Sunday, July 17, 2022



Mentally Im better today but physically Im the same...I guess I have to bite the big bullet and go see an orthopedic for my hip/leg problem.  The chiropractor did not help.  He is not motivated to help me resolve my problem, the first visit I was hopeful the second visit nothing changed...and he just kept wanting me to come back and he was doing the same thing...So Anyways I felt that I want a different opinion on exactly what is Going on with my hip and leg. 

There is soooo many things that can go wrong...and I explained to him how the right side of my pelvis is titled back meaning my femoral head is too far forward...He said it's the SI joint which is partly to blame...but if that is not fixing the problem, then I want a diagnosis that can point me in the right direction...It could just be physical therapy...or it could be more than that.  So I want xrays and someone who is competent to read them...I think the person I was going to has been out of school too long, and he is not seriously trying to help me...and possibly the problem is out of his scope of ability. 

So I hope the guy who set my arms and did Mom's hip issues is still practicing...if so I want to see him.  I will try to call tomorrow and see what happens.  I do think the inflammation is gone, or nearly gone....but unable to walk without using a cane, and I can't raise my leg up...the pain is still happening, and it is pinching my femoral nerve...or irritating it. 

I have watched so many youtube videos showing various stretches to strengthen every muscle in that area...each one  irritated me into more I don't know which ones I should be doing and which ones I should not be doing! 

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