Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Where's the Proof?

ill the electoral college screw us again?

It seems they lean very heavily to the right doesn't it? Who said they are bi-partisan?? They are not and should be done away with. A list of their names should be released, do you know we are not even privy to that info....how can we protest outside their homes?...why should they be able to hide away they have a very big role in our lives we deserve to know who they are, where they live etc...How is it we have this "secret society"  who are calling the shots?  It's completely archaic. 

This idea was created in 1787 the Constitutional Congress was too afraid to let the people actually vote and elect a President thinking they were not smart enough to do it! And they didn't want Congress to Appoint a leader, because DUH...so they put in this ridiculous FAKE election to make us THINK we elect the President...and then since the South had most of the money due to the Value of land and crops they were in control of the Congress and it became about Slavery.  

But determining exactly how many electors to assign to each state was another sticking point. Here the divide was between slave-owning and non-slave-owning states. It was the same issue that plagued the distribution of seats in the House of Representatives: should or shouldn’t the Founders include slaves in counting a state’s population?

So this is why the Census is so important and why Trump even tried to stop that from being accurate...stop the mail stop the census and the vote...Do you know there have been bills brought up to abolish the EC for years...SO Why do we still have them??? Until we have a more liberal society they will continue we are still under the control of the Jim Crow southern coalition and until people like McConnell, Graham, Cruz are gone this old Nationalists way of life continues.  All this debate over mail in voting and in the end this small group of 270 people will decide!! That is not a democratic vote.  
Talk about mind hacking see we've been led to believe all this time that its "part of our fair process" there is nothing fair about it! It has to be changed...

So the car is gone to the Salvage Yard it won't be crushed it will be sold as spare parts in a you pull it yard.  They picked it up free and we got $200 bucks for it.  We are already looking for a car and test drove one today.  Having a car is the BIGGEST cost to modern life..
in my estimation. Add up all the cars, repairs, gasoline, licensing, insurance, etc  you have spent on having a car in your life over your life time and I  think you will be shocked! And if you're a 2 car family...double all that!

While in this used car business the woman who was behind the desk is the wife of the man she said has the last say on everything there...so I'm not even sure  how it got to the statement she made that the election is going to bring on Mass Protests...So I said well if Trump wins I will be out there protesting.  She was shocked she said Biden will ruin this country!  So I asked how so...she could not tell me why she believed that.  I told her I knew Trump was a lying SOB...and that's all I needed to know about him. 

So she simply believes Trumps lies and fake statements about how Joe's America will be a lawless Sodom and Gomorrah society? But she could not tell me why she believes that, no facts to back it up....so I answered my own question, "Because Trump says so?" 
NOW he is trying to get a female Hispanic in for the Supreme Court and snag up  the loyalty of  Latino voters!  

Lindsey Graham is being protested right now at his DC home because he said There would not be a Last minute Judge selection:

There were speeches, chants, homemade drums and a recording of Graham from 2016 saying the next president should choose the nominee playing over a loudspeaker:

“If there’s a Republican president (elected) in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said, ‘Let’s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination.’” 

He said he is ON RECORD saying this, he said that himself. 
SO NOW he is back peddling!!

I need to get through this week, Im under a lot of stress and I need a break from it.  I want my simple life of birds, deer, and butterflies to return.  

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