Monday, September 28, 2020

Nature day

ent birding!

Finally...since it cooled off I've had a lot of running around taking my son here and there and then chores of my own and even tho it threatened rain all day I spent the day out in Nature.  I mean I literally live in Nature...but I don't have a pond, or stream and that is what brings in more wildlife.  So I went first to Goodale park saw some nice birds then decided to go to Sandhill NWR...more good birds but the wildflowers and butterflies really had me mesmerized.  Best bird of the day 2 American Woodcock! They flushed before I could get a photo so I just watched them circle me and and get some good filed marks so I could make an ID.  It was so nice I did not see the River Otter tho...

There is a lot more color showing than I realized...right around me it's mostly pines so I didn't see how the hardwoods are already wearing fall colors. 

I saw only a hand full of people and they were in their good to get away from human contact for a while also. I heard something strange could have been a wildcat!  In fact I just pulled up a Youtube to hear what they sound like and that is def what I was not really close to me, but when I heard I knew that is not something I normally hear! It screamed twice...
I've seen them in the wilds before just never heard one make a sound! It's very harsh and deep sounding. 

MEG is short for extinct huge the movie was like Jaws sort of...It was entertaining but not blow your socks off good, so I'd give it 3.5 stars outta 5.  We are supposed to watch a tubi movie at 6 tonight...I will let son pick as I don't care as long as it has no graphic sex I feel rather uncomfortable watching such as that with my SON! Hopefully a thriller or outdoor adventure my favorite genre. 

That stalker, said he thought Joe Biden was retarded...the one who asked me why did I hate Trump...omg.  OK he stumbled in the Democratic Debates a couple of times, he has had stuttering issues in the past so I will say his delivery was not impeccable, but his message has always been precise and in plain words and very understandable. The stalker said "may the best man win" omg, well there is only one  man in the race....the other is a fake!

Trump will of course only try to attack Biden, probably bring up any smut he can he probably has an entire team of Fox news people going through Joe's past like crazy madmen, and meanwhile Joe will just point out that Trump has NO platform. Trump will try to deflect by insulting Joe.  And it's a Fox "News" man who is mediating??? They are not real journalists!!  

My life insurance co sent me a letter saying my bank sent back the payment I had made to them I do it on the Insurance Company website...They never even ran it thru the bank...I checked! So the bank had nothing to do with it...My debit card is expiring in a couple days and the bank never sent me a new one they did the same thing last time it  expired. That had nothing to do with the insurance payment... So the insurance company didn't say a word just billing me now for 2 months...IS it me or does that seem fishy?  Never had one issue with it in 4 yrs time...then bam. 

Kind of a short post for your Monday. 

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