onto a failing relationship...So here is the point..

Women of means who end up with an unwanted pregnancy will go someplace else, another country or maybe another state here in the USA...women of means will be fine...
But the majority of women in this country are not women of means...
So now they will become  Welfare mothers, more Food Stamps, more  Medicaid, the Social Services needs in this country will go up 1000 Fold...crime will increase, more murdered women and more mayhem.  Single mothers will be forced out of their homes...they won't be able to support themselves on $8.50 an hour, provide food, clothing, health care, child care AND Rent so more people in cardboard boxes living on the streets...Children will be legally abandoned at fire stations, police stations and hospitals, and on the doors of these HOLY churches!  As long as the baby is not harmed...Safe Haven Laws say so.

Men will be forced into a financial corner with all the DSS child support claims and many will commit suicide, Many will end up in Jail, many will be so stressed trying to work two jobs they will barely be human anymore, and there is no way out..for the 18 yrs one is required to pay; the amount ranges but just based on minimum wage earners it's $250 monthly. That could vary from state to state, but here in my state that is about the lowest rate.  That is $54,000 dollars and that's not even counting all the added State fees, the re installment fees after suspensions etc...that all comes with that territory.  Your home, your car, can be levied against, your pay check can be garnished, and you tax refunds confiscated if you get behind. 

People will be forced to become grandmothers and grandfathers, many of them will end up having to raise the child who will be abandoned at their home...look at how many are doing that now, well that number is going to increase substantially!!  In my small circle of people I have known at least 6 women who have had to raise grand children. 

The fall out is so huge, all because of some people's ideology that they must control the body of women and lives of men, with THEIR religious doctrine! 

WHY can't the Right just live their own life; do they have to rule everyone's life?

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Dictators need not apply...


Will Trump ever just GO the F' Away?  I for one am really tired of his BS and the people who would insanely follow him! WTH? And I would like to know this, I have found no evidence of him DOING any GOOD while he was in Office?  When I interact on social media with his supporters I read stuff such as "he did so much good for this country." OK like what, please list it in order of the accomplishment.  All I saw was him do was: Rolling back environmental protections, building a wall that changed nothing in the long term, he created tariffs that meant ALL our Domestic Good rose in Price, he cut Taxes for the wealthy which means we had less money to do what we need to do, he tried to CUT Obamacare Health Insurance meaning more Americans would go without Insurance and Health costs continued to Soar. He did not strike a deal with Big Pharm as he promised he would, he Misled Americans about the Pandemic...and he LIED soooo many Lies.  HE gutted the Budgets of Federal Cabinets, and Fed Departments...Like the EPA, US Post Office, The FAA, SNAP,TANFF, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the list goes on and on the cuts he made that hurt the poor, the sick and veterans, and the national debt rose to $22 Trillion. 

He cut back on Public Lands that were to be protected, he allowed the expiration of the Crimes Against Women, he forced in 3 Hard Line Right Wing Supreme Court Justices, He neglected and disgraced our Allies in the World.  He withdrew us from the World Health Organization, he constantly threated to withdraw us form NATO saying the Allies were not pulling their financial weight, He Pulled out of the Iranian Nuclear Deal,  He withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord, he withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council, and the UN Relief and Works Agency, and from UNESCO, Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, The Treaty on Open Skies,  and he tried to pull out of many more treaties that was not ratified by congress....  Many of these organizations and treaties are not so easy just to get back in NOT just simply able to say oh by the way we want back in...what I have named above is only a smattering of how he turned his back on our Allies, and Nations depending on US support. 

His conduct was hideous and he was suspected of misusing campaign funds, he put his family and friends in roles they were not qualified to hold, emulsion clauses were probably broken, and he lied lied lied...And he pressed the Q-Non BS as real!

He advocated and aligned and praised White Supremacist's who murdered and maimed innocent people in more than one incident, and he used them to harasses other members of the GOP Party who refused to do his bidding. He sent the Goon Squad in to get them. 

 He tired to glorify himself as a Military Leader, which he was never.  He tried to Tarnish and created Trumped UP lies against his opponent Biden by trying to use the Ukraine President to lie about Biden and he used his Lawyers to Trump up bogus "secret laptop" BS on Biden's son...all in an attempt to discredit his opponent. 
He tried to rewrite States Law to pave a way for him to overturn the election in AZ and GA. HE thought he could change the electors and then let it go to the Supreme Court, which he felt he had it padded well enough to certify in his favor! 

