Believe the weather man. That was me today I saw the clearing happening, so I took off about 11 it was supposed to be clear by 2 pm...so I took it to be the honest truth. BUT the wind blew the rain sideways, the windchill was pretty darn keen. I tried to scope out the grounds of the sod farm looking for shorebirds that are attracted to this type environment. I saw Killdeer and some smaller peeps but too far out even for the scope to show me what they were. My hands froze.
I thought of going up to the main office and ask to drive the roads but I could tell it was very muddy from the past 2 days of rain...so I didn't want to get stuck...I had some shopping to get done so did that also....and now Im back home just read a favorite blog I enjoy, the girls ate first now I have rice boiling Im making Fajitas, had 2 big green peppers so that is going to be good seasoned with ground cummin. I have some salsa to toss in there also...
Im back to vegan from vegetarian for a couple years, and I'm happy about it. I was eating cheese and free range eggs but it made me feel like a complete hypocrite...I got some veggie cheese but it's horrible..no taste...the texture is right but the taste is Zero. I enjoy veggie sausage, and veggie burgers, and use the veggie crumbles for tacos but the cheese has never been tasty...so I guess I will just let that notion go altogether. Wondering what I could season this cheese with to make more tasty? The shredded veggie Mozzarella is pretty good..,but the cheddar slices suck
I got the girls some sardines...YUK they loved it I hated it...totally smelled like something dead because it is. I'd love to put them on a veggie diet but I don't know if that is a good idea or not. There is a veggie dog food company its so very expensive, no way my budget can make that happen, they love peas and carrots, and sweet potato and pnuts,
Anyway nothing heavy on the docket today for me, it did finally stop blowing rain when I got home but it's still as cold as can be.. tonight 27 F that -5C.
So six more weeks of Winter.
Covid cases are dropping but deaths are still happening, from the ones in the hospital...and the mutants of the virus are on the rise. Do the neocons' care? NO they still don't want to wear a mask, they want to rub their germs all over you if they can BUT those same Jerks in
Our State are once again trying to stop Abortion as being legal. I think this is a waste of time and money as this should be a choice of anyone faced with that decision. That's like me deciding if someone should have a bad kidney removed, its not UP TO ME, a Human Life will vanish if that bad kidney is not removed but thats not up to me.
The Conservative hypocrites who won't wear a mask, and want to carry a gun to shoot anyone down, want to tell you that a fertilized egg is a HUMAN, that they cherish? It is not, its all about them controlling women. When they make the same law to prevent men from walking out on those unwanted children then we may have a chat but really???
They want the right to own murder weapons, but they don't want others to have that right?
They want the right to own murder weapons, but they don't want others to have that right?
Self protection could be explained as "not wishing to go thru the pain and possible death sentence that could come with child birth."
Do you know how many neocon rednecks are dead beat dads? And when men are forced to take that child at BIRTH and raise it to adulthood, then we can chat about it...but no nothing like that is being put in the law. There is no balance in that. NOT everyone is a religious fanatic and that is the root of this, or so they say. I bet I could quote the bible quicker than most of those in our State congress who are making these insane laws...that have nothing to do with them.
Jesus did not express any special concern for unborn children during the anticipated end times: "Woe to pregnant women and those who are nursing" (Matthew 24:19). Seems if the embryo is what neocons say it is would'nt it come with more protections according to God?
So that's my argument on that front.
At least the day after pill is still legal as far as I know. They want to dictate to people how to live their personal life, and they want to force their politics down our throats and up our vaginas. As I have said before how does IT affect them? They will still go to "heaven" omg. OH but if it's rape or incest that's not a decent fertilized egg its "fowl" so those ones can be scrapped out. OMG like I said its all about control of Women not about an invitro being.
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