Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Smarty Pants...

Boy it got cold..the wind is out of the north and it's cold.  I tried to work on my cat tower project but it's just too cold...I did a little work on it in the laundry room but it's too cold in there to be comfortable....So I came in and made potato soup and built a fire.

Now if only my feet would get warm.  May as well sit down with my soup and watch Judge Judy.  I think we need her on the Supreme Court...she would give that Amy Barrett a new attitude.  IF Trump should get his ridiculous claims to the Supreme Court and she rules in this favor she should be impeached.  No one in their right mind believes any of his BS claims.  So the Republicans actually believe there is this Nationwide Democratic conspiracy and somehow we got 80 million people in on it...and left NO TRACE of evidence.  Pretty slick eh?  Obviously Democrats have superior minds in order to keep this huge secret and pull off this massive event without any Republicans even suspecting anything is going on....we are soooo very smart eh?  

Somehow in the few months while most of us were locked down with covid we were able to co-ordinate this massive 80 million people secret...we are like magicians.  We are supreme beings I guess.  We are those well educated professionals, we are those low income whites, all those African Americans, those Illegal Immigrants and all other snowflakes and strays,,,,I guess we have this secret pipeline and  clubhouse where we meet so we can seamlessly pull off this HUGE fraud...BUT ooopppps Ohio, Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota, Florida, Utah, Montana and a few other states did NOT get the damn memo.  Hey, stupid people what's up with y'all??  IF we had a huge plan, why did we leave out those states, we should of included them then we would have won with 12 million people eh??They can't figure out HOW  we Staged this whole KOOOOO right under their silly noses, hahaha...we are sooo freaking smart.  AND we left not one shred of evidence.  NONE of the  Republican governors in these states can figure out just how the hell we did it. IN fact they are saying," NOTHING illegal took place, they voted for him and he won", it's just insane.  Man we are so goooood at this election thing eh?? WE did it by mail, we did it in person, we did it in our car, we came early we stayed late, we voted in every possible legal way.  The Republicans in many states  actually did everything they could to stop the mail moving, to move the polling places, to move the drop boxes, to tell us NO witness needed then one week later YES you need a witness....they tried every way to pull the rug out from under us, I guess they figured it out Before the election even took place, that we were gonna  VOTE TO WIN.  They tried to stop us in courts, by having armed assess standing around to threaten some of us, still we pulled it off.  We used the laws of the States we won in our own favor...Imagine that? We pulled off a Legal Scam?? LMBO. 

Amazing right??  Penn and Teller take notice!  Brilliant is what we are. Trump take notice Loser is what you are. 

Meanwhile I put my belongings back in the van, got it all set up, stuffed the pockets, and filled up my storage shelf...but Im not going anywhere I still have to figure out what that sound is and get that repaired..hopefully by Spring I will be able to travel a little. 
But it looks quite cozy.  I did buy a curtain to put up to close off the front at night, but I didn't like the curtain I chose so that's going back and I will get something else...

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