He tried to force his way into office when he lost the bid for re-election...he lied about his numbers, he lied about his actions, and he tried to overthrow our Presidential Election.  He lied to the public and he tried to use a "Militant Militia Group" in an unlawful attack on our Capitol...He tried to illegally replace Electoral College Members in AZ by removing Biden Electors and replace them with Trump electors!! IF he doesn't go to jail for this one, then WTF?

SO that is just a short list of what I witnessed him I ask again WHAT GOOD DID HE DO?  I need not look far to realize that Sectors of the  GOP have supported  his goon and I would never SUPPORT a GOP candidate not even for School Board, JIC they are actually more aligned with the Neo Nazi Far Right who are the real Supporters of Trump those are not the GOP and they should be running on a 3rd party ticket!! They do not represent what we knew as Republicans. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

It was the...


The stretching I mean...MY hip/leg is as bad as ever again.  I can barely walk and its so painful...damn. I really screwed up.  I have my next appt on Thursday...hope I can make it till then...and wouldn't you know we had 2 days of storms and my yard is a disaster zone...branches all over the place. We had 60 mph gusts and every tree was whipping around like a rag doll...these are 100 ft tall pines that could cut my house in half if they fell on it.  SO  scary.  We had no electric for 12 hrs after the wind knocked it was a hot night too my bed was like a swamp...

So I had planned to bird today and clean up the yard tomorrow it's going to be low humidity tomorrow...So off I went fairly early to bird it got HOT 94...I was a hot mess when I decided to head home at noon...and my  Van window made a funny sound then stopped moving! Dang...I had replaced the window regulator in this window in 2017 not that long ago.  SO when I got  home I pulled in the shade and proceeded to take out the inside door panel to have a look...that darn regulator failed!! The wire was all out of place, it had gotten hung on something and it simply was bollixed.  It is sold as a whole unit. The motor, the spool of wire its all rolled up like a weed eater type cog push the button it unwinds and then push again it rolls back up..

Meanwhile I pulled the glass up and put painters tape  around it on both sides to keep it up...and I will shove some rags inside the cavity in case it does slip down...and I ordered another one, I swear it's such a poorly engineered piece of crap.  The one I replaced on the Toyota was ingenious.  I just hope this new one will last longer than 5 yrs! And to add to the stress, Fed Ex is delivering it...omg. I will be swearing bullets till it arrives...and speaking of that....
I was so worn out when I finally came inside to cool off, have something to eat and drink then get a shower I could barely that time  2 pm my pain meds had worn off and I was a complete mess myself...I came out of the shower and spread eagle on my bed for 20 mins just to gain strength to put on clothes!!

The old grey nag is not what she used to be...And I swear every nerve in my body was unhappy I had pain in every inch of misery.  I just don't get it.  And the heat does not help...It was not as humid but it was so intensely hot...humidity helps one to cool off actually...the dry heat is not what I'm used to and since my leg has had me limping for months I have not keep strong....
I really am at the end of my rope.  Guess my regulator just broke. 


Friday, June 17, 2022



and a couple of things caught my eye from the news of that time, the Jan 6 attack, the days directly after that and so forth...3 things caught my eye in what I had repeated out of the news....
Number one was how DT said if they Impeached him some people were going to get very angry...that was a direct threat to our government...and it was an implication that he was able to control "some" groups to perform violence on  his behalf.  It was a threat to the GOP leaders to not ratify the Impeachment!

The second thing that caught my eye was Joe Manchin...he asked that the House Delay the Impeachment Vote & Proceedings until more investigation could be the time I agreed, but KNOWING  now what I didn't know then is Joe is a Rep masquerading as a Democrat...I do believe he wanted that cooling off period so Trumps message could sink into those Republican minds, recall even McConnell was ready to Impeach directly after the attack...Lindsey Graham, even the stooge Josh Hawley, denounced the Coup attempt but after that cooling off period as the vote was delayed...they all sided with Trump...So thanks Joe Manchin. 

And the third thing that caught my eye was Trump saying, "What ever the economy does in the coming couple years is my doing, you can thank me".. Not verbatim, but that is what  he said. He said the economic recovery was going to be brilliant, and he took credit for that means this is his Inflation, this is his economic plan that has put us where we are. 

