Thursday, December 24, 2020

If you're into it...

ishing all a good holiday... 
I plan to do nothing much today...waiting on hard rain and wind to arrive, so I will get my wood together for the night before it starts but not much else,,,I may go to the grocery for some snacks, Im out.  I have to find some new snacks don't know what that will be since all my favs are now on an avoid list.  Nuts are my favorite snack.  I really like popcorn, but it gets stuck in my teeth I hate that.  So? Chips are so so salty they do have reduced salt chips,  I like bananas, peaches, and pears.  Soooo I need to think about it. 

So Trump is pardoning criminals who are guilty of the same crimes he has committed or is committing, fraud, inside trading, campaign fraud, colluding with a foreign govt, lying under oath, so he is letting the scumbags out most were involved in crimes due to being around him...

After he and Lindsey Graham said NO New Stimulus,,,,he is holding the bill up wanting the payments to be higher, but the thing is HE knew they were working on this bill all of a sudden he decides to get involved when  he has said nothing for weeks.  He also is holding up a defense spending bill that gives soldiers a 3% raise, Those defense spending bills normally give  huge chunks of money to the corporations that have contracts with the Dept of I really don't know what it is in the bill he opposes, trust me, its probably personal with him or it is about him in some way.  And I don't think people making 75K a year need any stimulus money.  The hardest hit sector is the 20K or less tier of taxpayers....75K a year people are in management, and they did not lose a job, they simply went home and continued to do their job from home.  Food service, and entertainment businesses owners and managers yes, I don't think people who did not lose a job need a stimulus.  It simply shows how out of touch the leaders are...raise the wages over all and stop tossing pnuts on the floor. 

Not doing anything traditional this year.  I will give my son his laptop and we will have a meal, It's going to be cold so I plan to use the oven help keep the house warm...I got sweet potato, red potato, rutabaga, peppers, mushrooms, onions, and I plan to add mac n cheese, and a salmon fillet and I think I will make some spanish rice.  That's it, IF I go to the store I need to pick up some lemons.  

This may be the last time I bother with Christmas...I don't really care about it anymore. I will try to post tomorrow but if not I will be back on Saturday. Last night I got caught up watching a Youtuber who Fat-Bikes the western USA.  He is Canadian and this year he didn't get to come down due to the border closing  Im watching his old  episodes from past years. 

I found him via Vancity Vanlife his channel is called Forestry Forest and he lives in a van,,,in fact he just got into a bigger he is doing a built out currently,  the fat bike, its a bike with big fat tires his trips are normally a month or more  long and he covers 3 or 4k miles.  And he makes ONE video about it of about an hour long so fun to binge watch. 
Check him out if you enjoy a calm minimalist you will enjoy him.

Now it's on to the New Year 2021..lets hope for a better one, and just hope things don't get worse...we know the Pandemic is going to continue to be out of control for many months. 

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