Monday, September 14, 2020

Driving Mr Daisy?

ell that goes double for me!!

Sunday 13th
so that was my answer...
When my son said he did not look forward to me driving him around...

BAD news cause the head gasket is blown in his we are not going to allow the mechanic to work on it we will pick it up tomorrow.  It would cost twice the value of the car since it's OLD and has many issues..including body we're going to try the Head Gasket Sealer just to see if it will help at's worth a try to do that so if that's no good we will sell for scrap....The car has 400,000 miles on it! Yes it's a 2001 Chevy Blazer...and it's been a really good car.  My son did not take care of it, if he had it would be running like a top as it had a great motor in it..
So until we get his wheels situation figured out we will be sharing MY van.

So we'll see how that goes....he got a job, not doing anything he wants to do I won't go into  detail about my son's life as I don't think he would appreciate it at all..BUT since he has not had a car we are spending more time together...that is one good thing..

Released the bird this morning after his treatment, he was ready to go...he flew straight up to a branch with no aimless fluttering sort of akin to stumbling in the dark which he had done prior to my getting him...he went right up to a limb and made a perfect landing looked back at me like he Won somehow and I'd say he did..another winner. He responded to treatment so well, no redness, no swelling, he was seeing 100%. 

So last night Svengoolie, was so crazy an Arizona rancher was over run with Giant Attack Rabbits look menacing and large...Anyways I did giggle but I did not like the way it began with some actual footage of people in Australia herding up rabbits and shooting was called the Night of Lepus

Anyway it was another simple lazy Saturday night at home just zoning out on the couch while the dogs snored on the rug beside me.  That is the kind of evening I enjoy.  And now my Sunday is pretty much over it's almost time to give the girls their dinner so Im typing this and watching: Finding Your Roots.  I enjoy this show.  It's a blend of history, family stories and research. 

 I started an Ancestry Family Tree for our roots.  It took me about 3 yrs to get my sister interested but once she was hooked she purchased  an account so we had more access and we have been able to really expand the tree to 8 generations back and now she is working on the branches of the trees.  We have been able to uncover many family secrets, mysteries, and amazing facts.  We can both sign  in and work on the tree.  

She  applied for membership into the DAR,  The Daughters of the American Revolution.  In order to be accepted you have to prove through your lineage that you had A direct line Ancestor who was a Veteran of the American Revolution. We actually have that lineage on both sides of our tree via my Mom and My Dad's line.  So she goes to meetings and she holds an  office  in their chapter. I don't know the exact title but it has to do with Research. 

 It was much warmer this morning, more humid than it is right now..I took a walk about 10 am to the stop sign.  SO many butterflies feeding on the wild flowers alongside the road.  Fall is the time we have more wild plants in flower than in Spring.  Im glad the mowers have already been through and they did not come down this dirt the flowers are spared as of now. 

My sis sent me an article about how the migrating birds are so confused by the smoke in the west, and the cold blast that hit the area early when tempts fell from 70 down to 30.  Hundreds of birds have died!! It's so horrible.  Our Planet is also under the attack of a virus and it's US, human beings, and all the pollution and mayhem we helped to create. 

The devastation of the wildfires is just so horrible, I can't imagine anything worse than returning to find your home in ashes. Your sanctuary full of your family treasurers and all the memories of time spent there...GONE.....This is a concern of mine.  My mom and I had a pact if one of us lost our home we would not rebuild we would live together in the remaining home...but now my son is in her home...Oh my.  

So the girls are now fed, Floss decided she would go nap on the screen porch and my Sgt. Annie is here with me, making sure I keep the hearth going for the 3 of us.  My small and simple life comes to a peaceful Sunday evening conclusion. 

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