Sunday, August 2, 2020

Ell I throw in the towel and just make a guess based on what I've read about covid, I may have it..

As long as I can get up and move around to get food in me, and do what I need to care for my needs, I don't plan to seek medical attention unless necessary.  I know I can not sit in a line of cars in 100 degree heat for hours to see if yes in like 3 weeks if they could give me a 2 day answer ....but they can't 

so My aim is to try and get better!
The symptoms keep changing and I've run the entire gambit, in fact for a couple of days I thought I had measles because I broke out in splotches pretty much all over but not solid covered, just random but they are big like a penny size...I have no allergy that I am aware of and NO itching period..Some seems to now be developing a blister head but not all...
Fatigue, Fever, Headache, Chills, tremors, when I try to pick up like a glass of water....have been accompanied at one time of another with nosebleed (not bad but still) all limbs weakness, dizziness, nausea, lost of appetite, loss of taste, (even more with my tongue half numb anyway) ear ache, fever blisters, and intense joint pain in the knees and the feet, hips, shoulder, and neck.
I had low blood pressure, pulse is high, respiratory is a little rapid and shallow when I take a deep breath it's not as easy to fill lung with air as it should be...and horrid night sweats to the point I can't rest.  I can get  up and do some light chore like feed my dogs, assemble a sandwich, put plates in the sink..and I get about  1 or 2  hrs of tolerable time to get these things done then Im on the couch exhausted...for the day and give up by 8 or 9..
Im putting myself in quarantine till I'm well and as long as necessary...if its not covid whatever it is could be contagious..
I did see that 20% of people who have covid get rashes or skin blotches of some kind..
The lightheaded feeling keeps returning Im drinking water and taking Ibuprofen for temp and pain, and sometime Tylenol in between...I normally write my posts the day before but yesterday no way today Im up now for 3 hrs and now im exhausted and can barely sit up...I have noticed a slight throat irritation this morning. 
SO I followed all the guidelines as well as possible..and yet 

Im sick anyway...Im not saying it's covid, but weird that right when a very contagious disease is raging my state I get his mystery illness? I think mystery solved. I do think it was precursor by heat stress which compromised my immune system JMO.

Meanwhile Trump continues to reek havoc on us with his Lies...that bunch of witch doctors assembled by STEVE BANNON was a major hoax why is he not being sued??? Trump and Bannon...

They are trying to kill more people by giving out false hope and Guiding people to a "hoax cure" that one of Trumps companies has bought up almost the entire stockpile of on hand malaria treatment,,,trust me sick people don't vote!! The more sick Democrats we have the better they like it..Minorities are getting sicker...see this graph I am sharing 
  • 1 in 1,350 Black Americans has died (or 73.7 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 1,650 Indigenous Americans has died (or 60.5 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 2,100 Pacific Islander Americans has died (or 48.0 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 2,700 Latino Americans has died (or 37.2 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 3,100 White Americans has died (or 32.4 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 3,250 Asian Americans has died (or 30.7 deaths per 100,000) If you want to read the entire data it's here.. I wish they would add one more category to this list,,,POOR PEOPLE... IF IM not dead I will VOTE..I don't trust Trump to allow a fair mail in ballot...he controls the USPS...he could shut them down before any ballots get delivered. So I would def plan to vote in Person!
  • MY polling place is hardly ever busy in the mornings they open at 7..
  • Meanwhile the bill to extend benefits to unemployed is hung up in the Senate while the house has a month off upcoming??? Come on why are they taking time off with pay while others get the SHAFT?? I just hope Ruth Bader does not have a DNR we need her to remain with us till Jan 20! Thank you Ruth for showing us all how to be gracious. ANY ways that's all I can share I've got to try and get my clothes into the will be strenuous!
  • Then it's couch potato to stay on top of treating the symptoms, the only thing that WORKs as of now.

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