Tuesday, August 25, 2020

off the top of my head...

inston Churchill said:

“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.”
So we must keep trying.  Try Try Again..

So I have another nearly blind bird in my infirmary if I don't have complete success this time, I will be very upset, but I won't give up. 

I completely forgot that Biden/Harris was on 2020 News Hour last evening, so I will catch the highlights on the evening news...I can't believe the crap Donald is saying..."there will be burning in the streets, murder and mayhem..." OH but wait why hasn't anyone pointed out that HAPPENED ON HIS WATCH already?  And it is HE has plans to cut grants to local Police Depts, while Biden has said he intends to increase Federal Funding to help with better training.  Biden intends to close private run Prisons and put more effective efforts into the Sentencing phase of non violent crime,....he intends to get rid of ICE! I wish Border Patrol could be put to better  use like putting a stop to Illegal Drugs entering this country! Unite the children being detained back into the arms of their parents.  

Yes the very thing he is declaring the "violent' left will do is what has already happened on his watch...mostly white nationalists creating violence in the streets...and disillusioned blacks who seem to be at the bottom of the barrel.
Why did it happen? Because he did NOTHING to solve the problem of WHY the Black Lives Matter movement was formed in the first place he didn't force McConnell to pass the Bill introduced by the House, ...to end police brutality against people of color and poor whites for that matter...

Why aren't they sitting on Steve Bannon's neck he is spouting out anti government rhetoric saying his arrest is political...Well why is he saying that? He is NOT a politician as far as I can see so why is he saying that? Maybe he is declaring the truth what is between the lines is "I am a threat to the political stability of this country"....I think that is exactly what he is saying! 

He is controlling Trump from afar  he has his hand in what does and does not get done, he is orchestrating the dissolving of our democracy to the Utopian Nationalist Society he wants one without Poor, downtrodden,  and an all White Society of Capitalists...yet he was not treated as an "enemy of the State," altho he is a huge enemy of the State...in the way he thinks that we need to return to some sort of religious controlled society with it's roots of Capitalism and stamp out socialism in all sectors.   That article is old but I think it can give some sort of a look into the mind of this man. You can not go back...you can only go forward and try new ideas.  

The humidity is OFF the charts today...Just tending to the bird had me so sweat sogged I had to shower and change clothes.   The humidity is currently 95% That is like being in a steam room set to 104 degrees! The dogs did not even want to go out for their morning explore. Having 2 hurricanes in the Gulf is just peachy...the west burns to the ground and we are drenched in moisture.  

I see most of the Covid surge is now in the midwest where it had not been making too much trouble, but now the curve is spiking, South Dakota, check out this linear scale it shows how the virus just continues to rise 
Here is my state....it held steady until the Shut Down was lifted...then it has been a steady rise.

Trump is so desperate he has forced the FDA to approve a plasma treatment that uses antigens of the recovered to infuse into the sick...the studies done have shown 35% improve at a faster rate, but it will not STOP the virus from happening...once again it's an ambulance in the valley instead of fence at the edge of the cliff! He only wants to say "we are curing people of the virus" completely political as is every move he makes...he could care less if people live or die his true self was speaking when he said, "it is what it is."  

Came up in comments on my other blog..and this is something I read not long ago the 1918 pandemic took 2 yrs to reach herd immunity.  This one could take that long.  And people are forgetting in 2017, we had 80,000 deaths in the USA from the Flu, and that is with the so called "flu shot" which is a complete guessing game.  

I will not be watching the fiasco that will be the Republican Convention...key note speakers a St Louis couple who pulled guns on people walking past their house on the way to the Mayor's mansion to protest.  They have been charged with a felony gun charge! 

They broke the law...and Trump wants to glorify them.  I thought they looked completely insane a couple who are afraid of their own shadows.  If they really felt threatened why did they go outside? NO one was trying to break in.  They were the threat. It's people who have guns killing people who don't have guns!

To clarify Trump didn't just start  his dislike of the postal service recently.... Jeff Bezos owns Amazon, he uses the USPS to ship his Amazon orders for the most part...and he also owns the Washington Post...AH HA a Never-Trump newspaper...so by hurting Amazon shipments the Sick POTUS thinks he can dethrown Bezos...

Outwardly, the president has framed his enmity toward Amazon as a defense of the Post Office, raging on Twitter about the “many billions of dollars a year” the U.S.P.S. supposedly loses for “being their Delivery Boy”—a situation he says puts “many thousands of retailers out of business.” 

so this is the real reason for his attempt to disrupt the postal service, add to that now the voting by mail...he always has a Conspiratorial reason for his actions. 
So when he starts to casually mention something in a tweet or in one of his off the wall remarks to the press you can be sure he has already begun a secret attack in some way.  

Trump's wants to Boycott GoodYear tires because they said MAGA hats are not okay in the workplace...This is how he gets even.  So Biden is cashing in on that by playing ads in Ohio and NC where Goodyear factories are operating.. using that footage!  It's a dogfight at this point.  I just hope Biden doesn't get too excited he can run off topic pretty easy when he gets excited I've noticed.

So that's what is on my mind today caring for the blind bird, Keeping my eyes open to what's going on in the world, and trying to stay cool!  

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