Sunday, September 27, 2020

EATHER man was wrong again...

He said mostly sunny...never happened.  Oh well maybe tomorrow?  I headed to Walmart early to get spray paint to work on my bumper cover, running boards painting project.  It didn't come out as well I had hoped but it's better looking than it was and only $6 invested!

I going to miss Svengoolie tonight my son and I are watching The MEG looks pretty good in the trailer. I did the Redbox thing.  And I got some popcorn that does NOT have Palm Oil in it, has avocado oil.  I had a veggie burger and cole slaw for dinner.  

So I will have to let you know how the movie was in my next post.  This new Stalker keeps insisting on exchanging political debate..but he is stuck on issues that a President is not responsible for...he lives in CA so why doesn't he move?? Im stuck in a red state he is stuck in a blue state...His gripe is  he can't have a fire in his fireplace when he wants to cause it could start a wildfire! WELL it could so why in the world would that be an issue?? He needs to move is what I think.  CA is very liberal for the most part so I don't see that changing anytime soon, he said Urbanites seem to be running the show, well yeah TRUMP is really in touch with rural people NOT.....The only time he is outdoors is to play Golf! 

He asked me why do I hate Trump...first off I never wrote I hate anyone.  He said that...but I said.."If you can't see for yourself why I dislike Trump then there is no reason for me to try and explain it to you." honestly? And I pointed out Trump is not even an Urbanite, he is a High Rise Millionaire.  He doesn't even drive a car! 

His Supreme Court choice,Amy Barrett, 48 yrs old... has 7 children, Catholic, and Trump appointed her to the US  Appellate Court 7th Circuit... I have to wonder why he keeps appointing her?  She owns a gun, she does not support the death penalty, or abortion rights. That alone is a gross contradiction....Practices with a hand gun that is to KILL a human, and yet NOPE she don't want a death penalty or Abortions that's murder in her eyes?????? 

So I hope my response will satisfy his curiosity and he will stop sending me messages.  Tuesday night is the first Presidential debate you can bet I will be watching! Trump will declare he is the winner of the debate probably that same night...that's a given...Joe said: Trump is a liar and everyone knows it...that it's going to be one attack after the other cause Trump is not that smart! LoL...he is so right.  I don't know if the questions have been submitted ahead of time so Trump could study up on the facts but either way he will lie, twist, and accuse...we already know that. He has no platform...NO health care plan, No Education Plan, No Immigration Plan, no Plans to reunite us in the World Stage...

A Youtuber I watch is a backpacker/hiker.  She is on a quest to find herself.  She openly told us she has lived a sheltered life straight from her parental home to life with a husband.  And then after 14 yrs of marriage Divorce!  She was always with him hiking or her hiking club, and then after the divorce she moved back in with her parents for a year...then she quit her job, and did some European travel, took some mountaineering workshops and also took some Outdoor Survival courses and she decided to live in her CAR and travel and Be a YouTuber! Her aunt is also a Youtuber and lives in her truck camper and she backpacks too so they do trips together sometimes.   But now she has branched out on her own,..
She was hiking up Paradise Mountain in WA, In Rainier National Park. 

SO slowly she is now able to go on trips in the backcountry alone...she was hiking up Paradise mountain and when she got to the glacier ice she admitted she was scared...because she was alone, so she chose to turn back...she regretting it, but she felt unsure so I think when you are unsure you should listen to your inner voice.  She said she knew she was well equipped, she had the know how to do the hike, and she had the physical conditioning to do it.  She second guessed herself, she was not completely alone there was another group on the mountain...a large group so she could called for help.  BUT I completely understand.  

She decided that what happened is due to her lifetime of always being cautious...she is still coming from a place of "what if".  She has never been a risk taker...And I guess I was more of a risk taker when I was younger, now that Im older I am very aware of how breaking a bone can change my life take away my freedom and it is something to consider.   I have taken risk and I've erred on the side of caution, I think it's a personal choice we all must make in the moment.   

I sowed plenty wild oats on the leading edge of my time on the planet and so now I leave the big risks up to the ones younger than I.  We have to get out of our comfort zone from time to time at each chapter in our life...for sure in order to grow.  It has been very rewarding to watch that young lady grow in confidence and really come into her own as she reaches farther out each time growing in her independence and her self confidence. 

So when I hear this man complaining because he can't burn his fireplace when he wants to I have to wonder where is his self confidence?  So if it was me, I would buy one of those Gas burning logs, then I could have a fire when I wanted one!  There are work arounds, but you gotta use your noggin, and stop limiting yourself!  

Thats it for me today....

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