Thursday, July 28, 2022

Be There Jan's gonna be wild

HEN YOU NAME the time and place for something to happen, it's part of the conspiracy...
They have shown that Trump intended to go to the Capitol with his lynch mob in tow...So what speech did he intend to give at the  steps of the Capitol?  More angry rhetoric.  HE is guilty, it is rubbing the ass of the GOP that got us where we are, so I say it's time to bite that more appeasing the Right, if they riot when charges are filed etc, that's why we have the National. Guard.  He showed intent, "I'm going with you,,," he said that.  HE also said, "Lets go take back our Country," that to me is a battle cry...pure n simple...That shows intention.  The man is a NUT pure n simple.  

They prosecute people who says such things on the internet let alone in front of an angry he is threatening all of US, he is basically saying "they" that means you and me...stole the we didn't but he wants his followers to to something about it, that is what terrorism is.   Our leaders have to work within the system we have set up.  We have already ironed out the type nation we want we had a War of Independence, and a Civil War this is the type Nation we want...if  he wants an Authoritarian Society he should move to another Russia!!

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