Friday, August 14, 2020


ill the World stop moving please...

Did you know the Earth moves at over 600 miles per hr? OMG no wonder we're all looney tunes, we are riding a spinning top in outer space. We are clueless about how we got here...Some Deity made us? If so then said Deity made the viruses too?  The spinning top explains why sometimes I get vertigo.  We are such strange we are spinning yet we don't feel it...and honestly we certainly will not last much longer in the scheme of things, I wonder who will Inherit the Earth next?  Maybe the virus, viruses have existed on this Planet for eons.  They don't really know the origins...maybe from ancient Insects...giants like in those B movies that are so corny and far fetched...but are they?
When looking into our DNA ancient genomes of virus are present...omg what came first Chicken or the Egg...maybe we began as a virus flew in on a comet and Bam spread like the disease we can be.

  A virus can not live outside a host for long, it's life cycle is spent INSIDE host cells, replicating and using your cells for food, for energy, for life, a virus is basically a parasite but is not alive until it enters your cell.  A virus lives better on hard surfaces and can live for hours or days outside the host...this is why we wash our hands..the virus can live floating in the air for 3 hrs this is why we wear a mask to keep particles from getting out of our mouth & nose into the air and then into someone else and vice versa!

Well it's storming off to the north of me today the dogs are not happy they look to me as If I'm to stop the weather from happening, how much faith they have in my ability...I tell them to cut it out. Annie hides her head under the footstool..and funny how dogs want to get in the bathtub when it storms...When I used to dog sit Spanky he really had me scared once.  I looked everywhere for the closet, under the bed, behind the couch, and was about to give up when I rechecked the bathroom and pulled back the curtain and there he was shivering like a bowl of jello....I could not make him get out so I pulled the curtain back and went into the living room and eventually he came out on his own...poor old guy. I guess they think it's a cave? I just don't know. 
anyways I this
There is so much we don't understand about our world...I don't know if a bat in Wuhan China is where this virus came from or the Virology Lab in Wuhan China...I certainly don't believe Trump when he said they released it purposely because it hit them hard and first.... but maybe that seems more feasible to me than a bat, somewhere in China.  If you read around on that website up there you will see other virus they are studying, like  bunyaviruses, that causes hemorrhagic fever in humans...SFTSV has a 30% mortality rate.
I don't trust the Chinese anymore than I trust Trump...he is a fool and this could have been their response to his tariffs...HOW are we to know.  

Simply because they say no we didn't do it, but they clearly they are dealing with some serious shit if you check that link up there!!  On their introductory page they list the various virus they have worked with insect, plant, animal, human, molecular, and more.  This paragraph come from that page:

The strategic positioning of Wuhan Institute of Virology is to face the national population health, sustainable development of agriculture and national security, look on the international frontier for the research field of virology, focusing on the researches on newly emerging,  outburst infectious diseases and biosecurity, major viral infectious diseases etiology and innovative drug for agriculture, environmental microbes and ecological protection, virus bionic and emerging biotechnology, virus identification, system classification and bioinformatics and other aspects, in the construction of high-level biosafety research and technology system, biological nano-devices, green agricultural technology Integration and application and other scientific frontiers, it is to make the original innovation contribution, enhance our emergency responsiveness to new and sudden infectious diseases, built the Wuhan Institute of Virology into a comprehensive virology research institution with international advanced level.

And yet we worry about nuclear weapons, biological weapons are what we should be worried about. This Coronavirus could have been a test to see how fast it could happen, and whether they could control the outbreak in their own country.  Am I saying China did it or what...

And then I found this...Article about the research that was being done about how Coronaviruses are finding their way from Bats to humans, but they don't think the link is direct..the funding was pulled by the about it here...

I think what Im saying is according to what I have read there is no direct link to this virus jumping from bats to this here...  So the idea that that process happened in a lab just makes more sense...the lab provided the missing link for the jump to occur. 

You decide for yourself...a bat had the virus, then it jumped somehow from a bat in a food market, yet there is no evidence that Coronavirus can get into us via food. 

So that shoots down the food market in Wuhan as a source of the virus....most likely an employee at the Wuhan Lab started this virus MY makes more sense, since they have been working with Bat Viruses, and now one is released and SARS began there also supposedly the same thing Animal to Human transmission, two for two,  

well I don't need to be hit on the head to draw a line to the possible source of this outbreak...

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