And basically he is right!! It was his Tariffs that began the price hikes of domestic goods, Steel Imports, and his America First idealism that stopped imports.  Even the fuckn Pillow Guy imports his cotton!! 

It was Trumps 2018  dumping the deal with Iran, that allowed waivers to exempt sanctions against Iranian oil,  and allow them to continue to  export oil to the US and Europe. Trump ended the waivers when he opted out of the Iran Nuclear  deal, with the aim of halting Iran exports completely...SO Trump helped to stop the flow of oil from Iran...When he pulled out of the Deal....that created a deficit that no one is talking about!! In Oct of 2020 the US imported 36,000 Barrels of oil a day from 2021 1,000 barrels a day...and I can't find any export info for 2022 for Iran.  Canada is the main exporter of  oil to the US. The Pipeline stops did not reduce the amount in fact it rose by 12%.  These are the type facts you find out only when you read various sources and do your own research! 

So Trump stopped the Iran Nuclear deal, it cost the US 35,000 barrels of oil per day which was a huge loss.  Then the GOP blames Biden for the oil prices...and for closing leaky deals on the pipeline which was only going to benefit Canada.  They managed to increase exports by 12%.  Biden has tried to get talks moving with Iran to get back some aspects of the deal but now it seems Iran has gone back to becoming a terror threat so talks have stalled!

Amazing right?

Wednesday, June 15, 2022



SO thrilled to find Dark Wind on Bflix, the free streaming service.  I have been a Tony Hillerman fan for all his books, even listened again to Books on Tape from the library, and got DVD
s of the books that became movies on PBS produced by Robert Redford. 
 I was so not happy to learn AMC picked up the series cause I don't have cable.  It was released on June 12th and I've already seen Episodes one and two.  
The roles are a little reversed as Joe Leaphorn is a Navajo cop in the original he is the Special Agent.  I so enjoyed learning all the Navajo mythology and beliefs and culture.  The series is filmed in New Mexico and directed by Chris Eyre, a native American film maker and Director.  
So I have to wait for episode 3 to come out but it's so fun to see those characters rise out of the dust again. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

More Changes


Food and other essentials are way up there almost out of reach and rent is getting there also.  An Apartment in South FL costs $6,000 a month????
I am so happy I own my home and I own the home my son lives in.  We would  both be shown the street in today's economy...I have family thru marriage in Great Britain.  Im not in touch with any of them since my husband and I divorced and now he  has passed away...and so have most of his siblings...but one thing I learned from them is; my inlaw aunt used to buy only what she could comfortably carry home from shops that were in the area...She rarely went by car.  It's a little different here as the nearest food shop is 12 miles round trip and I could not do that in this heat, not at my age and my conditioning...BUT I can buy less...and that is what Im doing...Its repetitive eating but so what.  If I get "fixins" for salad and one other entre enough to last 5 days. Its cheaper than having all those I have changed the way I shop.  Now this could come back to bite me if supplies in the store disappear...but if  you don't have the money you just don't have it!
My little garden is so small only because I can't protect it from predators!! Even a handful of green beans per day tossed on some red potato is an excellent side dish.  I am growing Basil and it's great on a piece of crusty bread with some tomato from the garden too when they ripen.  Sometimes I get only one cherry tomato ripe per day slice it up and on a piece of bread with basil and EVVO it's a delightful lunch!  I buy banana and almond milk and I whip it up into a smoothy with a little maple syrup...Perfect for breakfast..and one carton of milk lasts 2 weeks...
my Zukes are starting to form on the bush and I have 4 bushes if they all continue to do good...and I have at least one winter squash on the vine already and I have 3 of those vines, and 2 types of hot pepper...are already giving me veg.  There is small cucumbers on the vine, and the Eggplant is blooming.  The Peas are mostly done they burnt up pretty much once it got above 90 still have a few hanging on.  Recall I had to replant them due to that late frost we had that killed them!...So they did good to last this long.  I got a good handful each day from those...Just 3) 12 inch pots of peas.  Im going to try growing lettuce in 4 inch pots on the ledge on the North facing  window inside the house; maybe  I can fool it into thinking its cool...I will leave the pots outside to sprout then bring them inside.  Lettuce is a fall/winter crop in my area...but I think this could work! 
So Im only buying what I need for a week at a time...My freezer is not full, my pantry is not stacked, and I am able to buy gas and food  to do me as long as I don't go far...
All I know is you can't live like a King on a pauper's budget! 
I'm helping out my sis with some of her Etsy Store listings, she helps me so much because she has more means than I do so this is a way for me to help her...I feel so good about that. And it gets me away from Youtube and other nonsense.  
My hip did not improve much this week...I still have hope, had an appt yesterday it was not as satisfactory as the other one, So Im doing more stretching on my own...I do think it will eventually BE okay. 

