Saturday, September 26, 2020

Just a Boring Friday!

ET day for us...

It's raining one minute and just humid as all get out the next.  Im tired of fighting this Blogger to get the font type and size I want so Im just going with the default! So many battles so little time..

So I had my bumper cover in the shed drying, after I spray painted it, and then came  all this rain, I ran out in between showers thinking it was over but then it started again so I had to run in and then the sun came out TALK about humidity it went up to 92% outside and 69% inside so I had to turn the AC back on. Took a shower and gave up for today.  It's rained off and on 4, 5, 6 different times now...So I just called, cancelled due to rain!

So Im inside trying to upload my lawn mower blade replace videos.  The reason I said trying is it takes so long... part 1 a bit over 5 mins, and it is going to be 1 hr and 10 mins to upload...then part 2 is about the same, I had to do it in 2 segments or I'd be fiddling with it for more than 2 hrs,  I got both parts uploaded.

I picked up another Stalker from the As I See It Live Chat...My comment was about the electoral college and how out of date it is, not only that, our entire voting system is! I am not a huge fan of mail in many variables just a long of list of "could happens".  BUT if that is the best option for most then we must make it more secure, by putting hefty penalties on any distribution fraud, collection fraud, etc.  any DELAY tactic such as we are seeing now and def a BS penalty!! I think the President of the USA should be fined for every lie he tells...make it Illegal for a President or Presidential Candidate to intentionally lie!!

Have you ever seen the movie or read the short story by Stephen King called "Quitter's Inc"? (the Night Shift Collection) The premise is this...a guy wants to quit smoking but he just can't seem to kick the he goes to the organization called Quitters Inc.  They guarantee success...98%
Well that's he goes along..
But then he slips and he sneaks out and has a cigarette...The Q-inc people follow him like secret agents from Mi-6.  They see him smoking they kidnap his dog  and put her in a room where the floor is electrified! She is jumping all over the place while they force him his wife and their young child to watch via a 2 way mirror.....This is his punishment for falling off the wagon, so he promises, never again...

BUT he is weak, this time it's his wife in the room getting shocked, but she is tied to a chair and handcuffed and it's all electrified!! And then finally he is able to stop smoking but then he is told if he gains weight they will cut off his wife's finger!! 
Then in the final scene the couple is having dinner with friends and when they raise their glasses in a toast his wife has missing 
Amazing and kinda creepy right?

So lets do that to Donald...if he lies while giving a press conference, then he should be sent to the room with the electrified floor!! AND Melania would probably loose all her fingers in the end..

Yes I have a morbid side...
My son fixed his broken washer Ca-Ching another $80 saved...and he has been doing laundry like a mad man..I see progress in him..:0)
I hope the weather is straight tomorrow cause I got things I need to get done! 
Friday is just a happening day it keeps getting closer and closer...soon every day will be Friday. 

You know what Busker's are correct? Living in NYC is buskers paradise, and I think I heard every kind of instrument from Chielo to 5 gallon buckets drum set,  harmonica, guitar, violin, fiddling, drums, tambourine, flute, sax, horn, French horn, harp, bag pipes, accordion, base fiddle, keyboard, xylophone, banjo, mandolin, home made instruments, glass jars, spoons, washboard, I could go on and on, and this is a daily thing on the sidewalk in the subway platforms and in the train cars! 

The ones I did not like were the Mariachi Bands.. Just can't take especially on Saturday the doors would open and in walks a 4 piece Mariachi Band...OH NO..and in full costume.  I would actually leave that car and go to another car...sometimes you could hear them into the next 
 BUT this took the day an entire troupe of acrobats got on the train and were flipping down the middle of the car and using the grab poles to flip up and around swing and slide and do otherwise amazing moves!! OMG 

And then the women with kids in strollers...OMG see the proper way to get on and off a train car is to stand back on the platform and wait for everyone who is exiting then you enter...but women with strollers seem to think they take precedence over everyone!! The door opens and In Pushes a stroller tangling up everyone's feet!! And sometimes the stroller has a French Poodle in it...Ta-da... 

Stand Clear of the Closing Doors .....and the acrobats, the babies, and the poodles!

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