Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bad Apples?

alked early so nice...

The weather here is a daily changing thing..we had that gorgeous day yesterday with our head under the hood of the car, and it seems that my son has hit about the worst streak of bad karma anyone could hit..Now his washing machine, "mom and my old one" is not spinning and draining.  I have repaired this lid switch so many times, I know exactly which one to order so ordered 2 of the dang for now one for later..thankfully they are cheap!! Got 2 for $13 free shipping..

BUT then he got some good news he can't officially start a new job till that SSA sends his new card WHO knows how long it will take but the Unemployment we filed sent him money SO finally he got some good news just in time as I was having to start picking up some of  his financial slack..I can't seem to convince him of the merit in having a good chunk of money in savings.  Child support is what keeps him poor to be honest.  And Next Tuesday he has a hearing for a decrease because he is not earning near as much now as he did when the order was issued 9 yrs ago.  

This hearing was filed for Last October it's almost a year due to all the delays this is the 3rd reschedule he has had! I hope that the amount they have taken this year so far will more than cover the whole yr when he gets a reduction, so maybe HE can begin to save and get a car..
NOW about the car..I'm keeping my phone handy as the pick up gal in case,... but he left in it this morning it started pretty much right up...and no WHITE vapor at the tailpipe! He said it's amazing...I said "lets don't count our chickens before they hatch". 

But he has been gone for a couple hours running errands etc and so far no phone call for roadside pick up!! Good news to me. Who would have thought...but let me not jinx it either by saying anything...we will give it a good solid week before passing judgement on the Product. 

So we have a cool breezy day on tap today and whatever remains of Hurricane Sally will be coming right over us...2-3 inches of rain is what they said,  it did some major flooding in Alabama and Florida... it collapsed parts of the Pensacola Bridge.  Wonderful can't wait...not!!

I got busy with some yard chores after my walk and my son left on his maiden solo voyage...the fence that encloses a part of woods where the dogs roam in the back needed some extra posts one section was drooping over.  This fence is made with metal posts but I guess we ran out of metal and used a couple of wood posts and they had rotted so I put in 3 new posts from a cedar tree I had cut last yr and sawed into 3 posts...I cut up a couple more of the large limbs that fell in last weeks wind for firewood...And Then I decided to spend some time in the screen porch watching the birds at the feeders, some large Mourning Doves are attempting to get on the small feeders and they keep falling off.  Im gonna toss some corn out for them they like it. 


This was epic!  So ABC hosted a Townhall between Donald and uncommitted voters, see he is ALWAYS surrounded by his posse of  supporters so this time he is in the shark tank! They asked him some tough questions and his answers were pretty much Double Talk! Did you notice at his latest rally HE was right away mentioning about the incident where  2 sheriff's officers were shot point blank and he was all over that...but he has YET to address the brutality of the citizens KILLED  by COPS! He dances all around the question...and when he said Almost all cops support him, well there you go!!
He said that's a lack of respect...being shot at while being a cop...but if a cop shots at  you while being black that is just how did he say it, oh yeah he said... "they choked". The Cops killing people, are "some bad apples" in the police department.  BUT he left out the most important of that assumption....and they should be tried for MURDER. Yes they are bad they are very BAD...let us hold them accountable that is the point. 

Doesn't that also mean there's some Bad Apples in our citizens too.. they happen to be the ones shooting at police??  They get charged, these bad apple cops get a slap on the fanny a THAT A BOY and off you go. Put their asses in jail. 

He said when people dumped water on the heads of cops in NY during a protest those cops should of turned around and "done something" to my ears he was saying they should have SHOT the protesters.  So cops who kill are bad apples, citizens who kill are horrible hell bound demons,,,Ok got it. That is what I call a Double Standard.  

HE wants to basically destroy the protesters in Portland..he blames Democratic Governors for all the violence, but mostly it's BIG cities of huge populations who happen to have Democratic Governors.  You are not going to get Democratic Governors  in IOWA, or KANSAS, or NORTH DAKOTA nobody lives there first off...except white people of privilege who are mostly Republican voters.  

Farmers who depend on Subsidies, Ranchers who graze their cattle on Public Lands, Oil  and pipeline workers  who need a man like Trump to make sure they can drill baby drill, and lastly suburban whites who don't want to co-exists with anyone who is not like them. The Midwest is the "forgotten middle class"  How come they can't reinvent themselves without government help?? I really don't get it.   

It is not reasonable to say all cities with large crime volume are Democrat run...more truth is in this statement..."Most larger Cities are heavily populated, and larger populations means more crime! That is logical.  

It's so funny how he thinks it's okay to tromp on one of our Constitutional Rights, the right to protest, and yet NO ONE has the right to deny the bearing of arms he keeps telling his supporters "they want to take away  your guns"...and on th is end he is saying " I want to take away your right to protest." so more bad apples? Protesters=evil demons, gun toting beer bellies=Bad apples?  got it,,,,

But .....lets put his theory to test...
Houston TX a Republican RUN STATE has double the violent crime of Portland Oregon. The USA  as a whole has 22.7% of crimes are violent, in Portland 21.7% is violent crime barely at or just below national average, while Houston has 50.4% violent that's more than double the National Average, what's the deal there ...bad apples or evil democrats?  It's more about income per-capita,  concentration than anything else...and there is NO statistic to show HOW convicted criminals voted! So just because a Governor is Democratic does not mean it's the Democrats  who are committing or allowing the crimes, it could be the disgruntled Republican Citizens there is NO data to make this assumption. 

Like I said he makes stuff up! His answers were not presidential I wished ABC had made one youtube of the whole townhall but they didn't that I found, it was per question you can google it up and read more for yourself, I saw it was on, but I knew I was not going to watch him I get kind of sick to my stomach just seeing him move his face soooo....

I'M beginning to sense there's flies all over the place with all these Bad Apples, beginning to fester and rot. 

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