Friday, August 28, 2020

Chick Little the sky is falling

ith a lot of help and little luck we may...
Turn this sinking ship we're on around...I feel as if we are all in the same boat and it's the  TITANIC II.
As I have been saying I am not watching the RNC all those lies, all the fear mongering the Rep's are the Party of Fear ..why do you think they are all armed? They should change that elephant into a chicken...It's much more fitting.

Trump says of the rioting and protesting "this is how it will be under JOE," yet this is HOW IT IS UNDER TRUMP!  A 17 yr old is now a murderer! He was out in the street with an automatic RIFLE...why weren't the cops sitting on his neck? They shot a guy who was running away AND HAD no weapon in the back...and yet here is this white guy walking down the street with an auto rifle? 
What is this Afghanistan? Holy Moly..

40,000 people were impacted by gun violence in the USA in 2017.

... the armed "militia"  in the streets Vigilante Justice? Since when do we need A Militia? I'm sure Trump will say it's very unfortunate...BUT he won't come right out and call this guy and others like HIM Thugs..Mitch sits on the bill that the HOUSE sent up in June the one on Police Reform. THIS IS ON MITCH, if those reforms were in place maybe Mr Blake wouldn't be in the hospital paralyzed, and maybe this very young misguided teen would not be under arrest for murder.
When asked most Americans say they own a gun for that old myth of "hunting" is baloney...they are afraid.

FOR EXAMPLE: A guy robs a liquor store, he has a gun, he shoots 2 innocent by standers, it's on video, and all the Names, the details, the photos, everything is released on the evening news that NIGHT and the guy is arrested and charged and in court the next day to be arraigned... BUT when it's a cop who is doing the's like weeks of "we will get to the bottom of this matter, and release details when it's appropriate." Excuse me this is NOT fair!  It is appropriate to know NOW, what other "details" are they waiting on time to make up some sort of 'their version of the truth'.

Yesterday the CDC was bowing to the pressure of the HHS controlled by the Donald Party and doing a complete reversal on testing, today they back peddled on it...I do understand that testing with no symptoms is hit or miss example because you could be fine on the day you're tested and have it the next day! BUT they are looking for the they can be isolated....We need to concentrate on not Spreading the virus...issue more stringent policy on droplet control and containment.  OR just go ahead and expose everyone and lets be done with it...the carriers don't know they have it I did know I had came on strong and I stayed out of circulation for 16 days after...

I did see a photo on the NY Times page this morning of the fist bump Pence was giving his audience none of them had on seems to run along party lines!

Pompeo gave his Donald Party Speech from Israel?  Why is he in Israel?? Is it not enough to stir up the Christians now they gotta stir the Jews up too?

Meanwhile Barr  actually said the "left" is trying to tear down American institutions...
OH like the USPS? Like the Dept of Justice, Like the CDC, The Free Press, The Voting Rights Act, those institutions? The ones all currently under attack from the Donald Party?

And he  said "the left is replacing religion with progressive idealism" 
His rhetoric sounds exactly like Bannon's, Excuse me Freedom of Religion or the choice to have NONE is a constitutional right and the last time I checked the Constitution is an American Institution.

I have to go out today for a few things gas for the mower and that is going to be my next project Putting new Blades on my Mower...It looks easy but of course there is the fact that I have to get down on the ground. 

First it has to cool off really hot right now. 

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