Friday, September 25, 2020

DeCoding it all...


With my son of course, we are a close family in that we help each other in time of need.  If family is not there in your time of need then possibly you've got self centered people in your inner circle!  If you don't want to help your adult child in a time of need than don't, however don't put me down because I do!  I have had people tell me, it's not my job to help my adult child...HELL my Mom helped me when I  needed some help...we are not birds who push the kid out of the nest...then say SEE YA! 

My Grandmother at one time had 3 generations living at her farm, we all worked together to make a life for ourselves, each one benefitted in some way.  When Mom was still with us, My Son used to sit with her one day a week so we could get a break from the care giving.  He sat with her in the hospital, they were great friends when she was a vibrant grandmother.  He was one of her Pall Bearers.  He also did dog sitting for Jimmy when he was here...he helps me cut wood, he helps me with various jobs around the place when he could...we have NOT always seen eye to eye and that is probably not going to change but, Family Lives Matters!! 
We expect our children to take care of us when we get old and have dementia, so if that is the case, THAT'S A HELL OF A LOT of work, money, and emotional involvement.  My mom provided for me till I was about 16 then I left home...I took care of her in the role as caregiver for 13 yrs! So don't turn your back on  your kids unless you want them to turn their back on  YOU in your time of need.  You find out they have cancer do you walk out? NO you step up.  I am a firm believer in families being strong and staying connected as best they can. 
Family life decoded...

So we found a car we haggled the Trump supporter down to the budget we had and saved $1500 on the purchase price!  We did have to pay almost $300 in sales tax...I used to have a tax number when I was in business and as long as I used that vehicle in my business I  was exempt from that.  But not this time...Any way we got a 2003 Toyota Highlander in very good condition.  My son should get good use for a long time if he takes care of it.
The Zen of buying a used car decoded!

The price we paid is twice what I paid for my Van, and I have had it and been driving it since 2011.  And speaking of my van I'm painting the bumper cover.  It is so oxidized and it looks horrible. I took a look at some of the "Plastic restore" products but I decided to just use regular spray paint!  I sprayed it and it's drying I will put it back on tomorrow.  

 Tuesday was The Way I See it Live Chat on You Tube, so we discussed how the passing of Justice Ginsburg is going to impact this nation.  The one thing about it that bothers me most is the idea of how Trump keeps on about "they are mailing out illegal ballots." OK there's states that were mailing out ballots when he ran LAST time didn't stop him getting elected.

SOME States have chosen to use Vote By Mail as their preferred method!  
Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Utah and Washington. There has been no issue, NOW he acts like ALL the states are mailing ballots, but they are not they are mailing APPLICATIONS for a ballot! I got the application and I did not send it back for a ballot cause I'm going to vote in person. 

Donald has already said..."the court is going to get involved because they are mailing out all these illegal ballots." Remember when I told you he doesn't make these ridiculous statements for nothing he is already setting the stage for this election to be contested, and with HIS brand new Justice sitting there and a WOMAN as he said, well there you go...I imagine he will think she OWES him something...such as LOYALTY which he expects from anyone who he appoints... And the Supreme Court could HAVE to decide the election! 6 to 3??
Donald's crooked plan decoded!!

Barr will follow and do whatever Trump says he is another major crook.  So that is the way he intends to try and WIN should things not go the way he thinks it should.  Trump refused to say there would be a smooth transition of power in January! 

From Vanity Fair:
President Trump: "Get rid of the ballots and we'll have a very peaceful — there won't be a transfer, frankly. There will be a continuation."
SEE HE IS SAYING THERE WILL BE NO TRANSFER OF POWER A CONTINUATION!! But McConnell said there will be an Inauguration in January for the winner of the election. People BOO'D Trump at Justice Ginsburg viewing outside the Supreme Court today...

Yesterday in Louisville, KY only one officer stands charges for the murder of Breonna Taylor, the other 2 were not charged when the Grand Jury failed  to see enough evidence to charge them.  So riots and protests broke out and 2 police were shot.  They both will live.  Ok this is the issue I take over the cops shooting citizens, it took 6 months to even get this Grand Jury to make this get any justice for Breonna, shot dead by 3 cops while she slept in her own home!  AND still none of the evidence has  been released to the public for transparency..
AND Yet Yesterday this:

A suspect is in custody after two Louisville Metro police officers were wounded in a shooting Wednesday evening downtown.
He's been identified as Larynzo Johnson.  He's charged with 14 counts of wanton endangerment on police officers and two counts of assault on a police officer.  As of Thursday, his bond has not been set and he won't be arraigned until Friday.

ALREADY in one day they have arrested, charged, and he will be arraigned Friday! It took only one day not 6 months.  So you see the wheels of justice are not the same wheels when it's a cop doing the shooting that is my issue, hold them accountable!! 
Cop killer or killer cop? decoded

Back to Gregg Braden again, he was discussing the human form and the ability of what if a virus is how we came to be human and not Neanderthal...He said science has found no missing I said I believe in the Ancient Alien theory!  But recall when Zika Virus was causing the births of children with small heads and therefore small brains? A virus inserted into a host that virus got into the Genetic code of the baby forming inside and it created a completely different human life form!!!!!!!

So it is possible, that a virus invaded Neanderthal, and got into the Genetic Code of babies being born and they were more intelligent, more upright, Like US! So I am no scientist...My son has a degree in  biology And when I talked to him about it, he said it is Very possible, that could happen.   So I have a theory...
So what if we and all our abilities, such as speech, walking up right, opposable thumbs, mutated into a new life the Zika Babies.  
Im calling it the Sondra Theory

What else is going on?...Jimmy got his cone off and goes back in 4 he is on the right road to a bright future.
This week is almost over...tomorrow Friday AGAIN!

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