Saturday, August 1, 2020

100 more days of the PIG

AITING for the world to change? 
Me too...I have been so sick I could barely sit up but I hope this afternoon I turned the corner...I thought as I wrote heat stress..but I think that triggered something else I have no clue I don't think Covid as I have no coughing or breathing issues...the symptoms just kept changing...anyway I hope Im on the mend, each time I though that the fever would return..

So didn't I tell you Trump is gonna try to stop the election...the other day he said it should be postponed..then today on the news he said basically if He was not the winner that it means "Fraud" and that most States don't have valid elections...he said if the win is a landslide it means it was fixed...and GOD forbid he should win in a landslide I hope someone will be there to ask "SO does this mean your win is Fraud" now he will attack the blue states, he wont say a word about elections in KY, but he will attack CA...for sure...and what about FL they have had trouble many times...the hanging chads that took the election from AL Gore. 

HE did not as always elaborate like what evidence do you have of me the proof....he just says something like "it's fixed" and does not say WHY he thinks that!!  NBC Reporter Peter Alexander asked him "if that's the case why aren't you allocation money to states to ensure a fair and secure election?" Omg his answer was "YOU don't me Peter you don't know anything about what Im doing.." I took that to mean he is doing all he can think of to try and "fix" it in his favor..

ALthough I like the idea of mail in ballots, I wish that could happen before Nov 3rd, so it could arrive and be counted on time..I don't know why we have to know the result the very DAY but in this day and age....

AND why is it we can bank, pay our bills, investment money, and they say its secure and yet we cant vote online?

Do not believe a word he says....he is up to his same CRAP of putting doubt on anything that doesn't go his way...

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