Friday, October 16, 2020

Run Aways


Today is Thursday and I've had it on my calendar for over a month to go to a meeting today!  My electric Co-op has an annual meeting and all are invited.  I never go because it's normally held in Sumter 30 miles away, always well attended and from what I know BORING..except for the door prizes....BUT this time it was completely different...they had it split between 2 days and in 2 different cities and it was a drive thru event! You didn't have to get out of your car.  

In my case the place where we did our drive thru was only 4 miles away, sweet.  Just for showing up I got a 9 inch cast iron fry pan..also sweet!  I use cast iron every day...
Then there was all the door prizes...they did a You Tube of that event where the meeting of all the stuffy board members was held at their own main conference room...they do have nice door prizes, a riding mower with garden trailer, 3 big screen tvs, and several gift cards ranging from $100 to $25...

I didn't win...darn it.  But I had hope for like 15 mins!  My son texted me at 4 when he was on his way home from work a herd of goats was on the There is a Mexican man on the corner of that road who has a large herd...I guess they got thing about goats they don't run away like horses do when they get out.  They just hang close by.  

I had horses in my life for nearly 40 yrs.  So  I know horses...and how they behave.  My horse Sundance used to get out all the time, because John would forget to lock the gate behind him...and Sundance normally went to the same place, over to Mr. Young's.  He also had horses and he lived  about 2 miles from me.  Sundance would go over and jump IN his pasture with his horses.  He had 4 or 5 morning he went out to feed his herd and he had an extra face in the trough! LoL..

He knew Sundance cause we used to ride together quite often...then he got ill and passed away he was an older gentleman.   I missed our rides.  I also used to ride with the daughter of one of our neighbors, they lived about 1 mile as the crow flies...and she had a pony.  They would not let her ride alone, so I called her sometimes to tag along with me.  Sundance always enjoyed when we had company rides.  

At different times my husband had a horse also and he and I rode together almost every Sunday.  But he never kept a horse long he would sell and then buy another.   Then he decided his riding days were over, and not long after that I retired Sundance, and he passed away in 1996.   I had him since 1974...and he was such a joy to be around.  

At one time we had a young stallion, John had planned to green break him and sell him for profit.  I was the only one who ever rode him...he never did grow to full size so he was not the type profit maker John had hoped for...and once when we went on a ski vacation and Mom was enlisted to feed them for us, they both got out!! Sundance of course headed to Mr, Young's and the colt went with him.  

Mom called Mr. Young...and told him the horses were missing he said they were at his place he had put them in his corral and  he had been waiting for me to come get them...but of course she explained we were out of he said no worries, and soon there they came down the road his son was driving the pickup, Mr Young was sitting on the tailgate, leading Sundance and the colt followed behind....LoL..

Sometimes it takes a village!! 

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