Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Each of us has our weak points...that is not the hard part.  The hard part if when do we finally see when our weak buttons are being pushed. I get so angry at myself for being so gullible.  I have to learn when to let go...

Yesterday I forgot to mention it would have been my Mom's anniversary...She was married in 1945 I think...That was long ago.  My dad was Tec 5 in the Army he was not sent overseas, he was stationed at Ft Oglethorpe, Georgia.  Mom didn't share a lot about their early years of marriage, like before my sister was born, I know they moved to KY for a while he worked in the coal mines there...and a cave in killed one of their best friends so he quit and they moved back to TN. 

Today was not a good day for me.  It's going to be raining again the next couple of days, so that is depressing.  I really wanted some nice blue sky days.  Not gonna happen, we have had so many days of clouds now...and little bits of rain but now comes an inch of rain or more..

MY sis emailed me in a panic and said $3900 is missing from her account! OH NO...so asa it opened she was at the bank...apparently the Money had NOT been moved YET but it was about to be...it will be back in her account tomorrow.  How scary I don't keep a lot of money in my Checking acct but my saving is set up to advance money if they checking runs dry that may not be a good idea.  It's actually safer to use your credit card for purchases like online, at gas pumps or any place where you insert your card...because if you contest a transaction they have insurance to protect you...this is what happened to me once. 

I used my credit card to buy gas for my little Mercury Tracer at a gas station in Brooklyn when I lived there.  My little car held about 8 gallons of gas, so like $12.  Then I got a telephone call from American Express asking me if I just purchased $650 worth of diesel fuel?? WHAT??? NO, so they had a good fraud team and this purchase was flagged...  SO they caught it and they refunded me, and sent me a new card.  Some guy had rigged up that pump with a card reader!! 
Another time my card was flagged and it was used in a Motel, for a Flower Order, and Room Service in Louisiana!! I got a call from a Police detective there!  A guy had been arrested in a Casino and in his pocket was a Ink copy of my Credit Card and he was using my card to pay for things!! This was back when credit cards were run on paper slips..I had reserved a motel for my husband and son they were in a fishing tournament in and staying in that motel! They were supposed to shred those carbon copies, so now they don't have those, but if someone is digging thru the trash they may find financial info in that trash. 

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The New York Times is breaking a story about how Trump paid $750 in Federal Income Tax! @years in a row....HOW is that possible...no wonder he is not willing to release his taxes, The feds have been looking into his haywire returns for years, he writes off millions in consulting fees, guess who his consult was? Ivanka his daughter! What exactly is her expertise?  Trump is broke, his whole wealth is a Ponzi scheme!  He OWES MILLIONS His investors now are  his beer bellied supporters! OMG can't they see what a hoax he is?  He says he is a Billionaire, so where's the billions? I think he needs to stay in office so he can keep billing secret service for staying at Mara Largo...he only donates 1/4 of his yearly salary in pretense of taking no money for his "service" to our country....gag...and yet 

On USA Today Fact Check:  This notion is misleading because Trump continues to profit off of real estate he owns or manages, despite lawsuits arguing that this violates the Constitution's emoluments clauses.

NOW funny his Washington hotel is losing $55 million and his overseas Hotels are making $75, million, where he does not PAY federal TAXES.   He said he was so liquid he did not need money at all he was rolling in money ALL LIES. 
 An old clip of Hillary was shown on the news when she said HE is not paying taxes, he said that makes me Smart. 
He said he pays Federal tax he paid some SS and Medicaid tax, and State tax that is not Income Tax!! 
So why does he get away with it?  I hope whether its 2021 or 2024 he ends up in JAIL for his crimes against this nation!! Either way he will be OUT by 2024 good riddence!! 
So you can bet Im watching the debate on Tuesday night!! So Mr huge successful business man is a LOSER I hope Joe rips him apart tomorrow. 

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