Saturday, September 12, 2020

An Ounce of Prevention?

HAT gives with Blogger?

It keeps switching back n forth from the old to the new...I dislike the new it's like a really bad version of the original..I did figure out I was  in html mode, the dashboard I'm not keen on....and it doesn't seem to matter to Google that we really DON'T want a change!  Since when does dissing your creators help increase  viewers... Its free to use so why? 

Okay all I do is complain...wish I could find my happy place.  I got up with a pounding headache...made me afraid because I'm thinking Covid is coming back to finish me off.  That was my first symptom.  I took a generic pain reliever...

Yesterday I watched a news report about this telle-health...most of the opioid addictions in the country came  from DOCTORS prescribing the shit!  So the lesson here is if they prescribe it tell them if you get addicted because they don't monitor you and keep that from happening you will SUE THEM...that should keep them from prescribing! 

We have enough trouble in the country...honestly they don't care.  There is a drug called buprenorphine that is now being prescribed to help people get off the drugs the doctors put them on those SAME doctors say it helps people get off Opioids.  A step down drug?? It seems like another hole to fall in, but this is being dispensed to people via an internet visit..How can a doctor evaluate you without being in the room with you? No Blood pressure, NO Head to Toe, heck as a Paramedic I can't even begin to understand, OK you can see if they look like they are OD'd maybe.

So Im waiting on my "tardy" son we are going to the DMV this may be why I have a headache.  I'm sure they are not going to allow people in the waiting area so no clue how it will be handled...guess we shall see I will wait in the van but it's HOT so...not looking forward to this whole mess...and we will stop to see if his car has even been looked at it.  I wanted to take it to another garage where the guy works alone, and he works on one car till it's done.  But my son had other ideas..

So I have another bird in my infirmary.  Snatched him off the feeder, the same one I tried to get the other day along with a snake...So he responded well to just one treatment! Hope he will be good to go in a few days.  Some birds respond to the treatment faster than others his eyes looked Horrible...but they were 50% better this morning! He had a crusty scab on his eye when I caught him the salve helped to make that come off so that was a big improvement.

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If you saw the news then you know the latest dirt  uncovered about Donald...yet many think it's all just Democrats making up stuff even tho there is VIDEO and VOICE recordings of him implicating himself and exposing his own actions! Amazing.  As I figured it was the Stock Market he was worried about not human life...and  where is he on the west going up in Flames??? He sent out a Goon Squad to Portland to tear gas people where is a relief squad for the victims who are losing their homes?

An elderly couple forced to evacuate slept in their car instead of going in
the evac center! I would do the same it's safer.  We need strict building codes in these areas... Homes made of stone with NON combustible materials should be put into law!! At least when  you came back to your home it may still be there!! And why doesn't the forest service do controlled burns during Monsoon?  It seems they are not addressing this problem,,,,most of these fires start in a National or State forest! If you're overseeing these lands, that should include Fire Suppression on a daily basis, digging fire walls, small controlled burns  where lots of deadfall has occurred, and clearing streams of debris so they can flow and create dampness...Just seems backassward, cause if the Forest Service hired more personnel to work as Fire Suppressors, and had more equipment, wouldn't it be cheaper in the long run for the Govt??? Instead they have these bureaucratic departments like costs millions and then the state declares a disaster and that's Billions...wouldn't it make more sense to give MORE JOBS to the forest service and expand it so this can be prevented???

Just some ideas off the top of my head! There is too much emphasis in this country on Clean Up Crews rather than Prevention??? From Opioids, to Pandemics, to Fire!  To Police Crime....Do we never learn??? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure right??
John Denver used to recite this poem at his should read it.. The Ambulance In the Valley.
Should we build a fence at the overlook or put an ambulance in the valley to scoop them up after they fall???   I think you can appreciate it. 
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Ok I will finish later hopefully Mr Son will be here so we can get this show on the road! 

2PM we left about 10, 1/2 hr late! Omg...
Anyways now Im back home so here is how it went at the DMV at the entrance is a lady set up at a card table behind a plexiglass screen wearing a tell her why you're there she gives you the forms you need gets your cell phone number, and you go out and to your car fill out your papers and they text when it's your turn to come in..
Pretty simple! BUT it took 48 mins for him to get his text..see I didn't want him driving my van with NO Driver's License on him...that could be trouble for me! So that is why I had to go along since his car is in the shop.

When we backed out to leave this lady backed  out same time and she bumped into my cargo carrier I had it on the back of the van..🔗
🔗 No dents but a black smudge on her car! We barely nudged each other...

At the garage, excuses excuses the car has not been touched!! This is why I didn't want to go there I wanted to go to Teri's Garage...but my son has dealt with these guys before so he wanted the guy who will be doing it said he didn't work yesterday he had a migraine and he still has it, He did look pretty awful to be honest but more Like Jack Daniels he said call him Monday morning! 

Son has a job interview things are moving along now still gotta get his ss card replaced! That will take a little time, we no longer have an office in our town and you have to make an appointment! So I guess he will do it online, and then it will be mailed. 

So not much of deep thinking in today's post...but It's Friday and another week is lets just keep xxx'ing off those days and deal with what come our way. 

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