Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Walk, Run, Crawl, don't mail it!

isdom, please be with me...

I keep hoping to become wise, like Yoda...so wise that people flock to me for my knowledge...how weird.  I want to know more than I can possibly recall, I write a LOT it's a way to try and preserve memories and build wisdom.  My Grandmother was a wise woman but she hardly ever said a word and when she did you had to listen intently or you would not hear her, she would not repeat herself either...she took her wisdom to her grave. 
She kept a little stash of coins tied into the hem of her dress...it was this little knot of a thing...I watched her do it many times, she would fold up the coins in the hem of her dress and then twist it up and tie it off...why she wanted these coins is beyond me, I just watched her do it, but never asked....I sure would like to know...

My mother was so wise yet she was also insecure, she didn't share  her wisdom because she felt unworthy of anyone's attention.  I tried very hard to communicate with her but as I said we never were close until I was a grown self sufficient person. I could have used much of that wisdom had she shared it.  I tried to share my wisdom with my son, but when I start sharing it he walks away...none is so blind as he who will not see.

So much of the  time instead of sharing our wisdom with others we just shoot the breeze, we gossip, we complain, we keep repeating the same actions over and over without wondering why.  I analyse everything and everyone...I'm analytical. Looked it up for clarification: 
relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning.

That can lead to critical thinking: the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.

I am searching for the wisdom.  As a young girl I always felt I was outside the circle looking in...as an adult I feel the same only I feel the circle has a wall around it too...
This morning I actually made my first move toward getting stronger, well yesterday actually I took a short walk from my mail box to Mom's mailbox and back...then I  did a few planks only 5 and I was done...today I went around the block...it was hard and on the last leg I had to stop and rest. 

While I was walking I was trying to analyse...I looked at all the marks on the sandy ground.  I saw 2 human tracks someone walked earlier than me, 2 different tread patterns one small one big...so a couple man and woman. 

Then there was horse track someone rode by on a horse but that was probably yesterday cause a pile of poop was dried out...lots of deer large and small possibly a couple young bucks a doe and a fawn..then there was raccoon, possum, squirrel, and dove had walked also.

In the trees I heard birds... I am an avid birder and I try to recognize bird calls...I heard Blue Jay, Mockingbird, Eastern Kingbird, Eastern Wood Pewee, Red Bellied Woodpecker, just to name  a few...then the neighborhood dogs all barked at me...they each have a distinctive bark.

So reading the signs helps me build wisdom what good will this wisdom do me, I don't know but I think it's important to be able to look at something and figure out what happened or is happening...

Later I read in the NY Times that comes to my inbox herd immunity is getting close in India...they think it is anyways and possibly in Brooklyn, NY...which is much like India...

By Hook or Crook:
And the next article was how Trump is trying to stop the vote by mail I mean corruption and nepotism is not enough so he has to undermine a perfectly good institution in order to try and keep his sorry ass in DC....and continue to destroy what little bit of good we got going for us. The US Postal Service,,,,he has fired 23 execs many of whom  could become whistle blowers, the postal service is being told to  stop using mail sorting machines, this slows down the whole process...and he has cut out overtime; I mailed a letter to my sis 10 days ago it  has yet to arrive...It normally takes 3 days..

So I guess airmail has been stopped too?  SO your bills will be late this means = Late fees! NO way I'd mail a bill.  So Nancy Pelosi is on her way back to the HOUSE...and will put in a funding bill for the US Postal Service, she plans to have Trumps Post Master General in to testify and ask WTF is going down?? 

Steve Bannon's master plan is still to create a white nationalists society and is still in play..he wants to destroy our society and rid the world of the poor, the unwhite, the wise people of the world, and put in robots who don't think for themselves. IF you can get past all the ads in that article it's very eye opening!! He master minded and helped engineer  Brexit, and he is still working on the fall of the United States. 

My wisdom here is GO VOTE IN PERSON...if you have to crawl to the poll do it!! Unless you really like the idea of being told what you can do and when you can do it Trump said: "all the soccer mom's will vote for me, cause they don't want those low income people living next door."
They want a Quasi-Utopian society, where you and I don't exist. WISDOM, get some. 

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