Thursday, September 24, 2020

Don't compete, cooperate!

hat is going on?

Speaking of being at a place Im in a terrible place spiritually, emotionally and mentally this week.  Just the fact that I thought Sunday was my's not it's on Wednesday a week from now.  I had put my calendar back to August to check something and forgot to put it back to September! 
My Spiritual is my connection to the world around me.
My Emotional is what comes out.
My Mental is how I perceive things around me.
SEM -unbalanced!
I can only hope that I am able to boot strap myself out of it! I think it's a combo of things, ...I'm not centered in the beauty I know exists all around me, I am allowing a lot of negative emotions and worry to take over, like anger, sadness, and depression, and disappointment caused by the mental expectations.  I'm not sleeping well due to run away thinking. 
A lot of this is due to my son's situation currently, 
I see this image of a man
Standing in a deep well...a shaft of light can reach his upper body and a rope is hanging over the edge of the rock wall all he has to do is reach up and grasp it, and yet the shaft of light glints off the scissors in his hand as he reaches up to cut the rope!! Not what one expects!

Then my upcoming birthday without Mom...and my roof is leaking, and the mountain of fear in politics these days!! 
All those things keep me up at night...I recognize all of this and so Im trying to work my way out of this frame of mind I have fallen into. 

So I pulled up Youtube and watched another post from the Guru Gregg Braden to try and help me focus my energy in another direction.  He is talking about how we must not think the virus is going away that our future will be like our past it will not.  Hanging onto an expectation is not healthy for us as we all know! 
He says:
Who are we but  the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves and believe? Even the way we vote is part of our story...
Humans always ask: Who are we Where do we come from Why are we here and How do we solve our problems to move forward. 

What if we embrace  being a human it will tell us what we need to do, where we come from, and why we're here!  We are taught to believe we are so flawed that we can not accomplish a higher level without the inventions of man...We reproduce machines to do what we do already.  We are such a magnificent being we already perform some amazing tasks...NO robot can duplicate what we can do!!
Darwin said we're a fluke of biology...competing factors brought us into being, but what if we use cooperating factors instead of competing factors to describe our story?  

When we live in cooperation with nature we flourish...
Nature gives us only what we need to survive, so that means we don't need a 3 rd arm---yet---- if we did...evolution would provide us with one.  When people are born with a 3rd arm they are considered mutations? BUT we humans did not evolve into what we are we came this way day one!! So as we live on this planet our environment, and the things in it could be changing us...we don't know that it is not..Im pretty sure it is.  

Gregg pointed out there is a gene called the FOXP2...this is why we have the power of speech and NO other primates have this ability...they do communicate with a "speech' of sorts...but not like ours which evolved into languages, written and WHAT if, 

Recall when I told you about CRISPR and it splices DNA and duplicated it and then enzymes or proteins change this DNA into RNA and it becomes a messenger to repair or replace when something has gone haywire in our DNA? Like when a virus enters our body...well what if these wonderful things about being a HUMAN are actually put there due to Viruses??

So by my thinking is challenged and now I feel better, and not only that but Its cool enough that I baked a gluten free pizza..and put my own veggies on Im looking forward to it. I hope it comes out perfect. Why would I bake my pizza for one hr in a 600 degree oven?  Im gonna cooperate with the instructions and bake it at 450 for 15 mins!!

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