Monday, September 21, 2020

Weapons of influence?


I have been at it all day...meaning busy.  One thing upset me well more than one but this one really hurt.   I saw another bird with ONE eye really bad he is currently not catchable.  Poor thing. We have at least one hummingbird hanging around saw her today at the rose bush getting some nectar from the flowers...she should be packing by Oct 1st. 

About 9 I took a walk around the block, so nice and cool it was in the 50's this morning and the high today in the cool breezy 70's Perfect weather.  Would be a little chilly for the beach but perfect for around the homestead.  

After my walk it was breakfast, then I had to drive to the nearest gas station and get gas for the mower.  I've been driving around with the jug in my van for a week, and even when I gassed my van up I didn't think to fill the jug.  I've had a lot on my mind this week!!

Back home by 11:30 and we started the yard work at noon, I hope that's the last time for cutting it but it may not be...depends on if it warms up at all...we generally allow that grass in the front yard at Mom's to get a little higher it helps with the erosion problem. 

I spent the afternoon playing with the dogs and grooming them, cut their nails and brushed their coats, Annie had some sap on her foot so I cleaned that off, and they are fed I had a late lunch so I plan to have a salad later ,and of course a shower...I have dust all over me from riding the mower on a breezy day.  I did not try the bagger, because I have not assembled it or attached it to the mower that is a project right there.  

Can you believe I feel asleep in the middle of Svengoolie, I was just so sleepy I could not hold open my eyes I did try...really bummed about that.  

2 weeks after the Harley Rally in South Dakota 369 new cases, they don't care so why should we? Their Governor should be in jail for not protecting her citizens...she in fact tells them to NOT wear masks...Evil bitch is how I see her.  One guess oh yes she is a Trumper!

Ok Im on purpose not checking Facebook, I can almost hear the deep unrest without even clicking on it...I just want this year to go away, just end Dec 31'st can't get here quick enough But honestly I said the same thing last year.  
So PBS had this special about Hacking the Mind.  They explained how Trump was elected and HOW the  Russians interfered in the 2016 election.  Its all algorithms.   See Bannon has this company called Cambridge Analytical.  I told you he was instrumental in creating Brexit. He used this same method to accomplish that. 

AND Facebook is very much responsible for Trump being elected...So here is how they did it...Bannon's company's altho they didn't come right out and Steal Your personal info they bought it!! Yes in the USA it's not illegal for social media corporations to sell you personal info.  Banks do it, your creditors do it, your Internet providers do it, your search engines do it...your cell phone companies do it... the list goes on and on.  

So they put out a few posts to stir up people's emotions, once they peg hole all of us based on what we do online, like how the middle class is being left behind, how Hillary is not going to help the middle class and how Trump is not a politician and he will drain the swamp etc...So they tracked the likes, the shares, the area where  the people who liked those posts, they track their profiles, and then they Start to bombard those profiles with ALL news Trump...that created this huge following and they direct your thinking, hijacking your mind.

And meantime the Russians did the same thing by posting negative Hillary ads, and this is how they Hack the Mind of people. I think I'm going to stop using Facebook...because it's highly dangerous...
I may not have all the details correct on how they did it so give this a listen...You don't have to watch it just listen to it while you do something  A different tab.  Hacking Your Mind Weapons of Influence.  We care more about losing than winning! 
This is an excellent look at how we are being manipulated by Corporations!  The political discussion of the video is in the last section of the video. 

The whole idea of investing in the stock market is BS.  I will never get that one.  Only the very wealthy who can afford to lose should be investing! YET everyone is now in the stock market?? Why?  We are so bombarded by Marketing it is ruling the lives of many.  I am not a consumer, I buy food and the things I have to have...but I do not go out and just check in stores to see what's in there.  I go in for socks I come out with socks!

...the new guy who bought the 7 acres on my north boundary is fencing his piece in...I hope it' anything but goats...or pigs...goats are noisy and pigs stink...I hope it's just for dogs, he has no house there yet so kinda weird...the deer won't be happy. 

I planted a row of Eastern Cedar Trees to create a Privacy wall when the land went up for sale, some of the trees are finally beginning to grow...HOPE they really take off and get bigger this year, so I can't see what he is doing!!

Good fences as you know make good we'll see. For the record, I do not buy extended you? That is fear of losing...when they ask me at the store I normally tell them "NO worries if it breaks I'm bringing it back here for a refund!!" 

Ok time for a shower and some dinner.  

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