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Event Horizons


Today is one of those days where I feel like I should not even be on Planet Im waiting on the ship to come and rescue me.  The ship from that other world  that could be my origins.  Why  you ask, because I just don't get it, is why.  More and more as I surrender to the physical limitations I am ready to zip on outta here and allow my mind to finally be free of all the chains...

In times like this I just have that tiny bit of hope that the afterlife is real and that I will be set free...not just from the bonds of Earth but the bonds of being human.  How wonderful to have no cares, not to be bothered with the what if thoughts, and the constant worry about the future.  If only I could disappear at will...then I may have  a shot at happiness but I am caught in the web and that is not changing, until #1, I die, or #2, I go insane.  I think I would rather take #1.  Cause #2 is like this world where one lives in constant denial.  No it's not me it's them...and so on.  

My hip is hurting I have not taken any pain meds yet, trying to not to, but may not make it...I volunteered to help my sis with some computer work and now on the worst day of the week and in the late to me afternoon when my brain is on the verge of when she wants us to  brainstorm this project. I just hope I can concentrate enough to make it through.  I  am no longer able to be alert and attentive to  human....I have slipped the surly bonds of communication and entered into the matrix where things can be anything you imagine them to be, except real. 

I relocated another squirrel today and when I opened the cage after taking her for a semi short ride, about 1 mile away...(probably not far enough) I said, "welcome to your new life." 
That's when it hit me that when the cage snaps shut, you are finally set free. 

Friday, June 10, 2022



Is what we already knew, but it's nice to have an exact timeline, and to have the people who did Trumps bidding testify to what they thought and to hear Trumps advisors say yeah, we all Knew there was No Fraud. But DT thought he could push his way thru, force his ill will on the people of this nation.  Thank goodness for people like Liz Cheney, who stood up to him...fearlessly, and God keep us from people like Kevin McCarthy who will sell their soul to the highest bidder.  Complete low life. He should be impeached for the lies he is repeating. 

While Kevin says this is a political witch hunt he best be worried least Trump turn on him and they will be shouting Hang,..him high?

Pence was as good as hanged if he had not ran to shelter...KEVIN was there running with the rest to shelter,  if there was no threat then Kevin why did you run?  If it was only politics why did you ask Trump to call off his mob? 

Although Mike Pence was noted to have to tried to do the right thing when it counted he still supports TRUMP.  He should never hold any office again as long as he lives. In my eyes his tarnish is not removable. 

I hope the ink on the papers of sedition and conspiracy are already dying in the DOJ and this little wanna be king will be charged, arrested, kept from posting bond,  found guilty and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. 

To the Unknown commenter who keeps telling me there are tons of spelling and grammar mistakes in my posts...yes I am aware and it is  purposeful, at least most of it.  I am not writing a thesis, a newspaper article, or a book.  There is no monetizing of my posts, and perfection is what I try to steer away from.  I wish to be unique and different, I know it's hard to accept.  
Due to this I am no longer accepting comments of any sort.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Some relief...

OW that helped!

It has been many years since I went to a chiropractor, I had forgotten how much force they use to put those bones back in position...
He did remember me, he said, you look very familiar to me! So I had to fess up and tell him I used to reupholster his patient tables...and he said, OF course!  He did more small talking than he did adjusting...but It was ok.  
Got a huge crack out of the SI which was out as well as the L, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and my hip joint! The head of the femur....when he grabbed my leg twisted it then yanked...OMG a huge pop and some pain but it immediately felt better.  So basically my hip was out of place!!  So I gotta go back on Monday...and Im so happy he said all my problems are alignment issues..SO hopefully I will be able to walk normal again at some point...He allowed me to skip the therapy (heat/ice) that my insurance does not pay for and the xrays...because he said my description was so spot on for an SI-Joint misalignment that it was text book. 
So I have to ice for 20 minutes ever other hour!! I have been icing but not that that's my assignment.  I hope the limp will go as the inflammation disappears...
I should not have been so stubborn about going but to be honest,...I was afraid.  NOT of the adjustment, but the what if he told me he can't help me? Then what? That was the big unknown. 
NOW I just hope it stays put...I know it's unstable, it's always given me some misery but it has never affected the leg/hip's always been the pain in those little hollows of the back...
He told me after I closed my upholstery business, he and his wife bought a machine and started doing their own work tables!! Amazing. 
I told him I can not do upholstery anymore due to my hands least he try to force me back into it!! I had a lady try very hard to force me to do her chair when she learned I had returned to the area...I told her I had NO equipment...sold all of it, and she insisted I could figure out how to do it...I told her, please don't call me again!!
Imagine a mechanic with no tools? Same thing. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

