Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fascisms is knockin'...

My writtin's have long focused on the Fascist direction of this nation, and it's never closer than it is right now.  AS we sit on our hands and mouths and do and say nothing a MAD MAN is in our oval office plotting how to TAKE ILLEGAL CONTROL OF US,..the people of the USA.  Many seem to want to be controlled as if we are under the iron fist of an abusive husband who just won't leave and if I can't have you no one will kind of mentality.  I hope we have some warriors on our side.  We will need them.  Personally the next 4 yrs are going to be worse than the last 4 not for what won't get accomplished but what will be accomplished behind closed doors...

The Republican party driven by hate broadcasted by the likes of Rush Limbach and Fox News has become offensive to the point of no return.  I  hear all this talk about coming back to the middle, the middle of what?  What is right and what is wrong?  Fact and fiction, fantasy and reality?  NO way.  I won't pass the time of day with their ideology not even for a moment.  Trump's insane lawyers are telling him to  evoke Martial Law in the Swing states and force them to redo their elections...can you believe this is the Banana Republic of the USA?  We will have to take a stand.

 Bill Barr allowed this to happen...he is our Attorney General now he decided to break GOOD? Too Little Too Late.  YES he should select a special counsel to investigate Trumps attempts to overthrow our government...For Pete's Sake.  The news is out of the Laundering of money....the Trump family thru the Trump election campaign money, 170 million is what I heard.  Its like the mob, where you got Vinny and cousin Louis, and Uncle Mickey, and so forth and so on, they know how a mob is structured , a Crime Family.  

So here in my little world I did some cleaning in the house early till it warmed up outside...vacuum, dust, run the dishwasher, it gets run once a week.  I don't do much cooking I eat a lot of salad and nuke a side I normally only have plates, and utensils to wash...I have 8 everyday plates so when they are all used I run a load thru the Short cycle,  

I figured out that my freezer works better if I put the freezer on Cold not Coldest, and the Fridge on Coldest, not just Cold. it's been making ice regularly and now I have a bin full of ice.  I have a few big ticket items that will soon have to be dealt with, the fridge, the roof, and the water heater.  I see more and more tarps appearing on roofs, with all the rain we have anymore the roof is not lasting the way it should, and people can't afford a roof.  I'd like to go with a tin roof to be honest.,,but it's very expensive to install...

I wanted to apply for a Grant with the USDA. OMG  The 14 page application is sitting on my desk in various stages of completion.   When I got to the "forms you have to provide" section I put it away till after the holidays...

Then I went out and split some wood, and cut another tree.  This tree I cut was extremely crooked.  I wanted to cut it last year and didn't.  It's a red oak, a very hard wood, so it will take a while to dry out I cut it into lengths and stacked it up to dry.  Red oak does burn good but it's hard to split.  So it will take a couple weeks to get this ready to burn.  I lit the fire an hour early even tho it's not too cold outside 58F, it felt chilly inside so I went ahead and lit the fire.  I got dirty cutting wood so soon a shower and then dinner, and another day X'd off my life Calendar.  

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