Saturday, December 5, 2020

Spent the day...

It was a brisk but sunny day so I was at it for several hours till I grew tired and ready to come inside.  It's coming along...but Im not too happy with how the inside looks so I may redo that part...I will decide that next time I work on it...may not be tomorrow. 

I have some errands to do in town,  I have to visit the funeral home that handled mom's funeral and pick up a special Christmas Ornament...and I forgot to get the chicken  nuggets the dogs like to eat.  So I asked my son to drive me.  Since I don't know what is causing that loud sound in my van ..I don't want to do a lot of driving till it's repaired.  I assumed it was the wheel bearing, but the mechanic did that just last week...I want to take it to the Mechanic who did the work on my differential about 4 yrs ago...he is an expert.  

 I will call and see if he can check it or drive it and at least diagnose the trouble and give me an estimate and get it lined up to be done.  The whole front end needs to be replaced, and it needs new shocks. I would love to have heavier leaf springs put on..if only I had a lift lol.  Many things I used to be able to do I can no longer...aging sucks.

I don't know if I will get to see Svengoolie tonight son may be coming for a movie, he is not into the classics.  It's Revenge of Frankenstein's  1958 and in color.  We watched a really good one on Thursday,  Black Mountain Side, filmed in Canada, a good thriller.  A group of Archaeologists were unearthing some sort of never before seen Ancient dwelling with artifacts and then strange things begin to happen to the crew and one by one they kill each other...and just when you think one guy will make it back to civilization if he can walk 90 miles in deep snow....he is caught in a Bear Trap! Damn. 

I had veggie burger with fries for dinner tonight,,,,I like to brown the onion a whole slice and put only mustard, then put it on a Sourdough English Muffin that I pan heat so it gets really soft...quite delicious.  My son joined me then he went home to feed Bella the cat.  So he may or may not come back for a movie, we watched Amityville II while we ate dinner. A sequel to that is currently on Comet. The antenna Sci-Fi channel. 

I went to Amityville when I lived in NY many times.  We had to take a patients home who had a complete knee replacements at the Hospital for Special Surgeries In NYC.  LOTS of NYC firefighters live in Jersey and out on the Island.  AND a lot of them have to get new knees.  It's only forty miles from the city, out east as they say meaning onto Long Island.  Sometimes we took people to Montauk as far as you could go on Long Island.  That would take all day and was normally the only call we could cover that day. 

Sometimes we went  via 9A  over to the Jersey side then back into NY over the Tappan Zee to Tarrytown   and the land of the Headless horseman, Sleepy Hollow, NY many times to bring patients home from Cancer treatments or Heart Transplants, and they were so happy to be home as you can imagine.  

The fire is burning it's quite chilly so it feels good.  OH and the wool blanket had been found I asked son to check at his place and it was there.  I seem to recall sending it over there when My sister was there to help with cold nights an extra blanket in case there was not enough there. 
Hope your Saturday night is peaceful. 
Here is a beautiful little Chipping Sparrow I saw yesterday..

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