What is really going on?


Have you noticed how capitalism is not delivering the goods lately?  In this country corporate control is now a strangle hold!  They have us by the throat and the pocketbook.  They have managed to keep wages low while the price of their goods are soaring...
Gas is over the top and yet its not about a lack of the product it's the new  capitalist approach learned during the Pandemic.  They can cut jobs, cut production and RAISE prices and get away with it. 
There's less beans on the shelf...and they have not amped up production or logistics, and yet they raise the price and it just keeps going. 
This is not just at the pump it's all over the place.  Airlines are cutting flights...and raising prices while they say we have no pilots...what happened to the pilots they fired?? Did they all die?
Schools have no teachers, stores have no clerks, banks have no tellers, so long lines, empty shelves, and we keep showing up! WHY? Because we have no choice!! We are locked out of our own  future. 
Take note of the baby food issue, that could become an issue for the medicines people need, medical care, and the right to get yourself to that job you got no raise for! ONLY when the govt stepped in and forced the baby food industry to step up and the GOVT imported food was the shortage issues given some relief....
THAT is work NOT CAPITALISM,,,,the state had to step in because Capitalism FAILED...and is failing! All those screaming about not wanting socialism better not partake of the baby food least they be called hypocrites. 
Fascism will never work!!  Are we creating a fascists system by using capitalists to do it?  Everyone is LOOKING for Joe Biden to do something about the prices of gas, to force them to make more gas, people that is which do you want??? I agree gas prices should be lowered, but by pressure of the feds to pass HIGH taxes on the producers, to stop subsidies, either it is capitalism or its not.  
70% of American's want gun control...the nut cases who own guns are the ones stopping that from happening!! WHY is there no shortage of guns and ammo??? If the Congress won't pass the laws we need then let them tax the shit out of the ammo, the guns, tax them right off the shelf! 
THEY raise the interest rate to control our spending, so why not use that same tactic across the board??? TAX THEM out of favor. 
We must get back to small mom n pops who will keep these Capitalists in check that are pressing us into the idea of Fascism!!
Im not afraid of socialism, at least we get SOME Thing for our Money...not just paying a stalled Congress passing laws to make life easy for the very capitalists that are failing the tax payers who are funding those subsidies.  
The cookie cutter communities are all exactly alike....All our eggs are in the same basket...what could possibly go wrong?  Everything!!
NO more mergers they buy out the competition and this is the result!

SO what did our leaders do here in SC?  They made it impossible for the government to shut down churches...Churches remain open no matter what the hell is going down!! Save those souls and fill up those plates that get pa$$ed around!! 
Unfreakin' believable...Why can't those church goers meet in each others homes??? It's so fake!
AND these huge freakin companies, don't let them fool you THEY can hire people if they want to!  My son just went thru 2 months of trying to get a job...he applied to all sorts of jobs, Retail, Food Industry, Driving industry, and those jobs have yet to be is there a shortage or are they just refusing to hire, and forcing more hours on the ones working?
He was hired by a longtime family business that has been in this town many years....I don't know if he will thrive there or not but they had a notice on the door, HIRING he applied and he was hired....those big corporate stores with Hiring on the door, he applied, they didn't hire.  And they have not filled those jobs! 

