Saturday, September 19, 2020

Who messed with the calendar?


...again 😲

Friday 18th
Is it me, or is it you?  Somebody is flipping the pages on my calendar pretty fast.  WE had so much rain yesterday from the remains of hurricane Sally, if not for the sandy soil I'd be floating right about now.  The clouds keep coming and going, there was a wee drizzle earlier when I went to get a few supplies.

A Marshalls store opened here last fall I've never been in it but I just had to have some socks.  I also checked for some ladies underwear.  OK, how are we supposed to wear that?? First off those look like they are only to worn by strippers, hookers, and skanks.  Excuse my slang...Seriously??? Where is the grown up woman underwear?? I guess I'll have to sew up my own.  Just can't find any thing I've been looking for a year...meanwhile the ones I have are wearing out!! Im thinking drawstring, yes wonderful idea.

I'm wearing my painting underwear.  NO I don't paint in my underwear, but once while I was painting some of the paint apparently got on my pants and soaked right thru to the underwear and of course that did not come out when I washed I tossed them in with my "painting wardrobe" it's complete now! I have a long sleeve paint shirt, short sleeve paint shirt, a tank top paint shirt, 2 pair of painting shorts, one pair of painting sweats, one painting hoodie, one painting jacket, and one pair of paint socks and underwear!! Years of painting has given me this wardrobe, it has it's own drawer!! I do not however have a painting swimsuit...hmmm
I really can't find all the purchase points that I require to satisfy a purchase! 

But I found some socks! Hope they fit haven't tried 'em on yet....will they squeeze my toes? Hate that...will I feel the toe seam?  Will they be tight at the top? I am just as picky about socks, they have to be soft, cushy, and a dark color cause I will end up doing yard work with them on and if they are not black or grey then they will be when Im done! So I found a pack that is supposed to wick away moisture...hmm so we'll see. 

So tomorrow is Saturday, which means as you read this it's Saturday...You know what that means... Svengoolie.  I know it's ridiculous that I look forward to that.  I will give you a run down on Sunday's post...I  require simple things in my life, the simpler the better, give me easy or give me death...not quite that devoted to it, but if it's not KISS, I just can't be bothered...

Trust me my life has become so takes almost nothing to please me or upset me.  My toast burns Im like pisst for the entire day...I read or see something amusing Im like happy as a lark for hours! Hear one thing to make me angry and I am angry for months!!
NARROW, yes narrow focus, narrow mind, the shrinking of a mind...
Because I get a brain alarm when it gets too challenging..
OH NO don't make me really think, not today maybe tomorrow.  
I texted my son and told him I ordered the lid switch for the broken washing machine...and I told him I could talk him thru the repair...he didn't answer me...I think I just threw his brain switch.

OH have to toss in this story...We bought chains for our car when we were going on a ski trip...back in 1987...So the sales person asked my husband, "you want me to demo how you put them on?"....My husband thought a moment  twisted his mouth to the side, then replied...
"NO, my wife can figure it out."

OKAY I didn't really know how to take that,  he said it as he walked away from the salesman...with the box of chains in his hand...

And then the salesman looked at me, and asked..."you want a demo?" "NOPE", I strolled out behind my's all about confidence, not knowledge..

I did a free IQ test.
..I scored at 126..Just above average which is 85-114....I wanted to Score Brilliant...damn. So it was fun to figure out and some I just guessed on. 
When you do yours, let me know what you got...and if you score brilliant or super genius, can you then tell me why I have to type so many ellipsis.......? Because I am pretty sure it has something to do with it. 


I want to see all those red hats lined up to take the "vaccine' the one Trump is pushing...if they DONT then I have to call FOUL...they won't wear a mask which the CDC says works better than the vaccine will...I seriously will not take it, I guess they will have to sit on my neck!

Canada is saying NO the border is remaining closed...I think they should open it Nov 4th...JIC. They could open one gate and call it the "never trumper" entrance.

One of the former "Covid Task Force" members, Troye is now a whistle blower...and Pence says "she's a disgruntled employee." She left of her own accord, she wanted OUT of that situation, so it stands to reason if she was happy with the way things were going she would not have left in the first place...She has been there since yes, but that does not mean she is not telling it exactly as it was.  She said in the meetings sometimes Trump was more worried about how some Fox news reporter had handled Trump news than about the virus updates during Task Force Meetings!! 

I saw Bob Woodward interviewed on PBS last evening he once again said he felt strongly that Putin had "something" on Donald, some sort of bad dirt, must be something completely atrocious...And that is why he has done nothing but play up to Putin since 2016.  

And this story is puzzling...
the Attorney General of South Dakota who was driving back from a Republican Fundraiser (and swears he only drank a coke) HIT something on his way home, he thought a Deer...OK, now why didn't he look for the deer?? He said he called 911 but no details have been released of any call so far...THE Sheriff... arrived and surveyed the damage to his car loaned him a car and he went home...

...then he went BACK the following day and found the body of a MAN he had, hit and run, killed and then he reported it to the SAME sheriff..SO since when does a 911 call bring only THE sheriff to the scene of an accident?  Normally that is highway patrol, first responders, ems, etc...this whole thing sounds very fishy! 

And A federal judge in Washington State blocked the changes put in place by DeJoy for 14 states who filed to stop him...this link shows the confusion which he caused by his "updates"  now unless these mail sorters are put back in place, the damage is permanent!  If you open the links I provide using  incognito, (right click open tab incognito) it will stop all the sign ups forms pop ups. 

Special Report:
I had to come back tonight before this post goes to Press so to say, and proclaim my dismay and sadness at the passing of 💔Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  She was the heartbeat of the Supreme Court.  Now this Presidential Race has become a race for the next 25 or 30 years of this Nations growth and personal freedoms.  ALL Democrats MUST show up to vote, and we have to encourage our House to STALL AS THE SENATE DID FOR OBAMA.  I express my sympathy to her family and my thanks for her years of devotion and service to this Country. 


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