Friday, July 29, 2022

Hooked a Big Fishy Thing...


So before anyone goes slapping the atta' boy back of Joe Manchin lets explore what made  him change his mind on the Climate bill.  After some talks with Chuck Shumer he suddenly had a change of heart....and he even goes as far as to call the bill the "Inflation Reduction Bill" Like we really care about that...

See Manchin takes more money from the fossil fuel industry than any other Senator, he is bought and paid for by big Pollution.  So the catch 20 was that Manchin demanded more public lands be opened up to oil and gas explorations which Biden promised a NO on but did its in this bill...Also it opens up exploration for precious metals used in the manufacture of batteries, and even some yet to be discovered minerals...IF that sounds like a dig till die plan it sort of is..

SO THANKS to the JOE'S we get the wool pulled over over our eyes...and to them its business as usual.  Some parts of the bill may help some areas like Healthcare costs drug costs and such and yet the loss to the fossil Fuel is a biggie to me. 

And the GOP is too busy attacking the "Tax Hike" they dont bother to point out its Capital Gains Taxes, certainly wont affect the 99% of the Americans...who probably have NO capital Gains to report..its for the wealthier people who real estate stocks and such..
yet Mitch McConnell acted as if it was gonna cause the trailer park Trumpsters to go broke..
Speaking of which now Fox is cutting ties with Trump and they are throwing their weight behind DeSantis, FL Governor so we know by the company he keeps he can't be trusted...
And the GOP threw the Veterans under the bus on Health Care for vets affected by burn pits??? Holy Hell.
I hear the Gov of CA may oppose Biden in the 2024...Id go for him in the Primary for sure!

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