Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Busy Toosday.

ORKED so far...not instantly but it's better each time...

Tuedsday 15th
Speaking of the Bars Leak Head Gasket Seal...we put the new thermostat and housing on that old thermostat was toast!!  We worked good as a team on this...Im happy to report.   We put the Bar's Gasket Sealer in the radiator and followed the problem is the car is not starting right takes several attempts. 
When the Gasket fails, water gets into the cylinders, one cylinder def has been breached..and so each time the cylinder goes UP it pushes the water that has gotten into it up to the spark plug so that makes the spark go out. When this water gets hot in the cylinder it vaporises immediately and white steam pours out and water drips from the tailpipe. 

The white steam is all but stopped we ran it for 18-20 mins in idle after we put the sealer in and then let it cool refilled the radiator, then drove it 15 mins easy...then let it cool and drove it to town and had the oil changed as the water gets into the oil.  About 1/2 way to town the white steam stopped coming out of the tailpipe...I was following behind in my van, but when we picked it up from the oil change it almost didn't start  then it did and no white steam out of the tail pipe. Son said it has a misfire...probably that plug...So we hope that plug dries out overnight.  

And we will recheck the radiator to see how much water it used on the way into town, tomorrow, we worked on it from 10 am and then the trip to town for the oil change, and back home by 5.  BUT it took only 2 hrs to change out the thermostat and follow the directions for the sealer, then we had cleaned up headed to town got the oil change and called it a day IM bushed! 

SO results: we think it worked!! But it was probably a big hole  in the Head Gasket so it did not seal immediately on the box it says it could take as many as 3 days of normal driving to make a good complete seal..

We had a great day weather wise...we worked out all day and did not sweat!! Almost could not believe it.I plan to turn my AC off tonight I had it off most of the day put it on till 3 pm when we left to go into town.  And once the sun sets I will have an open windows night!

IM tired I am not used to spending an entire day with another human.  Except my Mom...we were so comfortable together...but I found myself happy to get some time alone when all the days chores were over.  


I don't think it's right for people to be unable to voice their political support on THEIR social media, a lady who works in a school said they were warned that they can not put political posts on their social media...BUT that is like a right of the first amendment...A social media page is an extension of's your voice in the world..SO I completely disagree with being censored by your employer, if it's the school's FB page or Twitter, I agree!

So the leader of the HHS, Caputo, went balistic...and ranted on a FB LIVE staffer meeting.. and some of what he said was this:

Trump will win the November general election, but Biden, the Democratic nominee, will refuse to concede, Caputo said, adding that when Trump "refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin."

Caputo told staffers that his series of false accusations on Facebook Live this weekend — which included unfounded allegations that the Centers for Disease Control was harboring a “resistance unit” — reflected poorly on HHS’ communications office.

He had more trite to share, and as I just said you should be able to put what you want on your social media....but if you are a Government official speaking to your department that is hardly appropriate...and  if you are just making stuff up....that is just crazy.  I believe we can share YOUR opinion but not just make stuff up...commenting on something already reported yes, express your view of someone's behavior or an action they have made....OK, but he just made stuff up.  And he's basically trying to say he is coming apart at the seams, then he should resign..he is not the man for the job. 

There is no past evidence of vote by mail fraud and yet Donald keeps saying it is...that is simply not the truth...BUT no one has told him to SHUT UP! I'd like to write him and tell him what a jerk he is but he would probably have one of his dog pack look into how he could HURT me! Like take away my retirement income, or cancel my identity...I would not put that type thing past him, as he has retaliated against people who don't like him! 

Speaking of that...we had to mail the drivers' license to the SSA to get the replacement card..wish us luck that they don't loose it!! OMG what a nightmare...I called and even tho the website says they take appointments they DO NOT, and the photo text link thing did not work, some issue with my son's phone and how it is set up and it has to be a photo taken with his his name so he decided sending it off is the only other way to get the card replaced at this time...And it could take 15 days to get it I hope this does not affect his new hire!! 

So now Im ready for a shower and some relaxing time...The dogs have eaten and both are on the floor asleep.  I don't allow my dogs on the furniture...since I raised them from pups they don't know anything else, I never had to tell them they can't get on the furniture..they were never invited to get on it, so they don't even consider that an option. Im so happy they have their space and I have mine.  

We expect 2 - 3 inches of rain on Thursday because of hurricane we'll see how that goes!  

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