Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Right Wing Nuts Strike Again!


So the 4th of July turned deadly in the USA...its a symptom of the health of this Nation and we are all sick puppies.  The division between ideology of individuals is getting so deep I don't think it's repairable...at this point.  I spend about 10 minutes on Facebook scrolling just to read the messages, heck I join in and say my part.  I know.  Trust me I know...but when I see an unjust thing I try to right it...like this statement by a commenter, "The person occupying the White House is the reason gas is so high." 
So I  write..."actually gas is high in Canada, in Europe, and Australia, and basically all over the world, and Joe Biden doesn't make that decision, he actually is trying to help by pausing the fed gas tax." 
Am I wrong to try and speak the truth?
....even tho I know it is futile to try to  talk sense of the people on the Right.  As long as they have FOX whispering in their ear, what good would it do?  They got God and Fox.  If that is not an oxymoron then I don't know what is!
They don't care about the environment, they don't care about gun laws, they don't care about animal rights, they don't care about Religious Oppression or believe in Separating Church and State, they care little about higher learning, and they care more about telling me how to manage my body than taking care of their own.  They want to dictate who I have sex with, then they want to dictate how I handle that relationship, can I marry that person or not, can I keep, or not, a fertilized egg inside me, can I use contraceptives if I want to, and which ones I will use...this IS about them controlling US...They want to decide my boyfriend, the type sex I have, it would not surprise me if they force women to undergo clitoridectomy to be sure women can not enjoy the act of copulation.

 I bet if we outlawed SMOKING they would PITCH a freaking fit! It's MY BODY I can do what I want, my lungs, my money being spent, my life....you can't control it???? What does their book have to say?   What does the Bible say about smoking?  Since smoking is an addiction, it certainly enslaves the smoker. The Bible states: "Whoever perpetrates a sin is a slave of that sin"  the underlying meaning is and will not inherit the kingdom of God. 
So  its in there.  As you know I don't care what is or is not in the Bible....but this is THEIR book of Morality.  The 10 commandments...they shalt not kill....

And then there is the mentally deranged who get no health care in this country because it's more important to sell guns than help individuals who are in need.  The thing is as I have pointed out mental health care in this country is dished out for the ones who can afford it or if its covered on insurance.  I recall the few times I had insurance policies, a separate rider had to be taken out for Mental Health...it was NOT covered. It takes one hour to buy a gun, try getting mental health in one hour!  Its cheaper to buy a gun!

The guy, 21 yo Robert Crimo, who killed people in the 4th of July Parade, Yesterday, according to the Deputy Police Chief news briefing he had been planning this for a weeks, he brought a ladder so he could get on the roof, (intent) he purchased the gun himself legally a while back...he tried to conceal his appearance, (intent) he borrowed his mothers car (intent)....he had a second rifle in that car,(intent) and other weapons were recovered from a home he was living in,  also purchased by him.  He had been posting violent Rap performances on line for over a year...he has been posting on a Forum Board called...Discord.  He had many Youtube videos of his raps and they were violent and suggestive of him performing violent acts against society...(intent) and using  Political Nihilism:  the position holding no political goals whatsoever, except for the complete destruction of all existing political institutions—along with the principles, values, and social institutions that uphold them. (Motive) 

When I read the live chat replay under the police briefing, some commenters said things like: This is a ploy to get people's  guns; they are saying things like "high powered rifle" it's a way of forcing gun control on everyone." 
YES Let us Please take the guns out of the hands of these deranged people!!  And then lets go back and take them out of the hands of the soon to be deranged people!! 

This is what we are UP against people!

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