Thursday, December 3, 2020

Another Wednesday,,,on Thursday

Ok now my son's car battery died?? Is this a conspiracy? So very odd...
Anyways we plan to take it out and head to, where else ....Walmart. 
Gotta say they really did help me out when I needed them. 

 There is no way to report your day until it happens, so yes this was Wednesday and will publish on Thursday...therefore the title of this post.

So in the news there is this going around:  Trump wants to issue preemptive pardons for his KIDS..the only reason you need a pardon is if you have done something criminal...and trust me they have.  And He is also giving one to Giuliani??? The "criminal' lawyer...I'm sure Trump's crimes are well known to Giuliani since he was Major of NYC where the Trump family Empire was made, they have been slum lording it for a few decades now...why do you think Trump chose Giuliani to be his lawyer? Looking the other way is probably how they met.  Rudy was A DEMOCRAT then.  1994 to 2001 so can't tell me he and Trump didn't break all sorts of rules and ordinances so Trump could build his buildings, and sell his real estate in the city while officials looked the other way.  He didn't hire Rudy  for his mental acuity, not for his steller court cases, but for his ability to break the law so easily. Yet Rudy G, said it's not true, guess we will know soon enough. Its no coincidence the NY State Attorney is all over Trump...he is a criminal. 

As Barr said there is no evidence of Election Fraud.  BUT there is Trump tried to bribe Michigan officials, and Graham tried to strong arm the GA Sec of State into not counting legal why is the DOJ NOT investigating that?  Trump's attempted Coop is failing up to now, but he keeps threatening..and saying Fake News when the truth comes out.   

Britain is going forward with the Pfizer vaccine.   So I guess we will see how it works...I hope for the sake of the Brits it's safe.  I wonder if they feel like Guinea Pigs?  Will they take it or not?  Im very much on the fence about it.  

I have lost a wool blanket.  I looked in my usual places it is not there...I know in the summer I moved the wool blanket off the couch and put my soft fleece one on there for those rare times in summer I would want a blanket.  I spent nearly 2 weeks under that blanket in July when I had Covid,  99.9 sure it was altho I never got tested then.  I was too sick to leave the house to get tested.  I had every symptom PLUS 2 symptoms that no one is even aware of for the most part.   The splotches and the covid toe, or feet in my case.  Never in my life have I had anything knock me down for 2 weeks straight.. Even when I gave birth I was back at work 9 days later....So the missing wool blanket. It must be found.  

Last night we watched 2 movies one stank to high heaven, and the other, Double, with Richard Greer was pretty good.  The stink one was about Werewolves and a serial killer...OK nuff said of that one.  It's Wednesday and it's sunny and cold as H   E double L.  I really need to concentrate on getting some wood together but that is probably not happening today.  My wood bin is down to desperate.  Yesterday the high topped out at 47 with a wind chill...and today it will be a wee bit warmer no wind as of now. 

After the trip to town to get a battery for his car, I worked getting some wood picked up in the woods, limbs that fall during heavy wind or rain, I pick up break into sized pieces and this I add to my fireplace it helps to keep wood of various sizes in the bin to burn...some of the bigger pieces won't burn well if they don't have something small in with them to keep it going.  Its cold again tonight. It will be 28F which is -2.2C. 

My sister was told her car needs it's 100,000 mile check up..and she needs tires she is thinking of changing cars, she has a Nissan...wonder what she will get I suggested Chevy or Toyota.  
I told my son run for city council, then major, then senator, then governor, then President.  He said, "now why the hell would I want to do that?" My hopes dashed. 

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