Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Don't temp fate....

HEN Im at the store shopping...

Labor day
Im good...I buy Cheerios that contain no added Sugar, and unsweet Almond Milk regular flavor...so the Cheerios have like 3 G sugar per serving and the milk 0 Sugars, but then I cut up a banana into the bowl and right before I add the Zero sugar milk I pour just a slurp of Maple Syrup in the bowl, 53 G of sugar per 4 Table Spoons! LOL...So I don't always add it but today I did...Because it's nearly 1 pm and I had not eaten a thing till now and I walked a mile, cut up more fire wood, pruned back a holly bush that has become a tree 9 ft tall and 12 ft wide...and put all those branches on my trailer to take away at some point..and so Im bush-wacked!

I was told by a black lady I met in Walmart last fall that she takes supplemental Collagen for her skin, and she had awesome skin, MY SkIN is so dry and my mom used to say her skin was "rotten" because I can't tell you how many really bad skin tears she had over the years.  One time the seat belt, the web strap part of it, rubbed her arm and made a 3 in long skin tear! It was horrible, I had  to grab a towel I had in the car to stop the bleeding.  And it was weeks of bandage changes to get it well...and this happened on her arms, hands, legs, over and over...the slightest thing would break her skin and make a wound.  WISH I had thought of giving her collagen!

So I noticed I was having a lot of small skin tears especially when dealing with Branches of a tree when Im working with pruning or trimming hedges anything where a stick could scrape or stab my skin it would break open and bleed...my arms get covered with little wounds all winter when I'm dealing with cutting wood...even if I have on long sleeves and gloves it will get me thru the fabric. 

So after the lady told me that, I started to take collagen.  And after a couple of  months my skin got stronger! Last winter I didn't get near as many skin tears as before...then when I got sick back in July I was taking so many pain and fever reducers, I had to add more vitamins to my daily regiment so I stopped talking the collagen pill it was a big pill hard to swallow...and so after not taking it for only 2 months my skin has began to tear again if I get jabbed And Bruise easily...SO I restarted the collagen. 

My point is why is it that we sabotage ourselves?  Is it we don't like ourselves, or we think we are invincible, or we just don't care?  I get mad at myself so there is this little berating devil that sits on my shoulder, "why did you do that?"
"I dunno, it seemed ok in the moment."
Back n forth we go..I even tell myself to shut up..OMG yes I know I am pretty looney. Why the hell am I looney?

My Big Holiday Weekend came to an apex  with The BLOB  on Svengooglie Saturday night...maybe scary when it was released in 1958 I suppose it was...But here in 2020 after seeing all the real life horrors anyone could ever wish they had not seen, like being an eye witness to
a Plane crashing into a skyscraper,
and a HUGE fireball of an explosion
People blown out of windows on fire
Some clinging to the side of the building as it leaned over

others leaped to their deaths  from 86 stories up
Sept 11, 2001..
I can't imagine much worse of a thing to have to recall of every damn September......except a few minutes later
the same 2 buildings falling to the ground in clouds of asbestos filled dust
killing all who were still inside. 

PEOPLE DEAD torn to shreds by falling concrete. 

Trust me you don't ever get over that...its one thing to see it on a screen but when  you are standing there and you want it to be a dream or a bad movie, and it's not it's really there in front of you...you are never the same person again.  So ask me again why are you looney? I just gave you 8 horrific images that I can't wipe off my mind.

I would have jumped too faced with burning to death or surviving a fall...at least the pain stopped immediately.   And now day after day it seems cops keep killing people for little of nothing and getting away with it, and now a  pandemic...nearly 200,000 dead in our country???

Why am I looney?

I really was not too scared of a blob that rolled around dissolving anyone stupid enough to stand there and scream while it slowly rolled right up to them... OK MOVE why don't you..
It was more funny than anything...

They finally realized it could be frozen, of course they tried to shoot it with guns...HiHo, utoh, it did't die!  But when they sprayed it with CO2 it froze!! 
Anyway it was Steve McQueen who starred in the Blob and his leading lady was the woman who played Helen Crump, Andy's sweetheart and Opie's teacher, in Mayberry RFD. Sunday night I flipped the channels around and watched this silly movie called Snow Day. Chevy Chase but mainly it was child actors doing crazy things kids could actually try to do...so it was funny.

About 4 years ago I spent Labor Day traveling and stopped  in St Ignace Michigan with my extended family of uncles cousins and 2nd cousins! We had a wonderful campout and celebrated a family members birthday,  we all sat around a campfire and someone asked me if I have nightmares of that day?
Casey was with me and right after that we trucked up to Canada for 11 days of camping and touring around Lake Superior. We had so much fun...it was just awesome... And at the end of my Canadian Journey was a visit to the Peace Garden, and while walking around there I come upon a beam from the 9/11 tragedy...I feel apart right there in public I bawled like a baby....other than that

What a fantastic time I had...memorable for sure.
And Yes I do have nightmares of that day 9-11 and the work I did at the Site in the days following the event. 

Anyway a pretty calm end  to a fairly calm Holiday here in 2020.  I'm having a little anxiety over the upcoming week...do you ever get the feeling that the rug is about to be yanked out from under you?  I have that feeling.  I wonder if any of those who died on 9/11/2001 had that uneasy feeling prior to that day??
I will have to relive the horror again as the tributes go out on the tv, in the social media, in the news papers, the never ending horror show. 

So I'm just gonna take the rest of the day off and binge 
watch some episodes of the Youtube channel Self Sufficient Me, an Australian gardener, who is a lot of fun to watch, I love his  accent and his slang.  G'day...one day while he was filming, a Kookaburra landed right on the camera tripod..it was soooo cute! I have to deal with squirrel and deer he has to deal with Possums, Kookaburra, Iguana and even Pythons!!  
So hopefully this week on the 11th no one will jump to their death, no buildings will fall, no pythons or Blobs will roll me up and dissolve me and tomorrow if I have Cheerios I hope I don't have to  add the Maple Syrup...dang those Canadians!  

Steel I beams from the fallen World Trade Center buildings a tribute to 9-11 at the International Peace Garden, ND and Manitoba, Canada.

Family campout St Ignace MI, 2016. 

my chair the empty seat right next to my Uncle Frank.

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