Tuesday, September 15, 2020

what happened to normal?

ATER and OIL don't Mix...

We picked up the unrepaired car...it's not that the car won't run it will...but it overheats.  He has little  faith on my suggested fix using the Bar's Leak Head Gasket Sealer;I read many like 30 reviews and they said It worked..there was one guy who said it did not work....and some said it worked but only for a couple months...and he may be right it's a 50/50 shot...But I just have a feeling it may work...if not It's not the end of the world. 
IT may slow down the overheating process? He could drive back n forth to work and this could give him some time to look for something else, it's not like he can get anything until he starts his new job and they hold you back 2 weeks so.... I don't want my wheels to stop rolling because he did not take care of his car! That is not fair...It could last a day it could last a week! One guy said his went 10 yrs after he used the sealer.  I know results will vary. 

The new job is 4.7 miles away takes 8 minutes to drive there...so it's not like he would be stranded miles from home if the car breaks down then he can call me.  I was thinking to pump up the tires on the bike and let  him put that on the rack...LOL does that sound unreasonable??  Im only teasing of course...but I rode a bike to the train and back for a year when I lived in NYC...or I walked the 14 blocks to the L train when I lived in the city..to get to work in Brooklyn...It is different here tho cars do not respect bikes. 

One thing you don't do is make things worse for someone when things are not going good.  

My mom used to tell a story about her brother...she grew up in the mountains of Tennessee...they were poor and they lived by the seat of their pants.  Hwy 30 ...down to the Sequatchie Valley where the closest town was, the road was steep and curvy.  So mom's brother had this old car and it was only going in reverse so he reversed all the way up the mountain!! Can you imagine doing that?  You had to see this mountain...SCARY! 

So tomorrow  we'll be working on the car.  Getting a replacement SS card so far has not been easy either! ..this is a different world, We used to have a SS office right here in our town..it was small just a couple of workers, they closed that down and now there is offices 30 miles in either direction and they are not taking appointments,  due to Covid even tho on the national website it says you can make an appointment. 

So it has to be done online, but when he tried he entered something that didn't check out like "what was the amount you paid into SS on your last W-2" he put in the wrong info and it locked him out! So he called, the lady unlocked it but can he find the info?....it's ridiculous. In order to stop FRAUD you can't even do your own business!! 
Anyways good thing we got the Drivers License, cause he def had to have that to get the SS card, and he needs to get a copy of the SS card to his new employer so it's a Sh*& storm for sure.  

This morning I walked to the stop sign...it got hot so quickly...well humid, it's not hot it's  81 but with humidity of 69% that's a glass more than half full of Water!  So I was soaked when I got home and then finished up some more shrub trimming I had to do. 

the sandy road where I walk
I have not listened to much news I heard Donald speaking to his followers at a rally on NBC news a snippet he was saying basically if Biden is elected the world will end...at least HIS world will end...and HIS HOLD on their minds.   All these books coming out but I won't waste my money on a book about him I can see who he is by his actions. The truth is right there in front of us and the World to see.  This is what scares me, he has SHOWN his hand so what about the stuff he is HIDING? Im sure we can't even imagine it all. 

Our Lt Gov has Covid! But it's all under control according to Donald! He said he acted early, but he did not...and he is NOT following the guidelines, and tells the people at his rally who are not following Governor issued guidelines, he has their back.  Who knows maybe they can be the first  his test dummies for the hurry up vaccine. 

Just to show how people can be brain washed...I saw a snippet of the DR Phil show..normally I don't bother in the afternoon when my day is done I want to see the news, Dr Phil comes on right before the news...his show at one time was about the psychology of our lives but now it's more like a place where the weirdest of the weird come to get on tv. So this woman says she is Mother God...and she has a cult following.  She pretends that she can't walk, and she pretends to heal people according to her she has removed tumors from people...she also drinks  30 beers a day! 
She uses tactics like sleep deprivation to control people.  And yet there were people saying "yes she is Mother God"...they actually believe that. Some others were able to escape.  The woman is a nut case.  Making people go with one hour of sleep per night! The cult is called "Love is One" 
AND she abused a cat..omg I had to turn it then...OH and I still have not calmed down from the anger I felt for this person.  I hope Dr Phil turns her into the authorities. 

And in our area, I keep seeing these ads when I turn the news on for the Lincoln Project! I'ts pretty graphic...it has maggots and worms and termites, and it has Lindsey Graham a senator from my state who I despise and Donald featured in it,..so I googled them up..it's a group formed by current and past Republicans who are trying to STOP Donald from being re-elected! 

There's some strange people out there and we ended up with one in the White House!! 

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