Saturday, October 16, 2021



Why did I have this idea of starting this blog with a W, it's very hard to keep coming up with a Dubbwa word that ties in with my thoughts. 
So the witch hazel does not work as well as just the alcohol.  The Vinegar works fairly well but it's fruity smelling and kinda sticky the alcohol evaporates fast and does not make my skin sticky.  Cortisol cream is very sticky and doesn't really work at that was a waste of money. 

I had  a couple of tough itchy episodes today, I know I keep bringing it up but trust me,,,,did you know the skin is the largest organ of the body? Yeah so it's a pretty big deal when it hurts! Especially day in and day out.  SCREAMMM..
IM so bored today...nothing I did satisfied my mind.  I think the itch has something to do with that.  I went to crazyville better known as Walmart...OMG how many times have I said I don't ever want to go back there?  Trouble is they have the most inventory right now...the smaller stores in town have even less.  So I did find some Gluten free bread, tortillas, and flour.  Im not in the mood to bake but it's going to be cooler so I hope that will be more of an option. 

It was bumper to bumper carts in there...I told this one guy I want one of those ray guns that sends people off to another planet, he said he wants one too and then I said OH and I want one for my car and he said DEF want one for his so we are all in each others' way...and some more so than others...who would pull up alongside another cart and just stop?? Please push it up so we can pass...omg. Thats like a car in the slow lane and a car right beside it in the fast lane going the same speed!

So got home it was warm outside! So I had to put the AC on... didn't want to do much outside filled up the bird feeders, then watered plants picked some young spinach enough for a meal and then inside.  But Im not hungry.  The Cowhorn Chili pepper is on the front deck...It needs to be outside in the sun a bit longer so these chili's can turn red.  I hope with it being right by the door squirrels won't bother it. 

It has several peppers and they are pretty big I look forward to trying them...I didn't realize they would be this big...
We are supposed to get rain maybe tomorrow...the wind has picked up a wee bit so I hope we do get some rain we had a whole week of clouds but it was only drizzle, we didn't get enough rain out of all those clouds. 
I wish I had something to look forward to tonight but I just don't. 

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