Thursday, February 4, 2021

Time well spent?

EDNESDAY already, 

I told my son just the other day, "I wish I could convey to you just how short our life time is."
There is no way to tell someone that they have to be able to compare it,,,but when I told him  his father was 2 yrs younger than he is when we met,,,His eyes opened up pretty dang wide. 

His father  has been  gone 28 months already.  Time just is not on our side, yet we spend so much of it doing what?  Living in fear, being in a bad relationship, addicted, lonely, poor, wearing an ego, with a fake personality, in the wrong job, the wrong town, the wrong time zone.  Some  in the wrong body, with the wrong sex with the wrong sex partner.  

Makes one the time we discover who and what we are it's too damn late.  I guess it's that learning process that is our life.  Just when we get it all figured, have that one or two light bulb moments and then out out swift candle. 

Anyways, what would I have been?  I can't say to be honest.  I did find something that I was very good at and made a decent living doing it for nearly 30 yrs so there is that.  Somethings   I'd rather have spent more years being single on the front end of my life.  By the time I realized marriage was so confining I was committed.  

So today I went birding early it's cold so I bundled up almost like the kid in A Christmas Story.  Thank goodness I didn't fall down probably couldnt have gotten 
Im home now but it's cold in here.  Ive gotten lazy and have not cut any wood for a while, so I pay by having cold feet.   

Lots of sparrow at the place where I went today, its a Wildlife Management Area, mostly kept  for hunters I think Im the only one who birds there...It's close by but it's hard getting around in there cause they plow the darn paths which means very uneven I was pretty worn out after 2 hrs of that.  

America's playing on the cd player.  So funny they all met and formed a band while in England with their American Army families. So that's why they called themselves America.  I loved them from day one. I did see them on stage, In 2000, I saw other big ticket bands, like the Eagles, John Denver, Tom Jones, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and a few more. 
Here's a photo of me meeting John Denver backstage in Lincoln Neb, in 1982. I can't recall what I was asking him. I think I would have enjoyed being a groupie running around in a VW van with flowers in my hair,   

Also met him backstage in Philadelphia in 1990's and mom was with me so she met him also we didn't get any photos of that one.  I met him about 5 times in all,  My sister worked at his Windstar foundation as a cook for 2 yrs...

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