Monday, June 6, 2022



If I can make progress one thing per day IM happy.  I am not big on getting 'er all done in one day anymore...that was then this is now...So the trouble with the car continued and we went to the old tire dealer we used to use before he got soooo busy he never had time for us, and he is no longer open on Saturday and seems to always be short handed...but we decided if his parking lot was not overflowing we'd give him a try...
Right away he found the problem with the shaking of the front of the  car...another of the  used tires we purchased had a knot in it, so the steel belt was about to go which would surely mean another blow out this time on the front so we bought one more tire...he checked the other one so far its ok....the shaking went away! So it didn't need a wheel alignment after all...
NO MORE USED TIRES!! Not worth it lesson learned. 
Son begins the new job's only 25 miles round trip daily but still better safe than sorry...
AND I made my Chiropractic appointment.  Wednesday 10 am...Hope he can help's the same guy I have gone to years ago! In fact I used to do his table upholstery...Im sure he has all new ones by now...and I wonder if he will remember me.  
I just hope he CAN help my hip flexor problem!

Sunday, June 5, 2022



Since my hip has been giving me misery I have lost a lot of interest in getting up and facing the day.  I can see now why my Mom had so many issues with her life when she found herself in her 80's no longer able to drive or even to live alone after being independent for so many years.  I am not depending on anyone at this time, but I sure am not able to live the way I did just a year ago.  

I still don't know what the problem is with my hip it has gotten some better but it's still painful to go without pain killers...I tried that, could not stand the pain.  On days when I am determined to do some walking it's so stiff the next day it will barely move...I try to stretch but trust me it's too painful to do more than  a couple of stretches...NOW my left elbow is showing symptoms of tennis elbow.  Is it possible I have some immune disorder attacking my joints?  Jeepers...

Never once in my mind thought my body would stop be from living my life the way I want to live it.  I can walk a little bit but hiking, or going on trails is out of the question with my hip/leg the way it is currently...I can not bike at all....and even my gardening chores are difficult....I can't pick it up high enough to get good clearance, the long thigh muscle is soooo sore it may be torn.  I thought rest and taking it easy would solve the problem.  The NP I went to said she agreed that chiropractor may help so Im making an appointment this week, I hope they were on weird hours last week due to the holiday, then both my sons car and mine needed a tire once I saw his blow out the way it did, I got right on getting one on the front of my van where I had a tire with threads shining that shot the short week to  hell....anymore taking your car to a garage is a long drawn out process....we were to pick up his car Wednesday that didnt happen, so I ordered my tire they never have the right size in stock...and then we came back at 10 am, Thursday to pick up his car and put my tire on we got back home at 2 took all day!

So Friday I did NOTHING! Still he needs a wheel alignment so tomorrow morning we're back on the road leaving a car etc...and he starts a new job on Tuesday at 8 am that's what we're trying to get his car up to snuff for daily driving to work.  I hope this job is the magic one for him he has been thru so many jobs in the past 8 months..he even did Pizza Delivery which put his car thru that ended up being more cost than it was worth. 

Anyways back to my new found lack of I understand what mom went thru but she didn't go thru till she was 80...I hope my hip will heal and I can resume some sort of normal thigh muscle gets so tired easily and it really requires a lot of effort to put one foot n front of the other...and sometimes my knee wants to lock and that causes pain and the feeling that Im about to fall down..

Another issue Im having is food! I always loved to cook and be creative with food even tho Im mostly vegan.  Now a days I just don't care...its like I don't want rice, pasta, veggie, I don't want cook, and once it's cooked I don't enjoy it or even care to eat it! I went back to eating bread, and that's all I do cut a piece of bread  put some topping on it and eat it...I cooked up a whole pot of penne pasta cut up fresh basil, olive oil, cherry tomato and ate one serving, the dogs got the rest...I really don't know what is going on except I just can't be bothered and I don't enjoy anything anymore...
I recall how many times I told my Mom, "just enjoy your senior years and don't worry about what you can't do anymore." 
No wonder she just frowned at me when I said I get it. 


The funny thing is my sis told me she is going thru similar issues!! She has blood sugar problems, and that means she can't just let her diet go to pot...she has low energy, cant sleep, gets tired, and is bored with her diet...I guess these are all symptoms of aging?
Part of aging in place is accepting what you can't change I guess...and that is the HARD PART.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Wander Women...


Some of you may enjoy following along on this epic journey of two women, Kristy and Annette as they travel across the USA on the Rails to Trails system...they are currently in WA and in the episode I have posted below they are  crossing their first state Line, they began about a week's super fantastic to see this type adventure...something I wanted to do myself...but allowed life to stop me.  I wanted to do it on horseback when I was in my 20's if only I had listened to my dream...