Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Hen the S* hits the fan....

Tuesday 9/1/2020

No telling where it will's 96% the heat index will be 104, tomorrow 110, then back to 104.  I took an early walk to the stop sign and back, it was hard! When I got back I used my new battery operated hedge trimmers, and ran it over the hedge row got it sort of back in shape...and a couple other small chores in the yard, and I was soaked to the skin with sweat.  Back inside by 11 and had a shower, ate some cereal with almond milk and a banana in it for breakfast, and put some ice in my left over coffee and that's that!  

I just can't do the mower blade removal today If I hadn't taken the walk maybe...but I did cause I needed that walk it was good to see the golden rods in bloom, and all the fall butterflies out...I needed that boost from nature.   

Okay so here is the latest BS...Donald will go to Kenosha where Mr Blake was shot in the back...he compared it to a game of golf when players choke on important know I see a pattern here even the Gov and Mayor said "they don't want him there."  This is the only thing he thinks he knows something about, Golf!

Donald continues to try and make Joe responsible for the violence that he has caused...and says that the Democrats are running violent cities
Meanwhile his white "rebels' are not happy that blacks are out there protesting, So why is it, that the shooting was done by a WHITE Republican in a Democratic city??? Because the Right went there to Join the violence and escalate it, claiming to be   
Protecting business'es, well where were they during the fires in CA?

Why didn't they respond to that many businesses went up in flames, they could have helped...why aren't they in Louisiana now helping the people who lost their homes, and have no electric or water and wait in lines for food.. after Hurricane Laura ripped them up???? 

They are just full of BS and we all know it. 
Whites run down white protesters in Charlottesville, Trump said there was good and bad on both sides HUH and now since there's blacks on one side and whites on the other they are Patriots? this is what was said on Fox News...
  How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?" Tucker Carlson asked on his Fox News program. 
Condoning this type white supremacists behavior is just another form of racism.  The right wing media, and party seem to be saying the armed whites are "right" and the rioting "blacks" are left therefore Wrong...I saw this coming a  mile away...
I don't know how long it will take for some far left faction to organize and then there you go...Trump keeps saying ANTIFA but they don't operate that way, so far its very loose and not organized. There is no evidence that ANTIFA is even involved...Trump said he will declare  Antifa as a Terrorist Organization, yet the KKK he says nothing about? They actually came out and said they Support  his re election.  They used to hang African American's and they have been terrorizing people for decades.  

 The kid Rittenhouse, shot protester Joseph Rosenbaum in a  parking lot 5 times!!!Then ran out into the street and fell down was attacked by a guy with a skateboard and he opened fire while on the ground, just shooting his automatic weapon, killed Anthony Huber, and wounded another man , then he walked down the street with the gun in the air PAST police who did NOT arrest him.  The guys he killed were whites.

He says he was acting in self defense? He is a Liar and a murderer, cops earlier in the day gave him water and said "we appreciate you guys."??????? WTH and he was there with an ILLEGAL GUN he was under age....OKAY now if the Black protesters had guns would the cops still be reacting this way?
The way I see it most cops are racists white supremacists and that is why we have this problem of them killing blacks.
I don't trust or like cops...period. Yes they have a very hard job...don't forget my grand dad was a sheriff, he was a violent man...and he died by violence.  My Mom's grandfather was a constable, he was murdered...many cops are corrupt. A member of our tree was the first Police Chief of NYC so I have lawmen in my ancestry...but they were violent individuals.  

The Police Union protects them from being fired.  Unions need to be reformed in this country.  I don't like unions I'd rather see our Government set standards for our workers not Unions dues are collected so that in and of it'self means corruption is possible.  I am not on board with Joe on Unions. But you can't have everything. 

Somehow these out of touch whites think someone deserves to die since a dude came at him with a skateboard and tried to disarm him (Rittenhouse)....same as cops think it's a killing offence when  you don't follow their commands, like some general in the Army..."YES SIR, NO SIR" oh please get over yourself, you are paid to protect and serve not kill, and destroy life. I guess if the left has to start shooting to get justice, no problem since gun control is pretty much non existent in this country, that won't be hard to accomplish. 

And besides what did we learn in the terminator...shoot them in the knee, you don't have to have every shot a kill shot for pete's sake...if you're trying to stop someone who you consider a treat then stop them don't kill them. A man shot from behind in the leg may survive and prevent this unnecessary violence when people feel overwhelmed and don't feel they have a voice in anything.

Meanwhile the right has started to refer to the virus in the past it's all over with while people are in the hospital on vents, while people die, and while schools that have tried to open are finding cases all over the campus' now we have the right NOT complaint with rules of masks and social distancing, and it's OK? Wonder why don't they shoot them down they are not following ORDERS...there is no room for Nationalism in a country this diverse! 

omg I'm getting a major headache...

I got a card from the Democratic party to fill in and return to get a mail in ballot...I only hope IF people decide to vote by mail their vote is counted!

Civil unrest yes knew it was coming...

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